Christian Brückner
Дата народження: 27 жовтня 1943 (81 рік)
Знак зодіаку: Скорпіон
Місце народження: Вальденбург, Сілезія, Німеччина [нині Вальбжич, Долнослаське, Польща]
Зріст: 180 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 59
Ролі: актор
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Re-examining the story of the Red Orchestra: the most important resistance network in Nazi Germany, whose operations extended from Berlin and Brussels to Paris.The Red Orchestra (2021)
The Red Orchestra
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Re-examining the story of the Red Orchestra: the most important resistance network in Nazi Germany, whose operations extended from Berlin and Brussels to Paris.Сюжет (англ.)
"DR. MABUSE", "LOVE, DANCE AND 1000 SONGS (Liebe, Tanz und Tausend Schlager), "KARL MAY", "EDGAR WALLACE" but also "EUROPA EUROPA (Hitlerjunge Salomon)", "THE RATS (Die Ratten)" or "A LOVE IN GERMANY (Eine Liebe in Deutschland)": ...Marina, Mabuse und Morituri - 70 Jahre Deutscher Nachkriegsfilm im Spiegel der CCC (2017)
Marina, Mabuse und Morituri - 70 Jahre Deutscher Nachkriegsfilm im Spiegel der CCC
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"DR. MABUSE", "LOVE, DANCE AND 1000 SONGS (Liebe, Tanz und Tausend Schlager), "KARL MAY", "EDGAR WALLACE" but also "EUROPA EUROPA (Hitlerjunge Salomon)", "THE RATS (Die Ratten)" or "A LOVE IN GERMANY (Eine Liebe in Deutschland)": ...Сюжет (англ.)
A documentary that delves into the creative, often humorous world of audio dubbing a Hollywood motion picture for the international market.Being George Clooney (2016)
Being George Clooney
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A documentary that delves into the creative, often humorous world of audio dubbing a Hollywood motion picture for the international market.Сюжет
У замку Фантабулараса великий переполох: принцеса Роза святкує свій 18-й День народження. Прийняті найсуворіші заходи безпеки, адже зла Чаклунка Делламорте, яка прокляла Розу на її хрестинах, не дозволить прокляттю розчинитися в повітрі.Семеро гномів - Розумник, Рижик, Буркун, Соня, Силач, Бодряк і Бобо - нічого не знають про це, коли відправляються на свято в замок, мріючи повеселитися ... Бобо, найменший гном, випадково запускає таємний механізм в кільці Чаклунки, і принцеса разом з усіма гостями замерзає. Гноми рятуються в саму останню секунду. Тепер, щоб все виправити, їм доведеться відправитися в небезпечну подорож і знайти коханого принцеси, викраденого драконом злісної Делламорте
Сьомий гном (2014)
The 7th Dwarf
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У замку Фантабулараса великий переполох: принцеса Роза святкує свій 18-й День народження. Прийняті найсуворіші заходи безпеки, адже зла Чаклунка Делламорте, яка прокляла Розу на її хрестинах, не дозволить прокляттю розчинитися в повітрі.Семеро гномів - Розумник, Рижик, Буркун, Соня, Силач, Бодряк і Бобо - нічого не знають про це, коли відправляються на свято в замок, мріючи повеселитися ... Бобо, найменший гном, випадково запускає таємний механізм в кільці Чаклунки, і принцеса разом з усіма гостями замерзає. Гноми рятуються в саму останню секунду. Тепер, щоб все виправити, їм доведеться відправитися в небезпечну подорож і знайти коханого принцеси, викраденого драконом злісної Делламорте
Сюжет (англ.)
Jesper is a soldier in the German army. Although his brother was killed whilst serving in Afghanistan, he nevertheless reports for a new tour of duty in this war zone. He and his unit are to protect a remote village from the Taliban. One of the people accompanying Jesper is a young interpreter, Tarik, whose job includes mediating between soldiers and villagers. Both sides have a hard time trying to overcome the differences in their respective ways of life. Jesper must gain the trust of both villagers and the allied Arbaki militia and his nerves are soon on edge. He finds himself increasingly morally conflicted as a result of his superiors' orders. His association with the Germans means Tarik's life is constantly under threat, but when Tarik begins to fear for his sister's safety, Jesper has to make a decision. Feo Aladag uses this portrait of an ISAF soldier in Afghanistan to explore questions of affinity and otherness, trust and failure. How humane can your actions be if you are bound by the workings of a strict military bureaucracy? What remains of the ideals of human dignity when you are caught up in a daily struggle for survival?Inbetween Worlds (2014)
Inbetween Worlds
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Jesper is a soldier in the German army. Although his brother was killed whilst serving in Afghanistan, he nevertheless reports for a new tour of duty in this war zone. He and his unit are to protect a remote village from the Taliban. One of the people accompanying Jesper is a young interpreter, Tarik, whose job includes mediating between soldiers and villagers. Both sides have a hard time trying to overcome the differences in their respective ways of life. Jesper must gain the trust of both villagers and the allied Arbaki militia and his nerves are soon on edge. He finds himself increasingly morally conflicted as a result of his superiors' orders. His association with the Germans means Tarik's life is constantly under threat, but when Tarik begins to fear for his sister's safety, Jesper has to make a decision. Feo Aladag uses this portrait of an ISAF soldier in Afghanistan to explore questions of affinity and otherness, trust and failure. How humane can your actions be if you are bound by the workings of a strict military bureaucracy? What remains of the ideals of human dignity when you are caught up in a daily struggle for survival?Сюжет (англ.)
A naval intelligence officer, Lazarus Fell, interrogates an Al-Qaeda terrorist about the attacks on 9/11 that killed over 3,000 American citizens.Geheimnisse des Zweiten Weltkriegs (2012)
Geheimnisse des Zweiten Weltkriegs
Doomsday: World War I (2012)
Doomsday: World War I
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A young couple on holiday slowly becomes estranged.Formentera (2012)
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A young couple on holiday slowly becomes estranged.Сюжет (англ.)
Terra Mater is a TV film series about nature, science and history.Bionics Revolutions - The Best Ideas of Nature (2011)
Bionics Revolutions - The Best Ideas of Nature
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Terra Mater is a TV film series about nature, science and history.Water Life (2009—2012)
Water Life
Nazi Underworld (2011—2013)
Nazi Underworld
Дія картини розвертається в окупованій Франції. На очах у Сюзанни Дрейфус від рук німецького полковника Ганса Ланда гине її сім'я. Дівчині дивом удається врятуватися і бігти до Парижу. Там вона влаштовується на роботу в кінотеатр. В цей же час десь в Європі лейтенант Альдо Рейн збирає групу єврейських солдатів, що іменують себе «Виродками». Обидві сюжетні лінії перетинаються, коли диверсанти зустрічаються в кінотеатрі з Сюзанною, яка мріє помститися кривдникам.Безславні виродки (2009)
Inglourious Basterds
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Дія картини розвертається в окупованій Франції. На очах у Сюзанни Дрейфус від рук німецького полковника Ганса Ланда гине її сім'я. Дівчині дивом удається врятуватися і бігти до Парижу. Там вона влаштовується на роботу в кінотеатр. В цей же час десь в Європі лейтенант Альдо Рейн збирає групу єврейських солдатів, що іменують себе «Виродками». Обидві сюжетні лінії перетинаються, коли диверсанти зустрічаються в кінотеатрі з Сюзанною, яка мріє помститися кривдникам.Сюжет (англ.)
An in-depth look at Russia's most natural wonders including Siberia, Kamchatka, the Artic, Caucasus, Primorye, and the Urals.Wild Russia (2008—2018)
Wild Russia
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An in-depth look at Russia's most natural wonders including Siberia, Kamchatka, the Artic, Caucasus, Primorye, and the Urals.Сюжет (англ.)
A look at the disastrous effects a rain flood has on a termite community.The Besieged Fortress (2006)
The Besieged Fortress
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A look at the disastrous effects a rain flood has on a termite community.Сюжет (англ.)
The magazine reports on current events in the city of Berlin and in the state of Brandenburg.The Phenomenon Bruno Gröning: On the Tracks of the 'Miracle Healer' (2003)
The Phenomenon Bruno Gröning: On the Tracks of the 'Miracle Healer'
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French documentary TV series about films that marked their era.Il était une fois... (2003—)
Il était une fois...
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French documentary TV series about films that marked their era.Сюжет (англ.)
The first episode shows audiences the American Serengeti that was once North America, and the unearthing of a Clovis child who came from some of the earliest settlers of Montana. The people hunt Caribou and Mammoths as they hide f...Monsters We Met (2003)
Monsters We Met
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The first episode shows audiences the American Serengeti that was once North America, and the unearthing of a Clovis child who came from some of the earliest settlers of Montana. The people hunt Caribou and Mammoths as they hide f...Сюжет (англ.)
Based on the latest archaeological discoveries and combining dramatic reconstruction, location shooting and state-of-the-art CGI computer effects, this film travels back in time to reveal ...Building the Great Pyramid (2002)
Building the Great Pyramid
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Based on the latest archaeological discoveries and combining dramatic reconstruction, location shooting and state-of-the-art CGI computer effects, this film travels back in time to reveal ...Der Jahrhundertkrieg (2002)
Der Jahrhundertkrieg
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Follow the tale of important people in German history. Watch as they go in depth about why they think the way they do, and how they came to make the choices they did in their life time. Watch them as they are forced to choose thei...History (2000—)
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Follow the tale of important people in German history. Watch as they go in depth about why they think the way they do, and how they came to make the choices they did in their life time. Watch them as they are forced to choose thei...Сюжет (англ.)
The documentary explores the influence of the Hitler Youth on German boys during the Nazi era.Hitlers Children (2000)
Hitlers Children
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The documentary explores the influence of the Hitler Youth on German boys during the Nazi era.Сюжет (англ.)
Volle Kanne is a service magazine on ZDF, which is sent from Monday to Friday.Volle Kanne (1999—)
Volle Kanne
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Volle Kanne is a service magazine on ZDF, which is sent from Monday to Friday.Сюжет (англ.)
Portraits of important people in Nazi-Germany.Hitler's Henchmen (1996—1998)
Hitler's Henchmen
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Portraits of important people in Nazi-Germany.Сюжет (англ.)
Each show introduces one guest who then is 'judged' by the studio audience as to be welcome as a new roommate or not.Zimmer frei! (1996—)
Zimmer frei!
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Each show introduces one guest who then is 'judged' by the studio audience as to be welcome as a new roommate or not.Сюжет (англ.)
This German format is not a series properly speaking, as it has no permanent cast or script continuity, but presents each time a 45 minutes documentary, usually in part presented as a docudrama (not faction, as close to scientific...Sphinx Secrets of the History (1994—2007)
Sphinx Secrets of the History
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This German format is not a series properly speaking, as it has no permanent cast or script continuity, but presents each time a 45 minutes documentary, usually in part presented as a docudrama (not faction, as close to scientific...Сюжет (англ.)
Rosa Roth is a no-nonsense police commissioner stationed in Berlin, who has a small team of operatives she trusts with her life. Whatever happens on the field, takes a toll on them personally as well.Rosa Roth (1994—2013)
Rosa Roth
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Rosa Roth is a no-nonsense police commissioner stationed in Berlin, who has a small team of operatives she trusts with her life. Whatever happens on the field, takes a toll on them personally as well.Сюжет (англ.)
The young policeman Koeppe just left the academy and is transferred to a small police station in the countryside. He's a merry guy and dreams of a career, however he's not very bright. A ...Karniggels (1991)
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The young policeman Koeppe just left the academy and is transferred to a small police station in the countryside. He's a merry guy and dreams of a career, however he's not very bright. A ...Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати