Евелін Пурселл
Evelyn Purcell
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 8
Ролі: режисерка ★ 6 (5), продюсерка (4), сценаристка ★ 3 (1)
Сімейна подорож-сафарі по пустелі затьмарюється вбивством глави сімейства. Зустріч з браконьєрами змушує мачуху і падчерку, які залишилися в живих, боротися за свої життя.Тепловий удар (2013)
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Сімейна подорож-сафарі по пустелі затьмарюється вбивством глави сімейства. Зустріч з браконьєрами змушує мачуху і падчерку, які залишилися в живих, боротися за свої життя.Сюжет (англ.)
Psychiatrist Dr. Lila Colleti is divorcing her husband and is devastated when he wins custody of their two little girls, whom he gets largely because Lila's job, being a psychiatrist for the criminally insane at the local prison, is a potentially dangerous one that forces her to keep long, erratic hours. When one of Lila's patients, Ed Baikman, is released into a half-way house, he decides under the delusional influence of his psychosis to help her out by murdering her ex-husband and his girlfriend, and then threatening to tell the cops they'd planned it together when she refuses to become romantically involved with him. Though Lila's lover, police detective Macy Kobacek, stands by her loyally, Baikman does such an ingenious job of implicating Lila in the crime that even Macy begins to have his doubts about Lila's innocence.Borderline (2002)
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Psychiatrist Dr. Lila Colleti is divorcing her husband and is devastated when he wins custody of their two little girls, whom he gets largely because Lila's job, being a psychiatrist for the criminally insane at the local prison, is a potentially dangerous one that forces her to keep long, erratic hours. When one of Lila's patients, Ed Baikman, is released into a half-way house, he decides under the delusional influence of his psychosis to help her out by murdering her ex-husband and his girlfriend, and then threatening to tell the cops they'd planned it together when she refuses to become romantically involved with him. Though Lila's lover, police detective Macy Kobacek, stands by her loyally, Baikman does such an ingenious job of implicating Lila in the crime that even Macy begins to have his doubts about Lila's innocence.Сюжет (англ.)
Terri Hansen is discovered in the desert beside the blackened husk of her car which contains the charred corpse of her husband. When forensic evidence makes her out to be her husband's ...Woman Undone (1996)
Woman Undone
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Terri Hansen is discovered in the desert beside the blackened husk of her car which contains the charred corpse of her husband. When forensic evidence makes her out to be her husband's ...Сюжет
Дізнавшись про те, що його подружка чекає дитину, майбутній батько прудко зникає, і бідній офіціантці, (Розанна Аркетт), яка стала знедоленою в цьому провінційному містечку, довелося б не солодко, якби не зустріла вона справжнього чоловіка (Робертс), який працює освітлювачем мандрівної театральної трупи. У цій романтичній комедії зайняті чудові актори, зроблено все добротно, хороші діалоги, написані сценаристом-драматургом Бет Хенлі.Дурнів немає (1986)
Nobody's Fool
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Дізнавшись про те, що його подружка чекає дитину, майбутній батько прудко зникає, і бідній офіціантці, (Розанна Аркетт), яка стала знедоленою в цьому провінційному містечку, довелося б не солодко, якби не зустріла вона справжнього чоловіка (Робертс), який працює освітлювачем мандрівної театральної трупи. У цій романтичній комедії зайняті чудові актори, зроблено все добротно, хороші діалоги, написані сценаристом-драматургом Бет Хенлі.Сюжет (англ.)
Anthology series which ran on PBS throughout the 1980s.American Playhouse (1981—1990)
American Playhouse
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Anthology series which ran on PBS throughout the 1980s.Сюжет (англ.)
An Arkansas farmer stages a one-man war against corrupt land developers who want to evict him and his neighbors from their farms for real estate developments.Fighting Mad (1976)
Fighting Mad
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An Arkansas farmer stages a one-man war against corrupt land developers who want to evict him and his neighbors from their farms for real estate developments.Сюжет (англ.)
A girl is caught in a drug bust and sent to the hoosegow. The iron-handed superintendent takes exception to a skit performed by the girls and takes punitive steps, aided by the sadistic doctor who is doing illegal electroshock experiments and raping drugged prisoners. After a while the prisoners put away their petty differences and plan the Big Prison Escape.Caged Heat (1974)
Caged Heat
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A girl is caught in a drug bust and sent to the hoosegow. The iron-handed superintendent takes exception to a skit performed by the girls and takes punitive steps, aided by the sadistic doctor who is doing illegal electroshock experiments and raping drugged prisoners. After a while the prisoners put away their petty differences and plan the Big Prison Escape.Сюжет (англ.)
Hot action and lust in the steamy tropical jungle, as heroines break out of a women's prison and start a local revolution.The Hot Box (1972)
The Hot Box
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Hot action and lust in the steamy tropical jungle, as heroines break out of a women's prison and start a local revolution.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати