Жаклін Вольтер
Jacqueline Voltaire
Дата народження: 6 листопада 1948
Знак зодіаку: Скорпіон
Дата смерті: 8 квітня 2008 (59 років)
Місце народження: Стратфорд-он-Ейвон, Ворікшир, Англія, Великобританія
Зріст: 173 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 33
Ролі: актриса
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UNDER THE SAME MOON (LA MISMA LUNA) tells the parallel stories of nine-year-old Carlitos and his mother, Rosario. In the hopes of providing a better life for her son, Rosario works illegally in the U.S. while her mother cares for Carlitos back in Mexico. Unexpected circumstances drive both Rosario and Carlitos to embark on their own journeys in a desperate attempt to reunite. Along the way, mother and son face challenges and obstacles but never lose hope that they will one day be together again.Under the Same Moon (2007)
Under the Same Moon
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UNDER THE SAME MOON (LA MISMA LUNA) tells the parallel stories of nine-year-old Carlitos and his mother, Rosario. In the hopes of providing a better life for her son, Rosario works illegally in the U.S. while her mother cares for Carlitos back in Mexico. Unexpected circumstances drive both Rosario and Carlitos to embark on their own journeys in a desperate attempt to reunite. Along the way, mother and son face challenges and obstacles but never lose hope that they will one day be together again.Сюжет (англ.)
Four women--Vanesa, Fernanda, Paulina,and Matilde--come from different social fields but are about to undertake an adventure that will enrich their professional lives and unite them as close friends.Palabra de mujer (2007—2008)
Palabra de mujer
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Four women--Vanesa, Fernanda, Paulina,and Matilde--come from different social fields but are about to undertake an adventure that will enrich their professional lives and unite them as close friends.Сюжет (англ.)
Tells the story of four girls: Elena Olivares, Isabel Flores, Leticia Hernández and Monica Sánchez Zuñiga. The villain is Federico Cantú, a psycho killer who will stop at nothing until he gets Guillermo's fortune.Muchachitas como tú (2007)
Muchachitas como tú
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Tells the story of four girls: Elena Olivares, Isabel Flores, Leticia Hernández and Monica Sánchez Zuñiga. The villain is Federico Cantú, a psycho killer who will stop at nothing until he gets Guillermo's fortune.Сюжет (англ.)
A look at the backstage life of Latin sensation RBD.RBD: The Family (2007)
RBD: The Family
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A look at the backstage life of Latin sensation RBD.Сюжет (англ.)
Young girl falls in love with a wealthy manDistilling Love (2007)
Distilling Love
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Young girl falls in love with a wealthy manContra viento y marea (2005)
Contra viento y marea
Apuesta por un amor (2004)
Apuesta por un amor
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It's a look at the life of teenagers who go to the Elite Way School. The lead actors are Dulce Maria, Anahi, Maite Perroni, Christian Chavez, Christopher Uckerman and Alfonso Herrera. They are a part of a band called RBD and Rebelde follows them through their teenage life. They also fall in love, laugh and live together in Elite Way School.Бунтарі (2004—2006)
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It's a look at the life of teenagers who go to the Elite Way School. The lead actors are Dulce Maria, Anahi, Maite Perroni, Christian Chavez, Christopher Uckerman and Alfonso Herrera. They are a part of a band called RBD and Rebelde follows them through their teenage life. They also fall in love, laugh and live together in Elite Way School.Сюжет (англ.)
In Mexico City, the powerful and violent magnate of steel Oscar Cabos catches his daughter Paulina having sex with her boyfriend and his employee Javier "Jaque" and he works Jaque over. On the next day, Jaque pays a visit to Cabos in his office and the angry man comes with a golf club to hit Jaque again. However, Cabos accidentally trips on a golf ball, falls on the floor and faints. Jaque calls his best friend Mudo to help him, but the janitor Nacho finds his boss fainted on the floor and he steals and dresses himself with Cabos' clothes and jewels. Meanwhile, Nacho's son Botcha and his friend Nico have planned to kidnap Cabos and they are waiting for him in the parking garage. When he walks in the parking garage, the two kidnappers hit him on the back of the head, believing that he is Cabos, they cover his head with a bag. They head with the abducted man to the house of Botcha's girlfriend Lula. Meanwhile, Jaque and Mudo calls their wrestler friend Ruben "Mascarita" and his midget partner Tony 'El Canibal' to help them to get rid of Cabos in his birthday party. But both plans do not work well along the night.Killing Cabos (2004)
Killing Cabos
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In Mexico City, the powerful and violent magnate of steel Oscar Cabos catches his daughter Paulina having sex with her boyfriend and his employee Javier "Jaque" and he works Jaque over. On the next day, Jaque pays a visit to Cabos in his office and the angry man comes with a golf club to hit Jaque again. However, Cabos accidentally trips on a golf ball, falls on the floor and faints. Jaque calls his best friend Mudo to help him, but the janitor Nacho finds his boss fainted on the floor and he steals and dresses himself with Cabos' clothes and jewels. Meanwhile, Nacho's son Botcha and his friend Nico have planned to kidnap Cabos and they are waiting for him in the parking garage. When he walks in the parking garage, the two kidnappers hit him on the back of the head, believing that he is Cabos, they cover his head with a bag. They head with the abducted man to the house of Botcha's girlfriend Lula. Meanwhile, Jaque and Mudo calls their wrestler friend Ruben "Mascarita" and his midget partner Tony 'El Canibal' to help them to get rid of Cabos in his birthday party. But both plans do not work well along the night.Hearts to the Limit (2004)
Hearts to the Limit
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Three stories of relationships buckling under the weight of infidelity are chronicled in this sequel to the Mexican drama Mujeres Infieles. In the first part, a man is startled to learn his...Mujeres Infieles II (2003)
Mujeres Infieles II
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Three stories of relationships buckling under the weight of infidelity are chronicled in this sequel to the Mexican drama Mujeres Infieles. In the first part, a man is startled to learn his...Сюжет (англ.)
Telenovela for children about the primary school called "Patria Unida", its teachers (among those young and pretty Lupita), students and their parents.¡Vivan los niños! (2002—2003)
¡Vivan los niños!
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Telenovela for children about the primary school called "Patria Unida", its teachers (among those young and pretty Lupita), students and their parents.Сюжет (англ.)
Salomé, who was abandoned as a child by her mother, is a cabaret dancer who works at the cabaret Salón D'Rubí.La hora pico (2000—2001)
La hora pico
For Your Love (1999)
For Your Love
Tres mujeres (1999)
Tres mujeres
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Luciana, a poor, young woman working as a maid in the venerable Velarde home, falls in love with young seminary student Juan de la Cruz, the Velarde's son. The night before Juan is to ...El Privilegio de Amar X (1998—1999)
El Privilegio de Amar X
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Luciana, a poor, young woman working as a maid in the venerable Velarde home, falls in love with young seminary student Juan de la Cruz, the Velarde's son. The night before Juan is to ...Сюжет (англ.)
A humble crippled girl who dreams of becoming a circus star falls in love with the doctor who is engaged to her half-sister. The Angel Clown, the circus clowns, and other circus folks look after her to protect Preciosa from the ev...Preciosa (1998)
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A humble crippled girl who dreams of becoming a circus star falls in love with the doctor who is engaged to her half-sister. The Angel Clown, the circus clowns, and other circus folks look after her to protect Preciosa from the ev...Сюжет (англ.)
Humberto Fuentes is a wealthy doctor whose wife has recently died. In spite of the advice of his children, he takes a trip to visit his former students who now work in impoverished villages. His trip soon becomes a quest, politically awakening him when he finds out that one of his students was killed by the army.Men with Guns (1997)
Men with Guns
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Humberto Fuentes is a wealthy doctor whose wife has recently died. In spite of the advice of his children, he takes a trip to visit his former students who now work in impoverished villages. His trip soon becomes a quest, politically awakening him when he finds out that one of his students was killed by the army.Сюжет
Астроном записав сигнал цивілізації з іншої планети, після чого його звільнили. Разом з жінкою-екологом, занепокоєною парниковим ефектом, він переконується, що довгоочікуваний контакт вже відбувся... Пересічна фантастична стрічка, яка була однією з тих, завдяки яким Чарлі Шин випав з першої ліги зірок в середині 90-х.Прибуття (1996)
The Arrival
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Астроном записав сигнал цивілізації з іншої планети, після чого його звільнили. Разом з жінкою-екологом, занепокоєною парниковим ефектом, він переконується, що довгоочікуваний контакт вже відбувся... Пересічна фантастична стрічка, яка була однією з тих, завдяки яким Чарлі Шин випав з першої ліги зірок в середині 90-х.Сюжет (англ.)
Elisa and her children, Paola, Daniel and Anita fall victim to the conspiracies of Elisa's overbearing mother-in-law as she plots, together with her powerful lawyer friend, Julian Ledezma ...Agujetas de color de rosa (1994—1995)
Agujetas de color de rosa
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Elisa and her children, Paola, Daniel and Anita fall victim to the conspiracies of Elisa's overbearing mother-in-law as she plots, together with her powerful lawyer friend, Julian Ledezma ...Сюжет
Добре організована банда зловмисників під прикриттям евакуації у зв'язку з помилковою аварією, викликаної витоком отруйного газу, намагається пограбувати спорожнілі будинки і магазини елітного району Беверлі-Гіллз. Але на шляху у них постає американський футболіст, який випадково заснув у ванній у своєї подружки.Взяття Беверлі-Гіллз (1991)
The Taking of Beverly Hills
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Добре організована банда зловмисників під прикриттям евакуації у зв'язку з помилковою аварією, викликаної витоком отруйного газу, намагається пограбувати спорожнілі будинки і магазини елітного району Беверлі-Гіллз. Але на шляху у них постає американський футболіст, який випадково заснув у ванній у своєї подружки.Сюжет (англ.)
Nick Slaughter, an ex-RCMP and DEA agent who dropped out of society after being fired from his job, relocates to the Florida town of Key Mariah to start a detective service. In the process he meets local travel agent Sylvie Gerard...Тропічна спека (1991—1993)
Tropical Heat
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Nick Slaughter, an ex-RCMP and DEA agent who dropped out of society after being fired from his job, relocates to the Florida town of Key Mariah to start a detective service. In the process he meets local travel agent Sylvie Gerard...Просто Марія (1989)
Simplemente María
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The show presents mature themes involving love stories and disturbing topics of real-life cases including rape, incest, child abuse, prostitution, discrimination, and domestic violence. At the beginning of each episode, Silvia PinalMujer, casos de la vida real (1985)
Mujer, casos de la vida real
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The show presents mature themes involving love stories and disturbing topics of real-life cases including rape, incest, child abuse, prostitution, discrimination, and domestic violence. At the beginning of each episode, Silvia PinalСюжет
10191 рік. В битву за планету пустель - Дюну - залучені головні імперії Галактики. Космос стає ареною запеклих битв, ворогуючі сторони обплутані мережею інтриг і зради. Майбутнє Галактики залежить від месії - ідеального воїна і ясновидця, здатного очолити похід проти сил зла. І Месія є. Ним стає юний Пол Атрідес, син герцога Літо, зрадницький убитого Харконненами з схвалення Імператора. Полу належить велика місія, яка назавжди змінить долю всієї галактичної імперії...Дюна (1984)
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10191 рік. В битву за планету пустель - Дюну - залучені головні імперії Галактики. Космос стає ареною запеклих битв, ворогуючі сторони обплутані мережею інтриг і зради. Майбутнє Галактики залежить від месії - ідеального воїна і ясновидця, здатного очолити похід проти сил зла. І Месія є. Ним стає юний Пол Атрідес, син герцога Літо, зрадницький убитого Харконненами з схвалення Імператора. Полу належить велика місія, яка назавжди змінить долю всієї галактичної імперії...Сюжет
Готуючись до зйомок "Священної гори", Ходоровській на два місяці замкнув акторів в будинку, з якого вони не могли вийти. Всі спали тільки чотири години на добу, їли галлюциногенні гриби і ЛСД, проходили курс йоги, медитували...Священна гора (1973)
The Holy Mountain
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Готуючись до зйомок "Священної гори", Ходоровській на два місяці замкнув акторів в будинку, з якого вони не могли вийти. Всі спали тільки чотири години на добу, їли галлюциногенні гриби і ЛСД, проходили курс йоги, медитували...Сюжет (англ.)
A taxi driver winds up working as a butler for a scientist who is trying to revive mummies.Capulina vs. the Mummies (1973)
Capulina vs. the Mummies
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A taxi driver winds up working as a butler for a scientist who is trying to revive mummies.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати