Кіт Мерілл
Kieth Merrill
Дата народження: 22 травня 1940 (84 роки)
Знак зодіаку: Близнята
Місце народження: Farmington, Utah, USA
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 17
Ролі: режисер ★ 5.5 (14), сценарист ★ 5.5 (9), продюсер (8), кінематографіст (1), актор (1)
Найближче майбутнє. Еббі Діксон працює інженером у компанії, яка побудувала та керує атомними станціями по всьому світу. Коли на одній із них відбувається відключення комунікацій, дівчині доводиться виправляти ситуацію. У процесі її чекає багато цікавих відкриттів щодо двох її колег, які працюють на цій станції.Атоміка (2017)
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Найближче майбутнє. Еббі Діксон працює інженером у компанії, яка побудувала та керує атомними станціями по всьому світу. Коли на одній із них відбувається відключення комунікацій, дівчині доводиться виправляти ситуацію. У процесі її чекає багато цікавих відкриттів щодо двох її колег, які працюють на цій станції.Сюжет (англ.)
It is rare that science, history and scripture align with each other, yet the last three series of Four Blood Moons have done exactly that. Are these the "signs" that God refers to in the Bible? If they are, what do they mean? Wha...Four Blood Moons (2015)
Four Blood Moons
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It is rare that science, history and scripture align with each other, yet the last three series of Four Blood Moons have done exactly that. Are these the "signs" that God refers to in the Bible? If they are, what do they mean? Wha...Сюжет
Собаки Довервіля знову в біді і Емілі О'Коннер через 6 років повернулася, щоб врятувати їх. Місцевий магнат Фінніс Джеймс задумав закрити притулок цуценят і, якщо Емілі не знайдете гроші, то притулок закриють. За допомогою друзів Емілі організовує благодійний вечір, щоб дістати гроші на порятунок притулку. Їй допомагає нова знайома Зої - колишня актриса, а тепер провісниця, яка містичним чином вгадує майбутні події. У підсумку все добре, по можливості, закінчиться.12 Різдвяних собак: Чудесний порятунок (2012)
12 Dogs of Christmas: Great Puppy Rescue
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Собаки Довервіля знову в біді і Емілі О'Коннер через 6 років повернулася, щоб врятувати їх. Місцевий магнат Фінніс Джеймс задумав закрити притулок цуценят і, якщо Емілі не знайдете гроші, то притулок закриють. За допомогою друзів Емілі організовує благодійний вечір, щоб дістати гроші на порятунок притулку. Їй допомагає нова знайома Зої - колишня актриса, а тепер провісниця, яка містичним чином вгадує майбутні події. У підсумку все добре, по можливості, закінчиться.Сюжет (англ.)
Tommy, a gifted teenage composer, dreams of being accepted into the famous Sydney Conservatorium of Music. Unfortunately, a good band is hard to find in the middle of Outback Australia - until a strange incident involving flying watermelons leads him to a group of talented prison inmates.Broken Hill (2009)
Broken Hill
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Tommy, a gifted teenage composer, dreams of being accepted into the famous Sydney Conservatorium of Music. Unfortunately, a good band is hard to find in the middle of Outback Australia - until a strange incident involving flying watermelons leads him to a group of talented prison inmates.Сюжет (англ.)
This holiday tale has all the elements of a classic heartwarmer--cuddly dogs, small town spirit, and even a full-fledged Christmas pageant. Set during the meager years of the Great Depression, 12 DOGS OF CHRISTMAS follows the story of Emma, a 12-year-old who is sent to live in Doverville, a rural town, with her aunt. The town has, like the rest of the nation, fallen on lean times and seem to have lost all interest in celebrating. However, Emma manages to enlist the town's dogs into a colorful holiday pageant that reminds the inhabitants that even the Great Depression cannot ruin the spirit of Christmas.The 12 Dogs of Christmas (2005)
The 12 Dogs of Christmas
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This holiday tale has all the elements of a classic heartwarmer--cuddly dogs, small town spirit, and even a full-fledged Christmas pageant. Set during the meager years of the Great Depression, 12 DOGS OF CHRISTMAS follows the story of Emma, a 12-year-old who is sent to live in Doverville, a rural town, with her aunt. The town has, like the rest of the nation, fallen on lean times and seem to have lost all interest in celebrating. However, Emma manages to enlist the town's dogs into a colorful holiday pageant that reminds the inhabitants that even the Great Depression cannot ruin the spirit of Christmas.Сюжет (англ.)
Although in America, Helam witnesses the star heralding the birth of Christ, and 33 years later he faithfully awaits the promised coming of The Messiah despite persecution for this belief. Helam's son, Jacob, is interested more in the ways of the world, including the lovely Laneah, and when his abilities as an artisan bring an offer to work for the wealthy and powerful Kohor, he jumps at the chance and is estranged from his father's house. Kohor is plotting to destabilize the existing government and become the absolute ruler. In contrast, Amaron, a holy man, preaches to people of Christ, whose ministry and miracles are concurrently taking place across the seas in The Holy Land. As Jacob becomes more immersed in the secular life of Kohor's house, Laneah becomes more interested in the humble faith he is forsaking. Her conversion to Christ, and the death of Amaron at the hand of Kohor's men, brings Jacob to his senses, but he knows of Kohor's plans and is imprisoned when he refuses to join the conspiracy. In Jerusalem, Jesus is crucified and the far away city of Zarahemla is plunged into darkness and destruction as Helam pushes through the crowds and ruins to help his son. All seems hopeless when he is blinded, has not found Jacob, and thinks his quest to see The Messiah has failed.The Testaments: Of One Fold and One Shepherd (2000)
The Testaments: Of One Fold and One Shepherd
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Although in America, Helam witnesses the star heralding the birth of Christ, and 33 years later he faithfully awaits the promised coming of The Messiah despite persecution for this belief. Helam's son, Jacob, is interested more in the ways of the world, including the lovely Laneah, and when his abilities as an artisan bring an offer to work for the wealthy and powerful Kohor, he jumps at the chance and is estranged from his father's house. Kohor is plotting to destabilize the existing government and become the absolute ruler. In contrast, Amaron, a holy man, preaches to people of Christ, whose ministry and miracles are concurrently taking place across the seas in The Holy Land. As Jacob becomes more immersed in the secular life of Kohor's house, Laneah becomes more interested in the humble faith he is forsaking. Her conversion to Christ, and the death of Amaron at the hand of Kohor's men, brings Jacob to his senses, but he knows of Kohor's plans and is imprisoned when he refuses to join the conspiracy. In Jerusalem, Jesus is crucified and the far away city of Zarahemla is plunged into darkness and destruction as Helam pushes through the crowds and ruins to help his son. All seems hopeless when he is blinded, has not found Jacob, and thinks his quest to see The Messiah has failed.Сюжет (англ.)
Both Indian shaman Julio Mamani and ethnobotanist Dr. Mark Plotkin seek medicinal plants in the basin of the Amazon River.Сюжет (англ.)
The story of the Mormon pioneers from the 1830's to the 1890's. The movie follows the experiences of Eliza Williams from New York to Missouri to Illinois to Utah. Eliza endures sickness, storms, and mobs because she has a testimony of her new religion.Legacy (1990)
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The story of the Mormon pioneers from the 1830's to the 1890's. The movie follows the experiences of Eliza Williams from New York to Missouri to Illinois to Utah. Eliza endures sickness, storms, and mobs because she has a testimony of her new religion.Сюжет (англ.)
After the death of his father, Adam moves (with his family) from their sheep farm in Wyoming to Los Angeles. Soon after arriving, Adam gets mixed up with Clyde, a mannerless bully who ...Сюжет (англ.)
After his aunt dies of a heart attack while fighting the IRS, Harry Johnson decides to take up the cause.Harry's War (1981)
Harry's War
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After his aunt dies of a heart attack while fighting the IRS, Harry Johnson decides to take up the cause.Сюжет (англ.)
Willy Krueger, a lonely and aging widower, lives in a basement apartment with only his cat George for company. Finishing his work for the day as the custodian for the building, he ventures out on Christmas Eve to buy a tree and on the way, he imagines he is a well-dressed gentleman while peering at some fine tailoring in a shop window along the snowy street. Returning home, he falls asleep listening to an LP by The Mormon Tabernacle Choir, dreaming that he is conducting them in carols of the season. Awakening to find some carollers outside his window, he beckons them to visit him offering hot chocolate, but they leave after only one song. In trimming the tree, he places upon it the mittens left behind by Clarissa, the youngest of the carolling group. Handling figures of the small nativity beneath his tree, Willy finds himself in the manger for the very first Christmas. He also finds the true reason to celebrate as he prayerfully thanks the infant Jesus for being his closest, finest friend who was with him during the first few hours after losing his wife Martha and at other difficult times. Returning for the mittens, the carollers determine that they really need a bass voice to fill-out their singing before finishing the evening with a turkey dinner.Mr. Krueger's Christmas (1980)
Mr. Krueger's Christmas
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Willy Krueger, a lonely and aging widower, lives in a basement apartment with only his cat George for company. Finishing his work for the day as the custodian for the building, he ventures out on Christmas Eve to buy a tree and on the way, he imagines he is a well-dressed gentleman while peering at some fine tailoring in a shop window along the snowy street. Returning home, he falls asleep listening to an LP by The Mormon Tabernacle Choir, dreaming that he is conducting them in carols of the season. Awakening to find some carollers outside his window, he beckons them to visit him offering hot chocolate, but they leave after only one song. In trimming the tree, he places upon it the mittens left behind by Clarissa, the youngest of the carolling group. Handling figures of the small nativity beneath his tree, Willy finds himself in the manger for the very first Christmas. He also finds the true reason to celebrate as he prayerfully thanks the infant Jesus for being his closest, finest friend who was with him during the first few hours after losing his wife Martha and at other difficult times. Returning for the mittens, the carollers determine that they really need a bass voice to fill-out their singing before finishing the evening with a turkey dinner.Сюжет (англ.)
An ancient Indian warrior who has reached the end of his life is brought back from his 'death' to save his family from a raiding party of enemy Indians in this unique story of 'Indians without a single cowboy.'Windwalker (1980)
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An ancient Indian warrior who has reached the end of his life is brought back from his 'death' to save his family from a raiding party of enemy Indians in this unique story of 'Indians without a single cowboy.'Сюжет (англ.)
An unqualified teacher finds himself saddled with coaching duties after a small group of high school seniors form a wrestling team in a last ditch effort to end a 9-year losing streak against a rival school.Take Down (1979)
Take Down
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An unqualified teacher finds himself saddled with coaching duties after a small group of high school seniors form a wrestling team in a last ditch effort to end a 9-year losing streak against a rival school.Сюжет (англ.)
Young troublemaker Michael learns about his native American roots from his grandfather who lives at a reservation. The boy starts to bond with a horse his grandfather buys him, whom he ...Three Warriors (1977)
Three Warriors
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Young troublemaker Michael learns about his native American roots from his grandfather who lives at a reservation. The boy starts to bond with a horse his grandfather buys him, whom he ...Сюжет (англ.)
A documentary about the rivalry between veteran Larry Mahan and newcomer Phil Lyne, as the two vie for the National Finals Rodeo Championship title.The Great American Cowboy (1974)
The Great American Cowboy
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A documentary about the rivalry between veteran Larry Mahan and newcomer Phil Lyne, as the two vie for the National Finals Rodeo Championship title.Сюжет (англ.)
A Disney-produced anthology covering many different genres.Діснейленд (1954—1990)
Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color
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A Disney-produced anthology covering many different genres.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати