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[s01e48] Meow

Прем'єра: 21 червня 2002
Тривалість: 45 хв
Оцінка: 0.0 (0)
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Sharmas after years of being childless are blessed with a baby girl. They name her Karishma for miracle. When she cries it sounds like cat wailing and cats start wailing. At 3 months she develops a pricking thorny tongue. At 8 months kills a rat and eats it. Worried the parents seek help of Dr. Dhawan expert of paranormal. he warns them the girls was not a boon of God but a gift of Satan - a cat living it's 9th life as human to curse others. he warns them to kill her or leave her in Jungle. if she tastes human blood she will be a carnivorous terror bringing ...

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