Tracy Reed
Дата народження: 28 жовтня 1949 (75 років)
Знак зодіаку: Скорпіон
Місце народження: Форт-Беннінг , Джорджія, США
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 45
Ролі: актриса
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Two straight laced L.A.P.D. Detectives, Vic Daniels and Carl Molina, fight crime. Remake of the classic 60s show of the same name.Сюжет (англ.)
The new head of Philadelphia's First Community Church, Rev. Rueben Gregory, finds dealing with the headstrong, opinionated, and unethical Deacon Ernest Frye--who works as a lawyer when not tending to church business--won't make his jAmen (1986—1991)
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The new head of Philadelphia's First Community Church, Rev. Rueben Gregory, finds dealing with the headstrong, opinionated, and unethical Deacon Ernest Frye--who works as a lawyer when not tending to church business--won't make his jСюжет
Американський сатиричний телесеріал про роботу поліції. Головний герой - інспектор Следж Хаммер та його напарниця Дора, іноді інспектор несповна розуму, але він дуже рішучий і вважає за краще використовувати жорсткі методи роботи.Агент Кувалда (1986—1988)
Sledge Hammer!
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Американський сатиричний телесеріал про роботу поліції. Головний герой - інспектор Следж Хаммер та його напарниця Дора, іноді інспектор несповна розуму, але він дуже рішучий і вважає за краще використовувати жорсткі методи роботи.Сюжет
Парочка чиказьких поліцейських, таких крутих, що й словами не опишеш, безстрашно ризикують життям і зневажають колег-Тюхтіїв. Їхня мрія - зловити нарешті місцевого наркобарона, безжального бандюгу і вбивцю.Несподівано одному з друзів перепадає немаленький спадок, і хлопці вирішують піти з поліції та відкрити на отримані грошики бар у Флориді. Тільки мстивий мафіозі прагне зіпсувати цей чудесний план...
Біжи і не озирайся (1986)
Running Scared
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Парочка чиказьких поліцейських, таких крутих, що й словами не опишеш, безстрашно ризикують життям і зневажають колег-Тюхтіїв. Їхня мрія - зловити нарешті місцевого наркобарона, безжального бандюгу і вбивцю.Несподівано одному з друзів перепадає немаленький спадок, і хлопці вирішують піти з поліції та відкрити на отримані грошики бар у Флориді. Тільки мстивий мафіозі прагне зіпсувати цей чудесний план...
The show follows secret agent Angus MacGyver, played by Richard Dean Anderson, who works as a troubleshooter for the fictional Phoenix Foundation in Los Angeles and as an agent for a fictional United States government agency, the Department of External Services. Educated as a scientist, MacGyer served as a Bomb Team Technician/EOD during the Vietnam War. Resourceful and possessed of an encyclopedic knowledge of the physical sciences, he solves complex problems with everyday materials he finds at hand, along with his ever-present duct tape and Swiss Army knife. He prefers non-violent resolutions and prefers not to handle a gun, but will if necessary.МакҐайвер (1985—1992)
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The show follows secret agent Angus MacGyver, played by Richard Dean Anderson, who works as a troubleshooter for the fictional Phoenix Foundation in Los Angeles and as an agent for a fictional United States government agency, the Department of External Services. Educated as a scientist, MacGyer served as a Bomb Team Technician/EOD during the Vietnam War. Resourceful and possessed of an encyclopedic knowledge of the physical sciences, he solves complex problems with everyday materials he finds at hand, along with his ever-present duct tape and Swiss Army knife. He prefers non-violent resolutions and prefers not to handle a gun, but will if necessary.Сюжет (англ.)
Five weapons specialists/cowboys fight crime in the town of Wildside, CA.Сюжет (англ.)
A fashion photographer and a veteran special forces soldier posing as her model go on intelligence missions around the world.Сюжет (англ.)
A ring of call girls leaves the "business" when one of them is murdered. The survivors change their names and leave town. However, they are reunited 15 years later when another one of them is murdered and the rest realize that the...Sins of the Past (1984)
Sins of the Past
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A ring of call girls leaves the "business" when one of them is murdered. The survivors change their names and leave town. However, they are reunited 15 years later when another one of them is murdered and the rest realize that the...Сюжет (англ.)
The cases of a private investigations agency run by two Vietnam War veterans and their computer geek friend from high school, armed with toughness, their own helicopter, and the third's technical ability.Riptide (1984—1986)
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The cases of a private investigations agency run by two Vietnam War veterans and their computer geek friend from high school, armed with toughness, their own helicopter, and the third's technical ability.Сюжет (англ.)
Colt Seaver is a combination bounty hunter and stunt man. He drives a big GMC truck with a eagle painted on its hood. He chases after "bad guys" and returns them to the Los Angeles area. He has two companions, Howie and Jodie. These two companions usually follow Colt in his adventures and sometimes they are on there own.The Fall Guy (1981—1986)
The Fall Guy
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Colt Seaver is a combination bounty hunter and stunt man. He drives a big GMC truck with a eagle painted on its hood. He chases after "bad guys" and returns them to the Los Angeles area. He has two companions, Howie and Jodie. These two companions usually follow Colt in his adventures and sometimes they are on there own.Сюжет
Наприкінці своєї служби у В'єтнамі полковник Джон Сміт і його загін були обвинувачені в пограбуванні Ханойського банку. Це пограбування дійсно мало місце, але було зроблено за наказом їхнього командира, що загинув і не зміг захистити своїх підопічних. Суд присудив їх до тривалого ув’язнення у військовій в'язниці. Однак, на шляху до місця ув’язнення їм удалося втекти. Ховаючись від переслідування, вони почали працювати "солдатами удачі" і стали відомими не тільки в США, але й по усьому світі як "команда А".Команда «А» (1983—1987)
The A-Team
16+Читати опис
Наприкінці своєї служби у В'єтнамі полковник Джон Сміт і його загін були обвинувачені в пограбуванні Ханойського банку. Це пограбування дійсно мало місце, але було зроблено за наказом їхнього командира, що загинув і не зміг захистити своїх підопічних. Суд присудив їх до тривалого ув’язнення у військовій в'язниці. Однак, на шляху до місця ув’язнення їм удалося втекти. Ховаючись від переслідування, вони почали працювати "солдатами удачі" і стали відомими не тільки в США, але й по усьому світі як "команда А".Сюжет (англ.)
O.J. Simpson plays Michael Brennen, a San Francisco private eye who gets dragged into a drug-smuggling operation while searching for the girlfriend of a deal client, leading Brennen to a ...Cocaine and Blue Eyes (1983)
Cocaine and Blue Eyes
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O.J. Simpson plays Michael Brennen, a San Francisco private eye who gets dragged into a drug-smuggling operation while searching for the girlfriend of a deal client, leading Brennen to a ...Сюжет (англ.)
An African American remake of the television series inspired by the Neil Simon play about two friends living together despite their completely disparate attitudes to life.The New Odd Couple (1982)
The New Odd Couple
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An African American remake of the television series inspired by the Neil Simon play about two friends living together despite their completely disparate attitudes to life.Сюжет
Там, де несправедливість розправляє свої чорні крила, з'являється Мандрівний лицар і завдає їй нищівного удару. Майкл Найт - звитяжець, який допомагає людям, якщо закон безсилий захистити їх...Мандрівний лицар (1982—1986)
Knight Rider
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Там, де несправедливість розправляє свої чорні крила, з'являється Мандрівний лицар і завдає їй нищівного удару. Майкл Найт - звитяжець, який допомагає людям, якщо закон безсилий захистити їх...Сюжет (англ.)
In the tradition of other cop shows like "Miami Vice" and "Car 54, Where Are You?", this series is no exception. The viewer follows the exploits of T.J. Hooker and Vince Romano as police officers, as they track criminals and enforce the law.Ті. Джей. Гукер (1982—1986)
T.J. Hooker
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In the tradition of other cop shows like "Miami Vice" and "Car 54, Where Are You?", this series is no exception. The viewer follows the exploits of T.J. Hooker and Vince Romano as police officers, as they track criminals and enforce the law.Сюжет (англ.)
The life and death of the "Playboy" centerfold model/actress Dorothy Stratten.Death of a Centerfold: The Dorothy Stratten Story (1981)
Death of a Centerfold: The Dorothy Stratten Story
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The life and death of the "Playboy" centerfold model/actress Dorothy Stratten.Сюжет (англ.)
Harry Sears manages The California Dolls, a female wrestling tag team who tour America, hoping for a chance at winning big time. Harry's also romantically involved with one of them. Their fortunes seem osecondary to him (particularly...All the Marbles (1981)
...All the Marbles
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Harry Sears manages The California Dolls, a female wrestling tag team who tour America, hoping for a chance at winning big time. Harry's also romantically involved with one of them. Their fortunes seem osecondary to him (particularlyСюжет (англ.)
The original "ensemble drama," this is the story of an overworked, under-staffed police precinct in an anonymous inner city patterned after Chicago. We follow the lives of many characters, from the lowly beat and traffic cops to the captain of the precinct himself. This is the show that blazed the trail followed later by such notable ensemble dramas as "St. Elsewhere" and "L.A. Law."Hill Street Blues (1981—1987)
Hill Street Blues
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The original "ensemble drama," this is the story of an overworked, under-staffed police precinct in an anonymous inner city patterned after Chicago. We follow the lives of many characters, from the lowly beat and traffic cops to the captain of the precinct himself. This is the show that blazed the trail followed later by such notable ensemble dramas as "St. Elsewhere" and "L.A. Law."Сюжет (англ.)
A police sergeant and a parole officer endeavor to stop a rapist-on-parole before he can follow through his threats on five women whom testifed against him years earlier.Terror Among Us (1981)
Terror Among Us
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A police sergeant and a parole officer endeavor to stop a rapist-on-parole before he can follow through his threats on five women whom testifed against him years earlier.Сюжет (англ.)
Thaddeus "Turnover" Smith (Conrad) is a hard-as-nails detective. He is investigating the case of a serial strangler who preys on young women in the city. Complicating the case is that the ...Turnover Smith (1980)
Turnover Smith
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Thaddeus "Turnover" Smith (Conrad) is a hard-as-nails detective. He is investigating the case of a serial strangler who preys on young women in the city. Complicating the case is that the ...Сюжет (англ.)
The residents of Knots Landing, a coastal suburb of Los Angeles, deal with various issues such as infidelity, health scares, rape, murder, kidnapping, assassinations, drug smuggling, corporate intrigue and criminal investigations.Knots Landing (1979—1993)
Knots Landing
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The residents of Knots Landing, a coastal suburb of Los Angeles, deal with various issues such as infidelity, health scares, rape, murder, kidnapping, assassinations, drug smuggling, corporate intrigue and criminal investigations.Сюжет (англ.)
In this spinoff of "Soap", Benson DuBois is sent out West to serve as butler to widowed state governor Gene Gatling, an honest but bumbling servant of the people. Although he has his rivals in German maid Kraus and persnickety aides Clayton and Taylor, Benson, armed with an acerbic wit and plenty of smarts, becomes the Governor's close friend and helper, and eventually is elected Lieutenant Governor!Benson (1979—1986)
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In this spinoff of "Soap", Benson DuBois is sent out West to serve as butler to widowed state governor Gene Gatling, an honest but bumbling servant of the people. Although he has his rivals in German maid Kraus and persnickety aides Clayton and Taylor, Benson, armed with an acerbic wit and plenty of smarts, becomes the Governor's close friend and helper, and eventually is elected Lieutenant Governor!Women in White (1979)
Women in White
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Dave Anderson and Manny Durrell are two high-class sneak thieves who have never been caught. Joshua Burke is a retired detective who has enough evidence on the both of them to put them ...A Piece of the Action (1977)
A Piece of the Action
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Dave Anderson and Manny Durrell are two high-class sneak thieves who have never been caught. Joshua Burke is a retired detective who has enough evidence on the both of them to put them ...Сюжет (англ.)
The romantic and comic tales of the passengers and crew of the cruise ship, Pacific Princess.Корабель кохання (1977—1987)
The Love Boat
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The romantic and comic tales of the passengers and crew of the cruise ship, Pacific Princess.Сюжет (англ.)
This spin-off of Bewitched (1964) follows Tabitha Stephens; Samantha and Darrin's daughter as an adult.Сюжет (англ.)
Car Wash is about a close-knit group of employees who one day have all manner of strange visitors coming onto their forecourt, including Richard Pryor as a preaching 'wonder-man' who is loved by most but loathed by one, and a man who looks like a thief by the way he is holding his bottle, but it is really his urine sample as he is off to the hospital. T.C's love life takes a turn for the better and the songs keep coming.Автомийка (1976)
Car Wash
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Car Wash is about a close-knit group of employees who one day have all manner of strange visitors coming onto their forecourt, including Richard Pryor as a preaching 'wonder-man' who is loved by most but loathed by one, and a man who looks like a thief by the way he is holding his bottle, but it is really his urine sample as he is off to the hospital. T.C's love life takes a turn for the better and the songs keep coming.Сюжет (англ.)
Crowder is a man who will do anything, if the price is right. He is a private detective with a past in the police force. A woman comes to his office one day and asks if he will find her ...No Way Back (1976)
No Way Back
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Crowder is a man who will do anything, if the price is right. He is a private detective with a past in the police force. A woman comes to his office one day and asks if he will find her ...Сюжет (англ.)
A veteran patrol officer gets an android for a partner.Future Cop (1976—1977)
Future Cop
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A veteran patrol officer gets an android for a partner.Сюжет (англ.)
Harry Williams, of the r&b band, Bloodstone, is about to go onstage, when he's hit on the head. We follow his dream, as the other band members become conductors aboard a train filled with characters - from the 1930s, including W.C...Train Ride to Hollywood (1975)
Train Ride to Hollywood
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Harry Williams, of the r&b band, Bloodstone, is about to go onstage, when he's hit on the head. We follow his dream, as the other band members become conductors aboard a train filled with characters - from the 1930s, including W.C...Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати