Дженніфер О'ніл
Jennifer O'Neill
Дата народження: 20 лютого 1948 (77 років)
Знак зодіаку: Риби
Місце народження: Ріо-де-Жанейро, Ріо-де-Жанейро, Бразилія
Зріст: 173 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 60
Ролі: актриса
Головний герой фільму — Рональд Рейґан, 40-й президент США, який займав цю посаду у 1981—1989 роках.Сюжет (англ.)
The Columbine Massacre of April 20, 1999 completely redefined America's view of the lives of high school students. Drawn straight from Columbine victim Rachel Joy Scott's words and journal entries, through the insight of her mother, Beth Nimmo, it is the true story of a high school student whose compassionate, caring faith caused her to reach out to fellow students including her killers who made her a target of their murderous plan.Мені не соромно (2016)
I'm Not Ashamed
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The Columbine Massacre of April 20, 1999 completely redefined America's view of the lives of high school students. Drawn straight from Columbine victim Rachel Joy Scott's words and journal entries, through the insight of her mother, Beth Nimmo, it is the true story of a high school student whose compassionate, caring faith caused her to reach out to fellow students including her killers who made her a target of their murderous plan.Сюжет (англ.)
Sam Doonby, a no-good drifter, enters a small town in Texas. His sudden arrival is met with suspicion, jealousy, and intrigue. His departure is just as sudden, and then the town realizes how one person's presence can matter.Doonby (2013)
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Sam Doonby, a no-good drifter, enters a small town in Texas. His sudden arrival is met with suspicion, jealousy, and intrigue. His departure is just as sudden, and then the town realizes how one person's presence can matter.Сюжет (англ.)
This heartwarming movie tells the story of a local war hero whose son, Tom, goes off to war. Tom's new wife brings Christian, his first son, into the world while the young hero is away at war earning medals for valor. However, the tragedy that ensues on a cruel battlefield will change everyone's life forever. Tom Revere is laid to rest, paying the ultimate price for freedom. Fourteen years pass and Christian grows to be a teenager. Along with his mother, Carrie, he returns to the small town of Mount Columbus, nestled in the Rocky Mountains, to celebrate the holidays with family. Christian & his grandfather, Bob, are not connecting as they continue to struggle with the pain of losing Tom. In this beautiful story of love and forgiveness, grandfather & grandson discover a way to unite and to make a difference in their community by claiming their freedom of expression. Bob, who is both a pharmacist and the mayor of Mount Columbus, realizes that some of the freedoms his son fought and died for, are eroding. The first battle he chooses to fight in his mission to restore the town's freedoms is the right to celebrate Christmas. In many ways, Bob loses his "battle," but his gain is of greater value. Concluding the film is one of the most dramatic orations given in any movie, where Bob challenges the town to "Wake Up" and begin to take back the freedoms that are being lost, one by one.Last Ounce of Courage (2012)
Last Ounce of Courage
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This heartwarming movie tells the story of a local war hero whose son, Tom, goes off to war. Tom's new wife brings Christian, his first son, into the world while the young hero is away at war earning medals for valor. However, the tragedy that ensues on a cruel battlefield will change everyone's life forever. Tom Revere is laid to rest, paying the ultimate price for freedom. Fourteen years pass and Christian grows to be a teenager. Along with his mother, Carrie, he returns to the small town of Mount Columbus, nestled in the Rocky Mountains, to celebrate the holidays with family. Christian & his grandfather, Bob, are not connecting as they continue to struggle with the pain of losing Tom. In this beautiful story of love and forgiveness, grandfather & grandson discover a way to unite and to make a difference in their community by claiming their freedom of expression. Bob, who is both a pharmacist and the mayor of Mount Columbus, realizes that some of the freedoms his son fought and died for, are eroding. The first battle he chooses to fight in his mission to restore the town's freedoms is the right to celebrate Christmas. In many ways, Bob loses his "battle," but his gain is of greater value. Concluding the film is one of the most dramatic orations given in any movie, where Bob challenges the town to "Wake Up" and begin to take back the freedoms that are being lost, one by one.Сюжет (англ.)
The early life of American Evangelist Billy Graham.Billy: The Early Years (2008)
Billy: The Early Years
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The early life of American Evangelist Billy Graham.Сюжет (англ.)
A Bible professor from 1890 comes forward in time to the present via a time machine and cannot believe the things that he sees!Time Changer (2002)
Time Changer
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A Bible professor from 1890 comes forward in time to the present via a time machine and cannot believe the things that he sees!Сюжет (англ.)
The classic Twain story "The Prince and the Pauper" gets a modern slant when Prince Edward of Gelfland switches places with southern California surfer Cash Canty. Both discover a new world ...The Prince and the Surfer (1999)
The Prince and the Surfer
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The classic Twain story "The Prince and the Pauper" gets a modern slant when Prince Edward of Gelfland switches places with southern California surfer Cash Canty. Both discover a new world ...Сюжет (англ.)
Hollywood's most notorious scandals exposed through interviews and re-enactments.E! Mysteries & Scandals (1998—2001)
E! Mysteries & Scandals
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Hollywood's most notorious scandals exposed through interviews and re-enactments.Сюжет
Чемпіон родео, ковбой Смокі Бенкс потрапляє у неприємну ситуацію. Втім, долею він потраплкяє на ранчо, де одна сім'я займається вихованням важких підлітків. Це для нього альтернатива в'язниці. Як не дивно для самого Смокі, він проявляє симпатією до одного юного шанувальника родео Денні і допомагає йому виграти стрибки на бику. У процесі спілкування з людьми на ранчо, у душі Смоки починають відбуватися зміни. До того ж він дізнається, що в Денні є таємниця...Родео (1997)
The Ride
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Чемпіон родео, ковбой Смокі Бенкс потрапляє у неприємну ситуацію. Втім, долею він потраплкяє на ранчо, де одна сім'я займається вихованням важких підлітків. Це для нього альтернатива в'язниці. Як не дивно для самого Смокі, він проявляє симпатією до одного юного шанувальника родео Денні і допомагає йому виграти стрибки на бику. У процесі спілкування з людьми на ранчо, у душі Смоки починають відбуватися зміни. До того ж він дізнається, що в Денні є таємниця...Сюжет
ABC Daytime's morning chatfest, currently featuring Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Sunny Hostin, Meghan McCain, and Abby Huntsman, discussing the most exciting events of the day. Hot topics in the news, the best experts in their field, celebrity interviews and general entertainment are all part of The View.Погляд (1997)
The View
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ABC Daytime's morning chatfest, currently featuring Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Sunny Hostin, Meghan McCain, and Abby Huntsman, discussing the most exciting events of the day. Hot topics in the news, the best experts in their field, celebrity interviews and general entertainment are all part of The View.Сюжет (англ.)
THE CORPORATE LADDER is a Playboy Channel movie, filled with pseudo-erotica and some beautiful women. John Anthony Denison (Crime Story) plays Matt, an up and coming advertising executive, ...The Corporate Ladder (1997)
The Corporate Ladder
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THE CORPORATE LADDER is a Playboy Channel movie, filled with pseudo-erotica and some beautiful women. John Anthony Denison (Crime Story) plays Matt, an up and coming advertising executive, ...Сюжет (англ.)
Comedian Rosie O'Donnell produces and hosts her first daytime talk show that focuses on interviews with celebrities about acting, writing, charity work and family life.Шоу Розі О'Доннелл (1996—2002)
The Rosie O'Donnell Show
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Comedian Rosie O'Donnell produces and hosts her first daytime talk show that focuses on interviews with celebrities about acting, writing, charity work and family life.Сюжет
Більше трьох тисяч років на Землі існує таємне суспільство "Спадщина". Ця міжнародна співдружність складається з Будинків, розташованих у різних країнах світу. Кожним Будинком управляє Наставник, він носить на руці обручку, яка визначає його місце в "Спадщині". Члени цього суспільства об’єдналися, щоб боротися з темними силами. Вони готові віддати своє життя, щоб розв’язати проблему паранормальних явищ і захистити людство від надприродного зла.Полтергейст. Спадщина (1996—1999)
Poltergeist: The Legacy
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Більше трьох тисяч років на Землі існує таємне суспільство "Спадщина". Ця міжнародна співдружність складається з Будинків, розташованих у різних країнах світу. Кожним Будинком управляє Наставник, він носить на руці обручку, яка визначає його місце в "Спадщині". Члени цього суспільства об’єдналися, щоб боротися з темними силами. Вони готові віддати своє життя, щоб розв’язати проблему паранормальних явищ і захистити людство від надприродного зла.Сюжет
Дон Джонсон грає лейтенанта, главу відділу особливого призначення. Цей відділ займається виключно найзаплутанішими, найскладнішими справами. Формально цей відділ входить до департаменту Сан-Франциско, але до звичайних поліцейських Неш відноситься з часткою презирства. Друг і партнер Бріджеса - Джо Домінгез.До того ж у відділі працюють знавець комп'ютерів Харві Лік і амбіційний красень Еван Кортез. Дія серіалу розвертається в Сан-Франциско і його околицях.
Детектив Неш Бріджес (1996—2001)
Nash Bridges
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Дон Джонсон грає лейтенанта, главу відділу особливого призначення. Цей відділ займається виключно найзаплутанішими, найскладнішими справами. Формально цей відділ входить до департаменту Сан-Франциско, але до звичайних поліцейських Неш відноситься з часткою презирства. Друг і партнер Бріджеса - Джо Домінгез.До того ж у відділі працюють знавець комп'ютерів Харві Лік і амбіційний красень Еван Кортез. Дія серіалу розвертається в Сан-Франциско і його околицях.
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The U.S. Navy selects from its ranks a small group of persons to send through unadulterated hell. If they are able to walk at the end of this period, they become "Navy Seals". Brian Del ...Silver Strand (1995)
Silver Strand
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The U.S. Navy selects from its ranks a small group of persons to send through unadulterated hell. If they are able to walk at the end of this period, they become "Navy Seals". Brian Del ...Сюжет (англ.)
Contestants compete in a talent show featuring music and comedy categories.Star Search (1983—)
Star Search
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Contestants compete in a talent show featuring music and comedy categories.Сюжет (англ.)
Three American businessmen have a problem with their Brazilian company: someone is embezzling millions of dollars. Michael is having an affair with Frank's wife Paige, but wants to end it. ...Discretion Assured (1994)
Discretion Assured
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Three American businessmen have a problem with their Brazilian company: someone is embezzling millions of dollars. Michael is having an affair with Frank's wife Paige, but wants to end it. ...Сюжет (англ.)
Rocked by the death of his wife, ex-cop Jonathan Stone moves to a Seattle suburb to start a new life. It is there that he is falsely accused of murder and finds himself forced to track down...Jonathan Stone: Threat of Innocence (1994)
Jonathan Stone: Threat of Innocence
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Rocked by the death of his wife, ex-cop Jonathan Stone moves to a Seattle suburb to start a new life. It is there that he is falsely accused of murder and finds himself forced to track down...Сюжет (англ.)
Maggie, a recent widow, hires a housekeeper, Janice, to help her care for her two young daughters. With Janice comes her brother Allan, who is an alcoholic. He is haunted by the deaths of ...Perfect Family (1992)
Perfect Family
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Maggie, a recent widow, hires a housekeeper, Janice, to help her care for her two young daughters. With Janice comes her brother Allan, who is an alcoholic. He is haunted by the deaths of ...Сюжет (англ.)
A loving couple struggle to fend for themselves in modern day Los Angeles, One a loner and down and out, the other a lonely but hardworking secretary. Eventually, as cracks form in their ...Love Is Like That (1992)
Love Is Like That
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A loving couple struggle to fend for themselves in modern day Los Angeles, One a loner and down and out, the other a lonely but hardworking secretary. Eventually, as cracks form in their ...Сюжет (англ.)
A nurse is taken hostage by a patient pretending to be a doctor and is forced to minister to everyone.Сюжет (англ.)
