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[s02e27] Haircut

Прем'єра: 15 березня 2003
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Mr. Bean saves the kitten from a tree which was the owner thanks him for saving her kitten and makes a reward for him. When the press photograph and the kitten's owner arrive at his door for a photograph, he decides to make more beautiful have a haircut when the hair is messy. However, when the barber is too slow to cut the hair, he decides to cut his hair on his own but inadvertently cuts all his hair, making him bald. He tries to hide his hair until he sees the photographer's wig flies away in which he steals it and paints in black. As Mr. Bean and the owner are about to take a picture, the gust of wind blows the fake hair and Bean immediately puts the cat on his head to which the barber likes the picture and uses Bean's cat haircut to cut them off for the customers.

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