Джон Леннон
John Lennon
Дата народження: 9 жовтня 1940
Знак зодіаку: Терези
Дата смерті: 8 грудня 1980 (40 років)
Місце народження: Ліверпуль, Ланкашир, Англія, Великобританія
Зріст: 179 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 126
Ролі: актор (119), сценарист ★ 6.18 (12), режисер ★ 6 (12), продюсер (12), композитор (3)
У серпні 1969 р. послідовники Чарльза Менсона вбили за його наказом сім людей. Чому? Дізнайтеся про контроль над розумом, експерименти ЦРУ й вбивства.Хаос: Убивства Менсонів (2025)
Chaos: The Manson Murders
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У серпні 1969 р. послідовники Чарльза Менсона вбили за його наказом сім людей. Чому? Дізнайтеся про контроль над розумом, експерименти ЦРУ й вбивства.Сюжет (англ.)
In the early 1960s, Ringo Starr, well known for his easygoing personality, became a legend as a member of The Beatles. Starr, primarily a drummer, also sang and occasionally wrote songs for the group, including "With a Little Help...Ringo Starr: One of Them (2022)
Ringo Starr: One of Them
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In the early 1960s, Ringo Starr, well known for his easygoing personality, became a legend as a member of The Beatles. Starr, primarily a drummer, also sang and occasionally wrote songs for the group, including "With a Little Help...Сюжет (англ.)
Interviews with George Carlin's family and friends, material from his stand-up specials and footage from his personal archive.George Carlin's American Dream (2022)
George Carlin's American Dream
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Interviews with George Carlin's family and friends, material from his stand-up specials and footage from his personal archive.Сюжет (англ.)
For the first time in its entirety - The Beatles' last live performance as a group, the unforgettable rooftop concert on London's Savile Row.The Beatles: Get Back - The Rooftop Concert (2022)
The Beatles: Get Back - The Rooftop Concert
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For the first time in its entirety - The Beatles' last live performance as a group, the unforgettable rooftop concert on London's Savile Row.Сюжет
Розповідь про атмосферу, що панувала на студії під час запису знаменитого альбому «Let It Be» і про запис останнього живого концерту групи, який відбувся на даху будинку номер 3 по лондонській вулиці Севіл Роу 30 січня 1969 року.The Beatles: Повернись (2021)
The Beatles: Get Back
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Розповідь про атмосферу, що панувала на студії під час запису знаменитого альбому «Let It Be» і про запис останнього живого концерту групи, який відбувся на даху будинку номер 3 по лондонській вулиці Севіл Роу 30 січня 1969 року.Сюжет (англ.)
A unique historical chronicle of the enduring love affair between The Beatles and India that started more than half a century ago. Rare archival footage, photographs and eye-witness accounts, along with location shoots across India,The Beatles and India (2021)
The Beatles and India
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A unique historical chronicle of the enduring love affair between The Beatles and India that started more than half a century ago. Rare archival footage, photographs and eye-witness accounts, along with location shoots across India,Сюжет (англ.)
You can have rhythm without music but you can't have music without rhythm.Count Me In (2021)
Count Me In
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You can have rhythm without music but you can't have music without rhythm.Сюжет (англ.)
An in-depth look into the life and work of musician Frank Zappa.Сюжет (англ.)
An exploration of the history of the Bee Gees, featuring revealing interviews with oldest brother Barry Gibb, and archival interviews with the late twin brothers Robin and Maurice.The Bee Gees: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart (2020)
The Bee Gees: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart
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An exploration of the history of the Bee Gees, featuring revealing interviews with oldest brother Barry Gibb, and archival interviews with the late twin brothers Robin and Maurice.Сюжет (англ.)
Director Paul Saltzman returns to India as he reminiscences his time with the Beatles while they were on a spiritual retreat under the mentorship of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in 1968.Meeting the Beatles in India (2020)
Meeting the Beatles in India
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Director Paul Saltzman returns to India as he reminiscences his time with the Beatles while they were on a spiritual retreat under the mentorship of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in 1968.Сюжет (англ.)
Documentary film that focuses on the period beginning with the birth of Motown in Detroit in 1958 until its relocation to Los Angeles in the early 1970s.Hitsville: The Making of Motown (2019)
Hitsville: The Making of Motown
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Documentary film that focuses on the period beginning with the birth of Motown in Detroit in 1958 until its relocation to Los Angeles in the early 1970s.Сюжет (англ.)
Ex-singer of the group The Animals and figurehead of English rock, Eric Burdon talks about his greatest successes, his empty periods and his political commitments.Eric Burdon, Rock' n' Roll Animal (2020)
Eric Burdon, Rock' n' Roll Animal
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Ex-singer of the group The Animals and figurehead of English rock, Eric Burdon talks about his greatest successes, his empty periods and his political commitments.Сюжет
У цьому документальному серіалі архівні кадри й інтерв'ю зі знаменитостями покажуть під новим кутом життя, пристрасті й трагедію культового музиканта Елвіса Преслі.Елвіс Преслі: Дослідник (2018)
Elvis Presley: The Searcher
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У цьому документальному серіалі архівні кадри й інтерв'ю зі знаменитостями покажуть під новим кутом життя, пристрасті й трагедію культового музиканта Елвіса Преслі.Сюжет (англ.)
The incredible story of how The Beatles emerged from post-war Liverpool and turned music on its head with their changes from skiffle to rock 'n' roll and the creation of the Mersey Beat sound.The Beatles: Made on Merseyside (2018)
The Beatles: Made on Merseyside
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The incredible story of how The Beatles emerged from post-war Liverpool and turned music on its head with their changes from skiffle to rock 'n' roll and the creation of the Mersey Beat sound.Сюжет (англ.)
An examination of the lives and deaths of the six most famous members of the '27 Club' - musicians who have died aged 27: Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse.27: Gone Too Soon (2018)
27: Gone Too Soon
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An examination of the lives and deaths of the six most famous members of the '27 Club' - musicians who have died aged 27: Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse.Сюжет (англ.)
The fascinating story of the cultural, social, spiritual and musical revolution ignited by the coming of the Beatles. Tracing the impact that these four band members had, first in their ...How the Beatles Changed the World (2017)
How the Beatles Changed the World
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The fascinating story of the cultural, social, spiritual and musical revolution ignited by the coming of the Beatles. Tracing the impact that these four band members had, first in their ...The seven ages of Elvis (2017)
The seven ages of Elvis
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A documentation of the influences that went on to help create the seminal album, Sgt Pepper's lonely hearts club band.It Was Fifty Years Ago Today! The Beatles: Sgt. Pepper & Beyond (2017)
It Was Fifty Years Ago Today! The Beatles: Sgt. Pepper & Beyond
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A documentation of the influences that went on to help create the seminal album, Sgt Pepper's lonely hearts club band.Сюжет
Відеоматеріали про 250 концертів групиThe Beatles в період з 1963 по 1966 роки.The Beatles: Вісім днів на тиждень - Тур року (2016)
The Beatles: Eight Days a Week - The Touring Years
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Відеоматеріали про 250 концертів групиThe Beatles в період з 1963 по 1966 роки.Сюжет (англ.)
Combining footage from interviews with the late great David Bowie and contributions from those who knew him personally, this documentary celebrates the illustrious life of one of the greatest artists to ever grace the stage.Bowie: The Man Who Changed the World (2016)
Bowie: The Man Who Changed the World
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Combining footage from interviews with the late great David Bowie and contributions from those who knew him personally, this documentary celebrates the illustrious life of one of the greatest artists to ever grace the stage.Сюжет
Хто в наш час не чув про Стіва Джобса? Піонер ери IT-технологій, один із засновників, голова ради директорів і головний виконавчий директор корпорації Apple, один із засновників і головний виконавчий директор всесвітньо відомої кіностудії Pixar. Але як великі люди приходять до свого успіху? Які жертви їм доводиться приносити, і скільки людей відштовхнути? На вершині слави люди здатні втрачати голову і робити необачні вчинки. У Джобса теж були кризи в житті, і не тільки пов'язані з роботою. У нього були складні стосунки з жінками, і, незважаючи на те, що Стіва вважали романтиком, деколи він бував ощадливий, грубий і навіть жорстокий.Стів Джобс (2015)
Steve Jobs
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Хто в наш час не чув про Стіва Джобса? Піонер ери IT-технологій, один із засновників, голова ради директорів і головний виконавчий директор корпорації Apple, один із засновників і головний виконавчий директор всесвітньо відомої кіностудії Pixar. Але як великі люди приходять до свого успіху? Які жертви їм доводиться приносити, і скільки людей відштовхнути? На вершині слави люди здатні втрачати голову і робити необачні вчинки. У Джобса теж були кризи в житті, і не тільки пов'язані з роботою. У нього були складні стосунки з жінками, і, незважаючи на те, що Стіва вважали романтиком, деколи він бував ощадливий, грубий і навіть жорстокий.Сюжет
У розпал Холодної війни увага всієї планети прикута до «сутички століття» - матчу за звання чемпіона світу з шахів у Рейк'явіку. Бій між абсолютним чемпіоном Борисом Спаським і по-справжньому одержимим грою Боббі Фішером перетворюється на боротьбу за інтелектуальну перевагу двох наддержав. Права на програш немає. Навколо поєдинку вибухає світовий скандал. Спаському доводиться справлятися з безпрецедентним тиском. Геніальний розум Фішера, знервований параноєю, починає охоплювати безумство.Жертвуючи пішаком (2015)
Pawn Sacrifice
16+Читати опис
У розпал Холодної війни увага всієї планети прикута до «сутички століття» - матчу за звання чемпіона світу з шахів у Рейк'явіку. Бій між абсолютним чемпіоном Борисом Спаським і по-справжньому одержимим грою Боббі Фішером перетворюється на боротьбу за інтелектуальну перевагу двох наддержав. Права на програш немає. Навколо поєдинку вибухає світовий скандал. Спаському доводиться справлятися з безпрецедентним тиском. Геніальний розум Фішера, знервований параноєю, починає охоплювати безумство.Сюжет (англ.)
Musician Cat Power narrates this documentary on Janis Joplin's evolution into a star from letters that Joplin wrote over the years to her friends, family, and collaborators.Janis: Little Girl Blue (2015)
Janis: Little Girl Blue
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Musician Cat Power narrates this documentary on Janis Joplin's evolution into a star from letters that Joplin wrote over the years to her friends, family, and collaborators.Сюжет (англ.)
A look at the history of the American comedy publication and production company, National Lampoon, from its beginning in the 1970s to 2010, featuring rare and never before seen footage, this is the mind boggling story of The National Lampoon from its subversive and electrifying beginnings, to rebirth as an unlikely Hollywood heavyweight, and beyond. A humour empire like no other, the impact of the magazines irreverent, often shocking, sensibility was nothing short of seismic: this is an institution whose (drunk stoned brilliant) alumni left their fingerprints all over popular culture. Both insanely great and breathtakingly innovative, The National Lampoon created the foundation of modern comic sensibility by setting the bar in comedy impossibly high.Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead: The Story of the National Lampoon (2015)
Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead: The Story of the National Lampoon
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A look at the history of the American comedy publication and production company, National Lampoon, from its beginning in the 1970s to 2010, featuring rare and never before seen footage, this is the mind boggling story of The National Lampoon from its subversive and electrifying beginnings, to rebirth as an unlikely Hollywood heavyweight, and beyond. A humour empire like no other, the impact of the magazines irreverent, often shocking, sensibility was nothing short of seismic: this is an institution whose (drunk stoned brilliant) alumni left their fingerprints all over popular culture. Both insanely great and breathtakingly innovative, The National Lampoon created the foundation of modern comic sensibility by setting the bar in comedy impossibly high.Сюжет (англ.)
Spain, 1966, a high-school English/Latin teacher, Antonio, drives to Almeria in hopes of meeting his hero, John Lennon. Along the way, Antonio picks up two runaways. The movie title, Living is Easy With Eyes Closed, comes from a line in Lennon's song Strawberry Fields Forever which he wrote while filming How I Won the War in Almeria.Living Is Easy with Eyes Closed (2013)
Living Is Easy with Eyes Closed
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Spain, 1966, a high-school English/Latin teacher, Antonio, drives to Almeria in hopes of meeting his hero, John Lennon. Along the way, Antonio picks up two runaways. The movie title, Living is Easy With Eyes Closed, comes from a line in Lennon's song Strawberry Fields Forever which he wrote while filming How I Won the War in Almeria.Сюжет (англ.)
A well-known nightmarish vision of the future: The Earth's population reaches seven billion. Dwindling resources, mountains of toxic waste, hunger and climate change-the results of overpopulation? Who says that the world's overpopulaPopulation Boom (2013)
Population Boom
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A well-known nightmarish vision of the future: The Earth's population reaches seven billion. Dwindling resources, mountains of toxic waste, hunger and climate change-the results of overpopulation? Who says that the world's overpopulaСюжет (англ.)
In 1991, music manager Shep Gordon held Mike Myers over a barrel a few weeks before shooting Wayne’s World regarding an Alice Cooper song Myers wanted to use in the film. They have been close friends ever since. Twenty-two years later, the story of Gordon’s legendary life in the über-fast lane is now told in Myers’ directorial debut. And this time it’s Myers who has Gordon over a barrel. Shep Gordon: capitalist, protector, hedonist, pioneer, showman, shaman… Supermensch!Supermensch: The Legend of Shep Gordon (2014)
Supermensch: The Legend of Shep Gordon
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In 1991, music manager Shep Gordon held Mike Myers over a barrel a few weeks before shooting Wayne’s World regarding an Alice Cooper song Myers wanted to use in the film. They have been close friends ever since. Twenty-two years later, the story of Gordon’s legendary life in the über-fast lane is now told in Myers’ directorial debut. And this time it’s Myers who has Gordon over a barrel. Shep Gordon: capitalist, protector, hedonist, pioneer, showman, shaman… Supermensch!Сюжет (англ.)
A documentary in which Freda Kelly looks back at her career as lifelong secretary for The Beatles.Good Ol' Freda (2013)
Good Ol' Freda
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A documentary in which Freda Kelly looks back at her career as lifelong secretary for The Beatles.Сюжет (англ.)
Backup singers live in a world that lies just beyond the spotlight. Their voices bring harmony to the biggest bands in popular music, but we've had no idea who these singers are or what lives they lead, until now.20 Feet from Stardom (2013)
20 Feet from Stardom
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Backup singers live in a world that lies just beyond the spotlight. Their voices bring harmony to the biggest bands in popular music, but we've had no idea who these singers are or what lives they lead, until now.Сюжет (англ.)
The untold true American story of an orphan boy from the heart of the Mississippi Delta who rose to music stardom around the world and inspired a generation of fans against all odds.B.B. King: The Life of Riley (2012)
B.B. King: The Life of Riley
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The untold true American story of an orphan boy from the heart of the Mississippi Delta who rose to music stardom around the world and inspired a generation of fans against all odds.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати