Making Star Wars (1977)

Making Star Wars

The Making of 'Star Wars'

50 хв  • 
Країни: США
Жанр: документальний тв-фільм
Прем'єра в світі:
Режисер: Роберт Генетт
КіноБаза: 8.0 (1)  IMDb: 7.4 (753)
Моя оцінка:
Сюжет (англ.):

Ever wonder how they ever managed to make a movie like Star Wars? Well, bickering droid duo C-3PO and R2-D2 host this tour of the mind of creator George Lucas and what inspired him to make the movie. Even interviewed are the cast and crew, even features scenes of when C-3PO, R2-D2, and Darth Vader planted their footprints (or in R2's case, tread-prints) into cement. Also discussed is Star Wars mania, how fans loved the movie, collected the merchandise and danced the disco music. Also shown are behind-the-scenes looks at the movie, as well as how difficult each effect was in doing since they didn't have the convenience of computer animation back then.

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Виробничі компанії:

Lucasfilm, 20th Century Fox Television, Star Wars Corporation, The, Lucasfilm Ltd.

Актори: (Всі 22)

Сценарист: Річард Шікель
Оператори: David Myers
Відео: (Всі 2)
Geography Now! Trailer
Зображення: (Всі 1)

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