A woman that during the daytime is an insignificant librarian, at night becomes a fascinating mysterious dark lady. She uses the personal advertisements on the newspapers to obtain appointments with men then kills them. These murd...Personals (1990)
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A woman that during the daytime is an insignificant librarian, at night becomes a fascinating mysterious dark lady. She uses the personal advertisements on the newspapers to obtain appointments with men then kills them. These murd...Сюжет (англ.)
A luxury callgirl was killed and the policeman who investigates the case discovers some video tapes with pornographical contents which the victim has recorded obviously in order to ...Full Exposure: The Sex Tapes Scandal (1989)
Full Exposure: The Sex Tapes Scandal
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A luxury callgirl was killed and the policeman who investigates the case discovers some video tapes with pornographical contents which the victim has recorded obviously in order to ...Сюжет (англ.)
A married middle age man with two children who are in college, who also didn't finish college decides to go and enroll at his kids' college. He also decides to try out for football and ...Glory Days (1988)
Glory Days
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A married middle age man with two children who are in college, who also didn't finish college decides to go and enroll at his kids' college. He also decides to try out for football and ...Сюжет (англ.)
A cop is found dead in a hotel, brutally murdered, a spider cut into his stomach. The police believes his death might be connected to the fact that he was a dirty cop - the internal affairs...The Red Spider (1988)
The Red Spider
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A cop is found dead in a hotel, brutally murdered, a spider cut into his stomach. The police believes his death might be connected to the fact that he was a dirty cop - the internal affairs...Сюжет (англ.)
Photographer Mario Cotone is hired to cover a big N.Y. actor. When his pretty daughter Nicole Yeats (N.Y.) and Mario fall in love, this angers her father and hurts Mario's work which further infuriates his boss. Will love prevail?I Love N.Y. (1987)
I Love N.Y.
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Photographer Mario Cotone is hired to cover a big N.Y. actor. When his pretty daughter Nicole Yeats (N.Y.) and Mario fall in love, this angers her father and hurts Mario's work which further infuriates his boss. Will love prevail?Сюжет (англ.)
An actor rigs a fake on-air shooting with the connivance of his friend, the show's host, but the practical joke goes horribly wrong when the gun, which he'd loaded with blanks, turns out to contain a live round.Perry Mason: The Case of the Shooting Star (1986)
Perry Mason: The Case of the Shooting Star
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An actor rigs a fake on-air shooting with the connivance of his friend, the show's host, but the practical joke goes horribly wrong when the gun, which he'd loaded with blanks, turns out to contain a live round.Сюжет
Джек Хеммонд ховається від поліції і уганяє автомобіль. Але біля магазина, куди він заїхав за сигаретами, він попадається на очі патрульним. Джек бере чарівну заручницю Наталі і її червоному БМВ прямує до кордону з Мексикою.Зрозуміло Наталі виявляється донькою мультимільйонера Далтона Фосса. За утікачами женеться поліція штату, радіо і телебачення. В дорозі відбувається неймовірна кількість смішних подій. А Джек з Наталі по ходу гонитви встигають подружитися і покохати один одного.
Погоня (1985)
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Джек Хеммонд ховається від поліції і уганяє автомобіль. Але біля магазина, куди він заїхав за сигаретами, він попадається на очі патрульним. Джек бере чарівну заручницю Наталі і її червоному БМВ прямує до кордону з Мексикою.Зрозуміло Наталі виявляється донькою мультимільйонера Далтона Фосса. За утікачами женеться поліція штату, радіо і телебачення. В дорозі відбувається неймовірна кількість смішних подій. А Джек з Наталі по ходу гонитви встигають подружитися і покохати один одного.
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Set just after the death of Jesus Christ, this mini-series chronicles the life & adventures of Jesus's disciples, and events in Rome during the reigns of the Emperors Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero.A.D. (1985—2004)
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Set just after the death of Jesus Christ, this mini-series chronicles the life & adventures of Jesus's disciples, and events in Rome during the reigns of the Emperors Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати