Binnur Kaya

Дата народження: 19 квітня 1872 (152 роки)

Знак зодіаку: Овен

Місце народження: Анкара, Туреччина

Всього фільмів (на сайті): 31

Ролі: актриса


Знайдено 31 результат

КУБРА (2024) актриса 0.0 imdb 6.2
Сюжет Звичайний мешканець передмістя починає отримувати пророцтва майбутніх подій. Незабаром у нього з’являються послідовники… і могутні вороги.
КУБРА Трейлер

КУБРА (2024)


Серіал 1 сезон, 8 епізодів Поновлений серіал
Туреччина   45 хв
Читати опис Звичайний мешканець передмістя починає отримувати пророцтва майбутніх подій. Незабаром у нього з’являються послідовники… і могутні вороги.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.2 (3683)
Моя оцінка:

Доступно в netflix (укр. субтитри)

Güzel Günler (2022) актриса у ролі Kiymet 0.0 imdb 7.5
Сюжет (англ.) Selma comes to Istanbul from Van to get the inheritance left to her when she thinks that all means are exhausted. Beneath is his father's scrap car, with his well-to-do brother Leylim. The only condition to receive the inheritance...

Güzel Günler (2022)

Güzel Günler

Серіал 1 сезон, 0 епізодів
актриса у ролі Kiymet
Читати опис (англ.) Selma comes to Istanbul from Van to get the inheritance left to her when she thinks that all means are exhausted. Beneath is his father's scrap car, with his well-to-do brother Leylim. The only condition to receive the inheritance...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 7.5 (359)
Моя оцінка:
You Me Lenin (2021) актриса 0.0 imdb 6.5
Сюжет (англ.) One day waves bring a wooden statue of Lenin to a small town by the Black Sea. The statue is erected in the town square by the Municipality with the hope that it would attract tourists to ...

You Me Lenin (2021)

You Me Lenin

Туреччина   1 год 26 хв
Читати опис (англ.) One day waves bring a wooden statue of Lenin to a small town by the Black Sea. The statue is erected in the town square by the Municipality with the hope that it would attract tourists to ...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.5 (2108)
Моя оцінка:
Дилема Азіза
Дилема Азіза (2021) актриса у ролі Kamuran 5.0 imdb 6.0
Сюжет Занурений у кризу середнього віку Азіз шукає розради у своїй мирській роботі, одиноких друзях і галасливій родині, удаючи, що в нього все добре.
Дилема Азіза Трейлер

Дилема Азіза (2021)

Stuck Apart

актриса у ролі Kamuran
Туреччина   1 год 36 хв
Читати опис Занурений у кризу середнього віку Азіз шукає розради у своїй мирській роботі, одиноких друзях і галасливій родині, удаючи, що в нього все добре.
КіноБаза: 5.0 (1)  IMDb: 6.0 (11451)
Моя оцінка:
The Innocents (2020—2022) актриса у ролі Doktor Hanim 0.0 imdb 7.7
Сюжет (англ.) Looking like a young, handsome and charismatic businessman from the outside, Han is filled with his family's painful memories and tragedy inside. After returning from the U.S., he devotes ...

The Innocents (2020—2022)

The Innocents

Серіал 2 сезони, 71 епізод Завершений
актриса у ролі Doktor Hanim
Читати опис (англ.) Looking like a young, handsome and charismatic businessman from the outside, Han is filled with his family's painful memories and tragedy inside. After returning from the U.S., he devotes ...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 7.7 (3289)
Моя оцінка:
The Red Room (2020—2022) актриса у ролі Doktor Hanim 0.0 imdb 7.4
Сюжет (англ.) The Red Room is set in a therapist office in Istanbul, where we see vulnerable women and men who pass through to get treatment and handle their traumas and problems.

The Red Room (2020—2022)

The Red Room

Серіал 2 сезони, 80 епізодів Завершений
актриса у ролі Doktor Hanim
Туреччина   2 год 0 хв
Читати опис (англ.) The Red Room is set in a therapist office in Istanbul, where we see vulnerable women and men who pass through to get treatment and handle their traumas and problems.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 7.4 (2381)
Моя оцінка:
My Home My Destiny (2019—2021) актриса у ролі Doktor Hanim 0.0 imdb 5.8

My Home My Destiny (2019—2021)

My Home My Destiny

Серіал 2 сезони, 43 епізоди Завершений
актриса у ролі Doktor Hanim
  2 год 0 хв
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 5.8 (2834)
Моя оцінка:
You've Got Murder (2019) актриса у ролі Komiser Asuman 6.0 imdb 6.7

You've Got Murder (2019)

You've Got Murder

актриса у ролі Komiser Asuman
Туреччина   1 год 52 хв
КіноБаза: 6.0 (1)  IMDb: 6.7 (19849)
Моя оцінка:
Zengin ve Yoksul (2019) актриса у ролі Berrin Tastan 0.0 imdb 4.4
Сюжет (англ.) In the same neighborhood in Istanbul, two different houses in two different worlds. Berringiller, who was struggling with their livelihood at the foot of the slope, and their rich relatives are Erdemliler. Aysel no longer wants to...

Zengin ve Yoksul (2019)

Zengin ve Yoksul

Серіал 1 сезон, 8 епізодів Завершений
актриса у ролі Berrin Tastan
Туреччина   2 год 0 хв
Читати опис (англ.) In the same neighborhood in Istanbul, two different houses in two different worlds. Berringiller, who was struggling with their livelihood at the foot of the slope, and their rich relatives are Erdemliler. Aysel no longer wants to...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 4.4 (156)
Моя оцінка:
Bizi Hatirla (2018) актриса 0.0 imdb 7.4
Сюжет (англ.) Kaan (Tolga Tekin) has difficulty getting a higher position in his work where he has built a good career. While he was occupied with his wife, children and his work, he has pretty much ...

Bizi Hatirla (2018)

Bizi Hatirla

Туреччина   2 год 0 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Kaan (Tolga Tekin) has difficulty getting a higher position in his work where he has built a good career. While he was occupied with his wife, children and his work, he has pretty much ...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 7.4 (2908)
Моя оцінка:
Tolgshow (2017—2018) зіграла саму себе 0.0 imdb 7.8
Сюжет (англ.) Until now, the director is endless and often trying to fulfill absurd requests without any text in his hand, Tolga Cevik opens the rebellion flag and takes the yarn by hand. 'Tolgshow' ...

Tolgshow (2017—2018)


Серіал 3 сезони, 39 епізодів Ток-шоу Завершений
зіграла саму себе
Туреччина   1 год 40 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Until now, the director is endless and often trying to fulfill absurd requests without any text in his hand, Tolga Cevik opens the rebellion flag and takes the yarn by hand. 'Tolgshow' ...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 7.8 (2046)
Моя оцінка:
Turkish Dance School (2017) актриса 0.0 imdb 5.6

Turkish Dance School (2017)

Turkish Dance School

Туреччина   1 год 46 хв
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 5.6 (2724)
Моя оцінка:
Bu Sayilmaz (2017) актриса у ролі Küçük Semiha 0.0 imdb 3.6

Bu Sayilmaz (2017)

Bu Sayilmaz

Серіал 1 сезон, 3 епізоди Завершений
актриса у ролі Küçük Semiha
Туреччина   1 год 30 хв
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 3.6 (18)
Моя оцінка:
Analar ve Anneler (2015) актриса у ролі Neriman 0.0 imdb 4.8
Сюжет (англ.) Drama turkey about young mothers Mother give birth a baby and other upbringing in love..and after years who's belong thes baby ?

Analar ve Anneler (2015)

Analar ve Anneler

Серіал 1 сезон, 9 епізодів Скасований
актриса у ролі Neriman
Туреччина   1 год 30 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Drama turkey about young mothers Mother give birth a baby and other upbringing in love..and after years who's belong thes baby ?
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 4.8 (247)
Моя оцінка:
Şarkı Söyleyen Kadınlar
Şarkı Söyleyen Kadınlar (2013) актриса у ролі Esma 0.0 imdb 6.1
Сюжет (англ.) An island is evacuated because of a possible earthquake, but some people don't comply this order and decide to stay the island.
Şarkı Söyleyen Kadınlar

Şarkı Söyleyen Kadınlar (2013)

Singing Women

актриса у ролі Esma
Туреччина, Німеччина, Франція   2 год 0 хв
Читати опис (англ.) An island is evacuated because of a possible earthquake, but some people don't comply this order and decide to stay the island.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.1 (746)
Моя оцінка:
Mutlu aile defteri (2013) актриса у ролі Asuman (Cevdet's Wife) 0.0 imdb 6.0
Сюжет (англ.) Childrens of a retired colonel come together after their father falls from the rooftop, this constrained togetherness brings their lies into open day by day.

Mutlu aile defteri (2013)

Mutlu aile defteri

актриса у ролі Asuman (Cevdet's Wife)
Туреччина   1 год 34 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Childrens of a retired colonel come together after their father falls from the rooftop, this constrained togetherness brings their lies into open day by day.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.0 (2038)
Моя оцінка:
Величне століття. Роксолана
Величне століття. Роксолана (2011—2014) актриса у ролі Muskaci Hatun  ✓ укр. аудіо 7.3 imdb 6.9
Сюжет Серіал Величне століття. Роксолана оповідає про правління султана Сулеймана Пишного і його пристрасної любові до української красуні Роксалани. Згідно з канонами ісламської віри, султан міг мати чотирьох законних дружин і стільки наложниць, скільки зможе утримувати. При цьому, діти першої дружини ставали спадкоємцями престолу. Роксолана ще дівчинкою була захоплена в полон і переправлена ​​до Стамбулу, де візир Ібрагім-паша подарував її султанові. Шляхом інтриг, підкупу і вмілого зваблювання українська красуня стала дружиною султана. Після прийняття ісламу вона отримала ім'я Хюррем. Сулейман звів Роксолану в ранг головної дружини, і називав її не інакше як «милої серцю». Роксолана була не тільки майстерною коханкою, але й розумною, цікавою співрозмовницею, добре розбирається в мистецтві і державних справах. Щоб реалізувати свої амбіції в султанаті, Хюррем усувала всіх, хто міг їй у цьому перешкодити. В основу сценарію лягло кілька історичних романів і середньовічних документів.
Величне століття. Роксолана Трейлер

Величне століття. Роксолана (2011—2014)

Magnificent Century

Серіал 4 сезони, 224 епізоди Завершений
актриса у ролі Muskaci Hatun
Туреччина   1 год 30 хв
Читати опис Серіал Величне століття. Роксолана оповідає про правління султана Сулеймана Пишного і його пристрасної любові до української красуні Роксалани. Згідно з канонами ісламської віри, султан міг мати чотирьох законних дружин і стільки наложниць, скільки зможе утримувати. При цьому, діти першої дружини ставали спадкоємцями престолу. Роксолана ще дівчинкою була захоплена в полон і переправлена ​​до Стамбулу, де візир Ібрагім-паша подарував її султанові. Шляхом інтриг, підкупу і вмілого зваблювання українська красуня стала дружиною султана. Після прийняття ісламу вона отримала ім'я Хюррем. Сулейман звів Роксолану в ранг головної дружини, і називав її не інакше як «милої серцю». Роксолана була не тільки майстерною коханкою, але й розумною, цікавою співрозмовницею, добре розбирається в мистецтві і державних справах. Щоб реалізувати свої амбіції в султанаті, Хюррем усувала всіх, хто міг їй у цьому перешкодити. В основу сценарію лягло кілька історичних романів і середньовічних документів.
Є українське аудіо
КіноБаза: 7.3 (38)  IMDb: 6.9 (19317)
Моя оцінка:
Türk mali (2010—2017) актриса у ролі Abiye Kuzu (2010) 0.0 imdb 3.7

Türk mali (2010—2017)

Türk mali

Серіал 4 сезони, 41 епізод Завершений
актриса у ролі Abiye Kuzu (2010)
Туреччина   1 год 30 хв
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 3.7 (1429)
Моя оцінка:
Vavien (2009) актриса у ролі Sevilay 0.0 imdb 7.5
Сюжет (англ.) Celal, lives an unhappy family life with his wife Sevilay and his child in a small town. Celal and his brother Cemal, running an electrician shop which doesn't go well. They are in debt. The only fun they have is going to the night clubs in Samsun. Celal's love for Sibel Ceylan who works in the night club, will cause him trouble. Celal's wife, Sevilay, saves her money, sent by her father who lives in Germany. She is unaware of the fact that Celal knows her secret. Living an unhappy life, Celal thinks that this money will be his salvation and makes a plan. He gets an automatic door fixed to his car. He plans to push his wife off the cliff by making it seems like an accident and he plans to possess 75.000 Euros that her wife saves. He carries out his plan but two days after his wife Sevilay comes back unexpectedly. Does she know that the one who pushed her off the cliff was Celal? She can't find the money that she saved through all those years. She wonders if her husband saw the money? Sevilay's questions confuse everybody's minds and causes both Celal and herself to go through many things in their lives.

Vavien (2009)


актриса у ролі Sevilay
Туреччина   1 год 40 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Celal, lives an unhappy family life with his wife Sevilay and his child in a small town. Celal and his brother Cemal, running an electrician shop which doesn't go well. They are in debt. The only fun they have is going to the night clubs in Samsun. Celal's love for Sibel Ceylan who works in the night club, will cause him trouble. Celal's wife, Sevilay, saves her money, sent by her father who lives in Germany. She is unaware of the fact that Celal knows her secret. Living an unhappy life, Celal thinks that this money will be his salvation and makes a plan. He gets an automatic door fixed to his car. He plans to push his wife off the cliff by making it seems like an accident and he plans to possess 75.000 Euros that her wife saves. He carries out his plan but two days after his wife Sevilay comes back unexpectedly. Does she know that the one who pushed her off the cliff was Celal? She can't find the money that she saved through all those years. She wonders if her husband saw the money? Sevilay's questions confuse everybody's minds and causes both Celal and herself to go through many things in their lives.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 7.5 (13745)
Моя оцінка:
Kampüste çiplak ayaklar (2009) актриса у ролі Parvati, Esin Hanim 0.0 imdb 4.6
Сюжет (англ.) All these years, novels and movies have always covered stories in which the main characters from the Western World travel to India. These characters are introduced to a very meaningful and ...

Kampüste çiplak ayaklar (2009)

Kampüste çiplak ayaklar

актриса у ролі Parvati, Esin Hanim
Туреччина   1 год 30 хв
Читати опис (англ.) All these years, novels and movies have always covered stories in which the main characters from the Western World travel to India. These characters are introduced to a very meaningful and ...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 4.6 (684)
Моя оцінка:
Black Snake (2007) актриса у ролі Antepli Emine 0.0 imdb 7.0

Black Snake (2007)

Black Snake

Серіал 1 сезон, 0 епізодів
актриса у ролі Antepli Emine
Туреччина   1 год 30 хв
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 7.0 (407)
Моя оцінка:
The Little Apocalypse (2006) актриса у ролі Filiz 0.0 imdb 6.3
Сюжет (англ.) Bilge lives a quiet and comfortable life in Istanbul with her spouse Zeki, and daughter Eda and new born child Alp. But they couldn't have gone to a vacation for a long time due to heavy work program of her spouse who is a civil engineer. Also nephews Didem and Bora join to the family who rents a villa in Fethiye for this purpose. The family who will take the road from Istanbul next day fall asleep after a nice dinner. While they are asleep, a great earthquake occurs. Earthquake lasts a short time but the family who was affected from the quake gets off to retreat from Istanbul and this The Little Apocalypse they experienced as soon as possible.

The Little Apocalypse (2006)

The Little Apocalypse

актриса у ролі Filiz
Туреччина   1 год 30 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Bilge lives a quiet and comfortable life in Istanbul with her spouse Zeki, and daughter Eda and new born child Alp. But they couldn't have gone to a vacation for a long time due to heavy work program of her spouse who is a civil engineer. Also nephews Didem and Bora join to the family who rents a villa in Fethiye for this purpose. The family who will take the road from Istanbul next day fall asleep after a nice dinner. While they are asleep, a great earthquake occurs. Earthquake lasts a short time but the family who was affected from the quake gets off to retreat from Istanbul and this The Little Apocalypse they experienced as soon as possible.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.3 (2677)
Моя оцінка:
Hayatimin kadinisin (2006) актриса у ролі Firdevs 0.0 imdb 6.1
Сюжет (англ.) A deserted drifter settles down on the realization of his platonic calf love for a washed up singer.

Hayatimin kadinisin (2006)

Hayatimin kadinisin

актриса у ролі Firdevs
Туреччина   1 год 28 хв
Читати опис (англ.) A deserted drifter settles down on the realization of his platonic calf love for a washed up singer.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.1 (859)
Моя оцінка:
Мій батько і мій син
Мій батько і мій син (2005) актриса у ролі Hanife 7.2 imdb 8.2
Сюжет (англ.) A Turkish man, whose wife died while giving birth to his son during a military coup, finally returns home. Estranged from his father for turning his back on the family farm, he takes his 8 year-old and tries to repair relations.
Мій батько і мій син Трейлер

Мій батько і мій син (2005)

My Father and My Son

актриса у ролі Hanife
Туреччина   1 год 48 хв
Читати опис (англ.) A Turkish man, whose wife died while giving birth to his son during a military coup, finally returns home. Estranged from his father for turning his back on the family farm, he takes his 8 year-old and tries to repair relations.
КіноБаза: 7.2 (5)  IMDb: 8.2 (93116)
Моя оцінка:
Borders of Love (2004—2007) актриса у ролі Nazire 0.0 imdb 6.8
Сюжет (англ.) Nazli (Nehir Erdogan), daughter of the famous baklava seller (Erdal Özyagcilar ) in Gaziantep, finished her education in Ankara and returned to her home town. The family who is looking forward to the coming of their daughter is very pleased. Bu Nazli awaits a surprise. Kahraman Bey promised his business partner Okkes (Zeki Alasya) the marriage of his daughter and his son Kadir (Engin Akyürek). Nazli opposes this severely. First her father Kahraman, her mother Feride (Sumru Yavrucuk), her grandpa Memik (Arif Erkin), her sister (Binnur Kaya), her brother-in-law (Ilker Aksum) are against Nazli's opinion. The given promise cannot be broken! The day when Okkes and Kadir comes to ask for Nazli's hand in marriage, the girl runs away and goes to her schoolmate Zeynep in Bodrum. She gets a job in a hotel in Bodrum and starts working. Nazli's family looks for her everywhere. Nazli meets a good-looking young man in Bodrum, a foreigner. Nazli believes the boy is British. Yet, he is a Greek called Niko (Özgür Çevik ) whose family migrated from Istanbul to Athens. How will the friendship of a Greek boy and a girl from Antep turn out? For, the two countries' people have always lived in enmity for years. Though it works! Nazli and Niko fall desperately in love with each other yet there remain two big obstacles. Okkes and his son Kadir who is pursuing with all their clan. And Niko's girlfriend (Natalia Doussopoulos) who is a pop star. How will the couple get rid of them? How will their family respond? Niko's family who dislikes Turks and Nazli's family who doesn't like the Greek. The serial adorned with Turkish and Greek melodies is shot in Bodrum, Gaziantep, Istanbul, the Greek Island of Simi and Athens.

Borders of Love (2004—2007)

Borders of Love

Серіал 3 сезони, 70 епізодів Завершений
актриса у ролі Nazire
Туреччина   1 год 20 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Nazli (Nehir Erdogan), daughter of the famous baklava seller (Erdal Özyagcilar ) in Gaziantep, finished her education in Ankara and returned to her home town. The family who is looking forward to the coming of their daughter is very pleased. Bu Nazli awaits a surprise. Kahraman Bey promised his business partner Okkes (Zeki Alasya) the marriage of his daughter and his son Kadir (Engin Akyürek). Nazli opposes this severely. First her father Kahraman, her mother Feride (Sumru Yavrucuk), her grandpa Memik (Arif Erkin), her sister (Binnur Kaya), her brother-in-law (Ilker Aksum) are against Nazli's opinion. The given promise cannot be broken! The day when Okkes and Kadir comes to ask for Nazli's hand in marriage, the girl runs away and goes to her schoolmate Zeynep in Bodrum. She gets a job in a hotel in Bodrum and starts working. Nazli's family looks for her everywhere. Nazli meets a good-looking young man in Bodrum, a foreigner. Nazli believes the boy is British. Yet, he is a Greek called Niko (Özgür Çevik ) whose family migrated from Istanbul to Athens. How will the friendship of a Greek boy and a girl from Antep turn out? For, the two countries' people have always lived in enmity for years. Though it works! Nazli and Niko fall desperately in love with each other yet there remain two big obstacles. Okkes and his son Kadir who is pursuing with all their clan. And Niko's girlfriend (Natalia Doussopoulos) who is a pop star. How will the couple get rid of them? How will their family respond? Niko's family who dislikes Turks and Nazli's family who doesn't like the Greek. The serial adorned with Turkish and Greek melodies is shot in Bodrum, Gaziantep, Istanbul, the Greek Island of Simi and Athens.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.8 (3011)
Моя оцінка:
The European Side (2004—2009) актриса у ролі Dilber 0.0 imdb 8.6
Сюжет (англ.) A sitcom about Sutcuoglu family and Avrupa Yakasi magazine employers funny story

The European Side (2004—2009)

The European Side

Серіал 6 сезонів, 191 епізод Завершений
актриса у ролі Dilber
Туреччина   60 хв
Читати опис (англ.) A sitcom about Sutcuoglu family and Avrupa Yakasi magazine employers funny story
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 8.6 (21452)
Моя оцінка:
Under Construction (2003) актриса у ролі Ayse 0.0 imdb 7.2
Сюжет (англ.) Insaat, 2003 directed by Ömer Vargi to undertake the construction of film.

Under Construction (2003)

Under Construction

актриса у ролі Ayse
Туреччина   1 год 53 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Insaat, 2003 directed by Ömer Vargi to undertake the construction of film.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 7.2 (4102)
Моя оцінка:
Abuzer Kadayif (2000) актриса 0.0 imdb 5.4

Abuzer Kadayif (2000)

Abuzer Kadayif

Туреччина   1 год 44 хв
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 5.4 (2464)
Моя оцінка:
Diploma of Madness (1998) актриса 0.0 imdb 6.5
Сюжет (англ.) Nur is a woman who suffers from bipolar depression with psychosis. While she stays in a mental institution she confronts with her life; her childhood, her parents and her marriage...Can she ever learn to love herself?

Diploma of Madness (1998)

Diploma of Madness

Туреччина, Угорщина, Франція   1 год 41 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Nur is a woman who suffers from bipolar depression with psychosis. While she stays in a mental institution she confronts with her life; her childhood, her parents and her marriage...Can she ever learn to love herself?
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.5 (223)
Моя оцінка:
Beyaz Show (1996—) актриса 0.0 imdb 7.1
Сюжет (англ.) The program consists Beyaz interviewing various celebrities and segments of his unique brand of humour.

Beyaz Show (1996—)

Beyaz Show

Серіал 2 сезони, 25 епізодів Ток-шоу Поновлений серіал
Читати опис (англ.) The program consists Beyaz interviewing various celebrities and segments of his unique brand of humour.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 7.1 (7555)
Моя оцінка:


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