Жозефін Борнебуш
Josephine Bornebusch
Дата народження: 12 вересня 1981 (43 роки)
Знак зодіаку: Діва
Місце народження: Стокгольм, Стокгольм, Швеція
Зріст: 177 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 38
Ролі: актриса (35), сценаристка ★ 7 (7), режисерка ★ 7.49 (7), продюсерка (5), ідея (3)
Стомлена мати робить останню спробу зберегти сімʼю за допомогою спільної поїздки до місця проведення танцювальних змагань, у яких бере участь її донька.Сюжет
Один прояв доброти до нещасної жінки з боку коміка-невдахи розпалює несамовиту одержимість, яка загрожує знищити їх обох.Оленя (2024)
Baby Reindeer
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Один прояв доброти до нещасної жінки з боку коміка-невдахи розпалює несамовиту одержимість, яка загрожує знищити їх обох.Сюжет
Дружні сестри Ґарві завжди одна про одну дбали. Коли помирає їхній зять, страховики його життя починають росзлідування, щоб довести лихий умисел. У поле їхнього зору потрапляють сестри, в кожної з яких було достатньо підстав і мотивів його вбити.Заради сестри (2022)
Bad Sisters
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Дружні сестри Ґарві завжди одна про одну дбали. Коли помирає їхній зять, страховики його життя починають росзлідування, щоб довести лихий умисел. У поле їхнього зору потрапляють сестри, в кожної з яких було достатньо підстав і мотивів його вбити.Сюжет (англ.)
Sixteen years ago, Harry and Monica were living a glitzy life playing big arenas with their band, Harmonica. Now their marriage is in crisis, and when a nostalgia tour is offered, Monica gives Harry an ultimatum. Tour, or divorce.Harmonica (2022)
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Sixteen years ago, Harry and Monica were living a glitzy life playing big arenas with their band, Harmonica. Now their marriage is in crisis, and when a nostalgia tour is offered, Monica gives Harry an ultimatum. Tour, or divorce.Сюжет
Серіал розповідає про трьох членів сім’ї, які переживають сучасне кохання в різні періоди свого життя. Метісони мають зробити важкий вибір після раптової події, яка назавжди змінила їхнє життя.Люби мене (2021—)
Love Me
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Серіал розповідає про трьох членів сім’ї, які переживають сучасне кохання в різні періоди свого життя. Метісони мають зробити важкий вибір після раптової події, яка назавжди змінила їхнє життя.Сюжет (англ.)
Talk show with the journalist and author Carina Bergfeldt. Guests with exciting stories are interviewed by the TV profile that the audience has come to know as SVT's USA correspondent.Carina Bergfeldt (2021)
Carina Bergfeldt
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Talk show with the journalist and author Carina Bergfeldt. Guests with exciting stories are interviewed by the TV profile that the audience has come to know as SVT's USA correspondent.Сюжет (англ.)
Friendship, grief and romance intersect with love in the lives of three generations of people living in Stockholm.JerryMaja's Detective Agency - The First Mystery (2018)
JerryMaja's Detective Agency - The First Mystery
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In this movie adaptation of the TV-Show by the same name, we join the three couples in a comedy about divorces, love, child longing, weird parents and unwritten bathing rules in Torekov.Sunny Side (2017)
Sunny Side
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In this movie adaptation of the TV-Show by the same name, we join the three couples in a comedy about divorces, love, child longing, weird parents and unwritten bathing rules in Torekov.Сюжет (англ.)
A Finnish man has dreamed of becoming a Swede since childhood.Raspberry Boat Refugee (2014)
Raspberry Boat Refugee
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A Finnish man has dreamed of becoming a Swede since childhood.Сюжет (англ.)
New York accountant Bruce moves to Sweden after falling in love with a Swedish girl.Welcome to Sweden (2014—2015)
Welcome to Sweden
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New York accountant Bruce moves to Sweden after falling in love with a Swedish girl.Сюжет (англ.)
Her parents dead, Tuva discovers that she is adopted, and she and her daughter begin trying to find their hidden roots. This leads back to the small town where she grew up, but it seems people are desperately trying to hide something...Crestfallen (2013)
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Her parents dead, Tuva discovers that she is adopted, and she and her daughter begin trying to find their hidden roots. This leads back to the small town where she grew up, but it seems people are desperately trying to hide something...Сюжет
Агнес — шеф-кухар, і вона обожнює готувати. У неї хороша робота, люблячий хлопець та кращий друг, який не кине в бідах. Але в один і той же день її звільняють з роботи, а хлопець — кидає. Тому їй зовсім нічого втрачати, коли приятель пропонує їй стати співвласником власного ресторану. А ще вона закохується в чоловіка, який навіть не підозрює, хто вона насправді…Любов і лимони (2013)
Love and Lemons
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Агнес — шеф-кухар, і вона обожнює готувати. У неї хороша робота, люблячий хлопець та кращий друг, який не кине в бідах. Але в один і той же день її звільняють з роботи, а хлопець — кидає. Тому їй зовсім нічого втрачати, коли приятель пропонує їй стати співвласником власного ресторану. А ще вона закохується в чоловіка, який навіть не підозрює, хто вона насправді…Сюжет (англ.)
Show will focus on home improvements, crafts, parenting tips, and lifestyle, health and fitness enhancements.Home & Family (2012—2020)
Home & Family
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Show will focus on home improvements, crafts, parenting tips, and lifestyle, health and fitness enhancements.Сюжет (англ.)
It is Midsummer's Eve and ten people are on a deserted castle for a TV recording. The next morning the program leader is shot dead. Kvällspressens Annika Bengtzon a mandate to monitor the murder, but she soon learns that her best friend Anne Snapphanevägen is one of the ten suspects. When the police released all one after another - all except Anne - it becomes personal for Bengtzon who will do anything to exonerate her friend.Annika Bengtzon: Crime Reporter - Prime Time (2012)
Annika Bengtzon: Crime Reporter - Prime Time
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It is Midsummer's Eve and ten people are on a deserted castle for a TV recording. The next morning the program leader is shot dead. Kvällspressens Annika Bengtzon a mandate to monitor the murder, but she soon learns that her best friend Anne Snapphanevägen is one of the ten suspects. When the police released all one after another - all except Anne - it becomes personal for Bengtzon who will do anything to exonerate her friend.Сюжет (англ.)
After years on the dole due to psychiatric problems in previous job, Tor Varhaug find him self suitable for a job confronting others in his previous life situation. Bad memories seems to haunt him in the form of former working associates.NAV (2012)
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After years on the dole due to psychiatric problems in previous job, Tor Varhaug find him self suitable for a job confronting others in his previous life situation. Bad memories seems to haunt him in the form of former working associates.Сюжет (англ.)
A late night comedy talk show from Norway where you will find three comedians asking celebrities from Norway and some places. It has variety,Entertainment and music videos. It's shows only in Norway.I kveld med YLVIS (2011—2014)
I kveld med YLVIS
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A late night comedy talk show from Norway where you will find three comedians asking celebrities from Norway and some places. It has variety,Entertainment and music videos. It's shows only in Norway.Сюжет (англ.)
Live news show with Filip and Fredrik.Breaking News med Filip och Fredrik (2011—2017)
Breaking News med Filip och Fredrik
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Live news show with Filip and Fredrik.Hellenius Hörna (2010—)
Hellenius Hörna
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The lives of two very different families in the posh neighborhood of Solsidan in Sweden.Сюжет (англ.)
Single mother Lotta and her younger sister Sanna are both successful in their different jobs, and are living very different lives, but are attracted to men who are their opposites.So Different (2009)
So Different
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Single mother Lotta and her younger sister Sanna are both successful in their different jobs, and are living very different lives, but are attracted to men who are their opposites.Сюжет (англ.)
The comic Måns Möller offers circus and sketches.Cirkus Möller (2009)
Cirkus Möller
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The comic Måns Möller offers circus and sketches.Сюжет (англ.)
A mockumentary about the actor Linus Wahlgren, the youngest member of the Swedish celebrity family Wahlgren. Linus reputation in Sweden is a little like Paris Hiltons, but without the money. A well acclaimed TV-reporter, Görhan He...Scenes from a Celebrity Life (2009)
Scenes from a Celebrity Life
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A mockumentary about the actor Linus Wahlgren, the youngest member of the Swedish celebrity family Wahlgren. Linus reputation in Sweden is a little like Paris Hiltons, but without the money. A well acclaimed TV-reporter, Görhan He...Сюжет (англ.)
Kenny Starfighter is probably the most hopeless student the Hero academics of the galaxy has ever had. But in his desperate attempt in graduating he accidentally crashes on earth and discovers Pontus, an earthling who accidentally stumbled upon an intergalactic crystal which gave him inhuman strength. Now Kenny must save Pontus from Rutger Oversmart who wants the powers from the crystal for himself and Pontus must save Kennys faith from failing school and ending up as a hairdresser.Kenny Begins (2009)
Kenny Begins
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Kenny Starfighter is probably the most hopeless student the Hero academics of the galaxy has ever had. But in his desperate attempt in graduating he accidentally crashes on earth and discovers Pontus, an earthling who accidentally stumbled upon an intergalactic crystal which gave him inhuman strength. Now Kenny must save Pontus from Rutger Oversmart who wants the powers from the crystal for himself and Pontus must save Kennys faith from failing school and ending up as a hairdresser.Сюжет (англ.)
Fredrik Skavlan interviews some of the world's biggest thinkers, politicians, scientists and stars.Сюжет (англ.)
Markus Haglund (Mikael Persbrandt) is a criminal law professor fond of liquors, promiscuous relationships and disobeying superiors. At Uppsala University near Stockholm, he establishes a class of 4 law students, Anna Sjöstedt (HelenaInnocently Convicted (2008—2009)
Innocently Convicted
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Markus Haglund (Mikael Persbrandt) is a criminal law professor fond of liquors, promiscuous relationships and disobeying superiors. At Uppsala University near Stockholm, he establishes a class of 4 law students, Anna Sjöstedt (HelenaСюжет (англ.)
German police inspector Robert Anders a family man who lives with his Swedish wife and investigates murder cases located in the spectacular landscapes of Swedish island of Gotland , it is ...The Inspector and the Sea (2007—2021)
The Inspector and the Sea
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German police inspector Robert Anders a family man who lives with his Swedish wife and investigates murder cases located in the spectacular landscapes of Swedish island of Gotland , it is ...Сюжет (англ.)
Police investigator Irene Huss lives in Gothenburg, Sweden, and tries to balance between murder investigations and family life.Detective Inspector Irene Huss (2007—2011)
Detective Inspector Irene Huss
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Police investigator Irene Huss lives in Gothenburg, Sweden, and tries to balance between murder investigations and family life.Сюжет (англ.)
Site manager Tommy manages the business of the tour operator Shines offices in Gran Canaria as he wants and without interference , until Marten from headquarters will be sent there to learn the business from the ground up .Playa del Sol (2007—)
Playa del Sol
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Site manager Tommy manages the business of the tour operator Shines offices in Gran Canaria as he wants and without interference , until Marten from headquarters will be sent there to learn the business from the ground up .Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати