An Optical Poem (1937)

An Optical Poem

6 хв  • 
Країни: США
Жанр: анімація короткий музичний
Прем'єра в світі:
Режисер: Оскар Фішингер
КіноБаза: 7.0 (1)  IMDb: 7.0 (832)
Моя оцінка:
Сюжет (англ.):

A dance of shapes. A title card tells us this is an experiment in conveying the mental images of music in a visual form. Liszt's "Second Hungarian Rhapsody" is the music. The shapes, all two-dimensional, are circles primarily, with some squares and rectangles, and a few triangles. The shapes move rhythmically to the music: receding from view or moving across the screen. Red circles on a blue background; light blue squares; white rectangles. Then, a red background of many circles with a few in the foreground. Red gives way to blue then to white. Shapes reappear as Liszt's themes re-occur. Then, with a few staccato notes and images, it's over.

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Рекомендації: (Всі 16)
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
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Lichtspiel Opus 1.
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Фільми того ж режисера: (Всі 10)
Motion Painting No. 1
Motion Painting No. 1
Radio Dynamics
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Color Rhythm
Color Rhythm
American March
American March
Composition in Blue
Composition in Blue
Muratti privat
Muratti privat
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