The Class (2016—)

The Class

14 сезонів, 799 епізодів

    01. Sugar Rush
    02. The First Kiss
    03. The Activist
    04. Boy Friends
    05. The Group Picture
    06. The New Boy
    07. Parroting
    08. Lazy Emil
    09. School-home talk
    10. Sore Loser
    11. Karl Under Pressure
    12. Boyfriend Thief - part 1
    13. Boyfriend Thief - part 2
    14. Samis New Old Song
    15. The List
    16. Older boyfriend
    17. Hacking
    18. The Class Chest
    19. The new couple
    20. Baking competition
    21. Capitalists
    22. Please, Cornelius
    23. Funny Types
    24. The Hook-Up King Liam
    25. Cornelius as Sponsor
    26. The Internet Girlfriend
    28. New Pants
    29. Girls for Sale
    30. Bad Temper
    31. Biebers Lonely Girl
    33. The MGP song
    34. Friend or snitch
    35. Cornelius' Secret
    36. Hero Salon
    37. Anorexia
    38. Lovers for a Month
    41. Exercise Day Sucks
    42. Who Knows What?
    43. The Penis
    44. Emmas Dilemma
    45. Sara Skips Class
    46. The Last Queen
    47. Football in a Skirt
    48. Evil Friends
    49. Milk Fetcher
    50. Hannahs Dad
    51. The First Menstruation
    52. Astrids Fear
    53. The Lie
    54. Phosphorus Shock
    55. Super Fan
    56. A Stranger
    57. Top 3
    58. Fire Alarm
    59. Relax Alexander
    60. Way Too Embarrassing
    61. Illegal Picture
    62. Violence
    63. Paranoia in the Basement
    64. The Winning Team
    65. A Couple or Not - part 1
    66. A Couple or Not - part 2
    67. The School Party
    01. Kiss with braces
    02. Star on YouTube
    03. Unpopular
    04. Signes Diary
    05. Sofia's birthday
    06. Painfully embarrassing
    07. Red wine
    08. Disappeared
    11. Should you see X Factor?
    12. The cool girls
    14. The black squad
    15. Sex education
    19. Double date
    20. Friends or boyfriends?
    21. Rough joke
    22. Believe it!
    23. The King of FIFA: Part 1
    24. The King of FIFA: Part 2
    25. Cafe flirting
    26. The girls' dressing room
    27. Goodbye Liam
    28. Chicken in danger!
    31. What can Liam become?
    32. He is drowning!
    33. Save the world
    36. The pants off!
    37. Signe's new girlfriend
    38. Is Sami sick?
    39. Can girls score?
    42. Stupid
    43. BFF
    44. School photo
    45. The big class show
    01. The secret instrument
    02. The jewelry thief
    04. Cool or clown?
    06. Heartaches
    07. Like hunter
    08. The King of the Class
    09. The New Queen - Part 1
    10. The New Queen - Part 2
    11. The spittle
    12. Boy against girl
    13. Your father is a fool
    14. The codfish in the bag
    15. Crush on the same girl
    18. An embarrassing secret
    19. Makeup or Not
    20. Mikkel has no friends
    23. Embarrassing mother
    26. Who stinks? - part 1
    27. Who stinks? - part 2
    28. The struggle for power
    29. Squad or Not
    30. The phone stalker
    31. Too Much Drama - Part 1
    32. Too Much Drama - Part 2
    33. Too Much Drama - Part 3
    34. Messi or Ronaldo? part 1
    35. Messi or Ronaldo? part 2
    36. Messi or Ronaldo? part 3
    01. Friends or Foes - Part 1
    02. Friends or Foes - Part 2
    03. Tobias steals
    04. A stupid idea
    05. Mads plays smart
    06. Little squirt
    09. Aida Against the Squad
    10. Boyfriends
    11. The fake profile
    12. The perfect prank
    15. Everyone hates you
    16. The new couple
    17. Beaten in the schoolyard
    18. Pigs on Insta
    19. Stay away!
    20. Bad hair day
    21. The secret blog
    24. More confidence
    27. Bullied on Youtube
    29. Are you adopted?
    30. Licking on toilet seat
    31. Thrown out of the group
    34. Bertram's music video
    35. In love with the chat
    36. Is he crazy about me?
    37. Queen of the Class
    38. Known from TV
    03. Dangerous parrot-sick
    04. Secret crush
    05. Charging BFF
    06. Who is the thief?
    07. The class's new squad
    08. Magnus' ex-girlfriend
    09. Kisses from mom
    11. A desperate joke
    13. Christian's first kiss
    14. Snitch!
    15. Try not to cry
    16. In love in four minutes
    17. Far from a diva
    18. A serious news
    22. No invitation
    24. All for Alma
    25. Phobia for snot
    26. Stupid for you
    27. A tacky challenge
    28. Never in love
    31. My worst, best friend
    32. Rich kid?
    35. A wet accident
    36. Albertes wannabes
    37. The secret SMS
    43. Kick me!
    44. Love or football
    45. How to kiss?
    46. Magnus bully
    47. Fortnite Fail
    48. The girls' locker room
    51. A cracked double date
    52. Do not press the button
    53. Copy girls
    54. The fake autograph
    55. Afraid to fail
    56. Murder in the basement
    57. A night at school
    58. Fortnite squad
    59. Laurits is a psychic
    61. Mother on dating, part 1
    62. Mother on dating, part 2
    63. Alberta is a drama queen
    64. Flirt out of control
    65. Weapons in school
    66. Crybaby
    67. Maybe boyfriends?
    01. Never again diva, part 1
    02. Never again diva, part 2
    04. The secret party
    05. The new queen of divas
    06. Flirt in the air
    07. Fools in traffic
    08. Ida smashes the streak
    10. Luna likehunter
    11. Filmed in secret
    12. Hate Harry Potter
    13. Cheated by friend
    14. Obsessed with breasts
    15. Magic wand or pee man
    16. Girl secrets
    17. The naughty time capsule
    18. Pain in the breasts
    19. Is Luna lying? part 1
    20. Is Luna lying? part 2
    21. The worst sidekick
    22. Creepy chain message
    23. Popular with the boys
    24. Ball or breakdance
    25. Who has lice?
    26. Viola goes crazy
    27. Giant clown
    28. Too picky about love
    29. Livestream goes wrong
    30. Bloody Mary
    31. Bullied on livestream
    32. Ditched
    33. The lure to peck
    39. Bloodshed
    40. Fake for likes
    41. The clown of the class
    42. Stinker-Storm
    43. Ronja's dream job
    44. Storms stink-girlfriend
    46. Revenge of bullying
    47. Win a school party
    48. The dirtiest cakes
    49. Clothing crisis
    50. The king and the queen
    53. Mama's boy
    54. Girlfriend challenge
    55. The birthday thief
    57. Hugo wants pimples
    58. Humiliated, Part 1
    59. Humiliated, Part 2
    60. Is Luna the last single?
    61. Too close!
    62. Crush on an celebrity
    64. Crazy about gossip
    65. Inge is a loser
    66. Forced to lie
    67. We're stealing snot!
    68. Girlfriends in crisis
    70. Does my father like me?
    71. Nobody trusts Mika
    76. The death list
    77. The last day of school
    03. A tacky plan
    06. Are we still friends?
    07. Isabella's lie
    08. Problems at home
    12. Desperate for friends
    13. The dumbest bet
    14. The fake gamer
    15. Greased into food
    17. Bets or friends?
    18. Too childish for BFF
    20. RIP Class Party
    24. An ass good idea, part 1
    25. An ass good idea, part 2
    26. Called a climate lie
    29. Fie has no friends
    30. Three on a Date, Part 1
    31. Three on a Date, Part 2
    32. Three on a date, part 3
    33. Niko surprises everyone
    34. A wild friendship
    35. Mega in love
    36. Is Nikoline dating?
    37. Mille takes minus
    39. Friends or views?
    42. Vera falls in love
    43. Faker on his birthday
    45. Scandal on live TV?
    46. Why does Isabella hate?
    47. Theos secret admirer
    48. Tampontud
    49. A terrible flirtation
    52. Alone in December
    53. Hector rules Christmas
    56. Lucia-drama
    58. Friends fail
    59. The big Christmas party
    03. Crazy about best friend
    04. In love with a boy
    05. Who chooses Nikoline?
    06. A surprising crush
    07. Ready to kiss?
    08. Lying about girlfriends
    09. Visit by Brohave
    10. Hate my hair
    12. Locked up!
    18. What is Rosa hiding?
    19. Accident in class?
    20. Believe it!
    21. Prankster
    22. Sebastians valentinsdate
    23. Frozen outside
    29. Can I trust my crush?
    30. Shall we look up?
    31. The worst breakup
    32. Who hates Vera? Part 1
    33. Who hates Vera? Part 2
    34. Who hates Vera? Part 3
    35. Failed on birthday
    36. Should Philip be fit?
    37. Dirty thoughts
    38. Gala party, part 1
    39. Gala party, part 2
    40. Gala party, part 3
    41. The heartbreaker
    43. Be a loser!
    45. Drowning in lies
    46. Secret snaps
    47. Elviras desperate in
    49. Nikoline's new crush
    50. Slandered by girlfriends
    51. Elvira's secret
    53. Weakest link part 1
    54. Weakest link part 2
    55. Too much makeup
    57. Challenging best friend
    58. Looking at breasts
    60. A cracked friend
    61. Bad for pranks
    62. Sebastians crush part 1
    63. Sebastians crush part 2
    64. Embarrassing porn
    65. Who's gossiping?
    66. Too much in love
    67. An embarrassing post
    68. Books like BFF
    71. A dangerous diet
    72. Steals birthday present
    73. Nikoline looks up
    74. Should Elliot go around?
    75. Does Philip regret it?
    76. Axel's revenge!
    03. Hannah's secret
    04. The shower death
    06. Not invited
    07. Virtual friend
    08. Roller skating romance
    09. I'm afraid of the dark
    10. Soft through
    11. Embarrassing puberty
    12. Chlamydia crisis
    13. An unexpected alliance
    14. Everyone loves Ella
    15. The school patrol
    16. Malou is the 3rd wheel
    17. Suddenly popular
    18. Lortselector
    20. Run away from home
    21. Too dirty for Tik Tok
    22. Still unfriends?
    24. Is William lying?
    25. Laughing on Youtube
    26. Hair under the arms
    27. Wind Ruben Søltoft
    28. Xander fails Lærke
    29. Who has cheated?
    30. Jump the bladder!
    31. Bromance
    32. Shit on the board
    33. The secret TikToker
    34. What Hides Lærke Part 1
    35. What Hides Lærke Part 2
    36. Blood and skeletons
    37. Too many cheese buns
    38. From friends to enemies
    39. Gunpowder in the ass
    40. Venindelus
    41. Conrad's secret crush
    42. Tie under the arms
    43. The condom kings
    44. The secret diary
    45. Embarrassed father
    46. Xander's smoker
    47. An unexpected kiss
    01. Xander expelled (part 1)
    02. Xander expelled (part 2)
    03. Does Luca have noia?
    04. Ella after William
    05. Horoscope lovers
    07. Malou's double life
    08. The secret garden party
    10. In love with a celebrity
    11. Can David score?
    12. Friends over boyfriends?
    13. Girlfriend sabotage
    14. Terrible 1st date
    15. The scorebook
    16. The delicious substitute
    18. The worst Valentine
    19. Drama for Shrovetide
    20. Only for boys
    21. Is the hope gone?
    22. Lærke starves
    23. Crazy about Vigga
    24. Wrong girl
    25. Couple of the year
    26. Catfish girlfriend
    27. Shall we look up?
    28. Is Malou stupid?
    29. Threatened with beatings
    30. Victoria's revenge
    31. Ella's fake girlfriend
    32. Slap on the ass
    33. Evil challenge
    34. The girlfriend wall
    35. Who steals?
    36. Corona Emily
    37. Is David in love?
    38. Girl Code
    39. April Fool
    40. Flirting mistake
    41. Skins for Nudes
    42. Bra crisis
    43. Ku well list
    44. Who's the fart's owner?
    45. Say it now, Sally
    46. No time for friends
    47. Har Conrad X-Factor
    48. New boy in the class
    49. The orcs are coming
    50. Anti girlfriends
    51. Xander's last chance
    52. Can Sally score Lærke?
    53. Louis look alike
    54. Ditched
    55. Lying for love
    56. Miss Perfect
    57. Friends with a thief
    58. The evil twin
    59. Who knows what?
    60. The prediction
    61. Vigga goes crazy
    62. A ghost in the attic
    63. 7 minutes in heaven
    64. Double date
    65. He is dead!
    67. Everyone hates David
    68. Refuses bath
    69. Stink Bombs
    70. Malous new flirt
    71. The treasure hunt
    72. Steals for the teacher
    74. Sally's last mission
    75. Jealous
    76. Forbidden party
    01. New girl, new drama
    02. The worst rumors
    03. Mia reveals her secret
    04. Burning Love
    05. Kept outside
    07. Foolish fines
    08. New traditions
    09. Want ex back
    10. Homework help
    11. Cover dreams
    12. Is Melvin lying?
    13. Life cheats everyone
    14. Adam's secret job
    16. Victor pranks the coach
    17. Adam's evil stepdad
    19. Johanne's new boyfriend
    20. The fun boy of the class
    22. Nellie's Secret Bet
    23. Is Mia's music weird?
    24. Is Johanne unfaithful?
    26. Mia gets dumped
    29. Is Mia changing school?
    30. Everyone hates Celina
    31. Nellies crush
    32. The battle for Johanne
    33. The bacon beast
    34. Celina's fake followers
    36. Will Melvin get rich?
    37. Are you scared now?
    38. Jeppe plays expensive
    39. Liv drops sleep
    42. Stupid or lazy?
    43. A toxic friendship
    44. Celina's revenge
    45. Jeppe admits everything
    46. Audition
    48. Is it all over?
    01. Adam's new enemy
    02. Johanne has broken up
    03. Crush on big brother
    04. Mom's new boyfriend
    05. Johanne crosses the line
    06. Melvin is alone
    07. The milk mafia
    08. Liv becomes a pig
    09. Is Jazmin too much
    10. Willums Fake News
    11. Gamer-Nerd
    12. Dangerous friendships
    14. Has Adam been kidnapped?
    15. Liv's nightmare
    16. Mia is embarrassed
    17. Victor's first pimple
    18. Embarrassing or sweaty?
    19. The secret valentine
    20. True love, fake dates
    21. Liv's wild mission
    24. The embarrassing lion
    25. Who is Linus?
    28. The naughty book
    30. Zara is being trolled
    32. Celina's friends fail
    35. Adam, Victor and vodka
    37. Willum on the track
    39. A dangerous service
    40. What is Jazmin up to?
    41. Boyfriends kiss then
    43. Plastic cheating
    44. NP Superstar
    46. Not fun at all
    47. Misunderstand emojis
    48. Nico's flirt
    49. Robin's revenge
    53. The decoy
    54. The Gold Star
    55. A jealous sports god
    62. Bro needs glasses
    64. The heartbreaker
    66. In love with Nellie?
    67. Willum's secret
    68. Molly's chess dates
    69. The struggle for love
    70. Melvin has to move
    72. Robin says no
    73. I Love You
    74. Is Michael fired?
    01. Burglary at school
    02. Who is the thief?
    03. From friends to enemies
    05. Eigil loses a friend
    07. Battle for Tobi
    08. Can Benja be trusted?
    09. Eva is always alone
    10. Future lovers
    12. Threesome drama
    14. Football over birthday
    15. The first kiss
    16. Secrets in the basement
    17. Embarrassed Clara
    19. Benja's dilemma
    20. A poor family
    23. Tobi in trouble
    25. Snap or sleep?
    26. Tobi cheats on Felix
    28. The bicycle thief
    29. The wrong thief?
    30. Lotus' secret crush
    31. Trapped! - Part 1
    32. Trapped! - Part 2
    33. Trapped! - Part 3
    35. Clutter in love
    36. Is Møller a scarecrow
    37. Nynne's competitor
    38. The strict teacher
    39. A new flirt?
    40. Bjarke's dance partner
    44. The dream lunch package
    45. Crop tops prohibited!
    46. Benjamin's deceit
    47. Drama on the dance floor
    48. School party smashed
    01. Everyone hates Agnes
    04. Tobi's last chance
    05. What is Eigil hiding?
    06. In love or confused?
    07. Noah is punished
    08. Reveals big secret
    09. Heartbreaker
    10. Jealousy drama
    11. Felix is sexist
    12. Is Benja a huge pleaser?
    14. Mission less meat
    15. Tobi's double life
    16. Smells musty
    20. Anastasia from Ukraine
    21. Embarrassing to play
    23. Is Amalie truant?
    24. Too expensive birthday
    25. Tobi's taboo
    26. Steph on the shit
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