Samuel Fröler
Дата народження: 24 березня 1957 (68 років)
Знак зодіаку: Овен
Місце народження: Мадсьо, Кальмар Лен, Швеція
Зріст: 176 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 37
Ролі: актор
Сюжет (англ.)
To celebrate his 60th birthday, Werner Gyllenmark holds a party at his beach hotel and invites his family, employees and even his arch-enemy, Egil Grip. But the event ends abruptly with an accident that shocks the entire town - an...The Beach Hotel (2023)
The Beach Hotel
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To celebrate his 60th birthday, Werner Gyllenmark holds a party at his beach hotel and invites his family, employees and even his arch-enemy, Egil Grip. But the event ends abruptly with an accident that shocks the entire town - an...Сюжет
У цій вигаданій історії шведський підприємець разом із партнерами здійснює революцію в музичній індустрії, створивши легальну платформу потокового передавання.Плейліст (2022)
The Playlist
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У цій вигаданій історії шведський підприємець разом із партнерами здійснює революцію в музичній індустрії, створивши легальну платформу потокового передавання.Сюжет (англ.)
Set in the 1920s, two drifters are being chased by the police after a failed train robbery.The Outlaws (2021)
The Outlaws
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Set in the 1920s, two drifters are being chased by the police after a failed train robbery.Сюжет (англ.)
Maja, a student in Stockholm, finds herself on trial for murder after a tragedy at her school. More doubts and suspicions arise when new revelations are made.Сипучі піски (2019)
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Maja, a student in Stockholm, finds herself on trial for murder after a tragedy at her school. More doubts and suspicions arise when new revelations are made.Сюжет (англ.)
After a long sick leave and recovery police detective Peter Wendel is back on duty. He is commissioned to form a new team to reopen unresolved murder cases, however he soon finds himself ...Приховане в снігу (2018—)
The Truth Will Out
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After a long sick leave and recovery police detective Peter Wendel is back on duty. He is commissioned to form a new team to reopen unresolved murder cases, however he soon finds himself ...Сюжет (англ.)
When a childhood friend suddenly dies Rebecka Martinsson returns home to the north of Kiruna. But not everything is what it seems.Ребекка Мартінссон (2017—)
Rebecka Martinsson
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When a childhood friend suddenly dies Rebecka Martinsson returns home to the north of Kiruna. But not everything is what it seems.Сюжет
Головна героїня працює детективом й одного разу береться за розслідування зникнення свого коханого. Чоловік намагався потрапити в угруповання байкерів, справою якого вона займалася до його зникнення. Пізніше вона з'ясовує, що до цієї банди приєднався і її син, якому вона приділяла дуже мало часу.До нашої смерті (2017—)
Before We Die
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Головна героїня працює детективом й одного разу береться за розслідування зникнення свого коханого. Чоловік намагався потрапити в угруповання байкерів, справою якого вона займалася до його зникнення. Пізніше вона з'ясовує, що до цієї банди приєднався і її син, якому вона приділяла дуже мало часу.Сюжет (англ.)
Police superintendent Maja Silver goes back to her old hometown in the Swedish Bible belt to see her daughter, when a terrible discovery paralyzes the small community.Missing (2017)
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Police superintendent Maja Silver goes back to her old hometown in the Swedish Bible belt to see her daughter, when a terrible discovery paralyzes the small community.Сюжет (англ.)
Peculiar detective Kari Sorjonen escapes the hustle and bustle of big city to a small border town.Сюжет (англ.)
The Hague, The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia: Two ambitious lawyers face each other in the trial of Milorad Krstic, who's accused of committing war crimes as a ...The Prosecutor the Defender the Father and His Son (2015)
The Prosecutor the Defender the Father and His Son
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The Hague, The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia: Two ambitious lawyers face each other in the trial of Milorad Krstic, who's accused of committing war crimes as a ...Сюжет (англ.)
A wedding takes place, and the guests seem to have a few topics to complain about.For Better and Worse (2015)
For Better and Worse
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A wedding takes place, and the guests seem to have a few topics to complain about.Сюжет (англ.)
The 42 year long relationship between legendary actress Liv Ullmann and master filmmaker Ingmar Bergman.Liv & Ingmar (2012)
Liv & Ingmar
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The 42 year long relationship between legendary actress Liv Ullmann and master filmmaker Ingmar Bergman.Сюжет (англ.)
A plane engine explodes. A plane goes down towards the ground. It looks like the end for the people aboard. But for some of them, it is a new beginning. Up in the air between Stockholm and ...Сюжет
Katarina is 20 years old. With a troubled past in a dreary suburb, her life seems to be already set in stone - until she discovers music. Everything changes when she hears a performance of Mozart’s 'Requiem' at the Gothenburg Concert Hall that sends her reeling and opens up a beautiful new world. She feels that she has to change her life and get as far away from her ugly reality as possible. But the path she has to follow proves to be a treacherous one, filled with lies, betrayal and a dangerous liaison with the married conductor Adam. Yet Katarina is ready to do anything to gain her new identity.Pure (2009)
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Katarina is 20 years old. With a troubled past in a dreary suburb, her life seems to be already set in stone - until she discovers music. Everything changes when she hears a performance of Mozart’s 'Requiem' at the Gothenburg Concert Hall that sends her reeling and opens up a beautiful new world. She feels that she has to change her life and get as far away from her ugly reality as possible. But the path she has to follow proves to be a treacherous one, filled with lies, betrayal and a dangerous liaison with the married conductor Adam. Yet Katarina is ready to do anything to gain her new identity.Сюжет (англ.)
Martin Vinge, (35), former notorious journalist, now successful headhunter with a complicated personal life, is in all confidentiality contacted by 85 year-old N.F. Sieger, S.E.O. of ...Headhunter (2009)
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Martin Vinge, (35), former notorious journalist, now successful headhunter with a complicated personal life, is in all confidentiality contacted by 85 year-old N.F. Sieger, S.E.O. of ...Сюжет (англ.)
German police inspector Robert Anders a family man who lives with his Swedish wife and investigates murder cases located in the spectacular landscapes of Swedish island of Gotland , it is ...The Inspector and the Sea (2007—2021)
The Inspector and the Sea
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German police inspector Robert Anders a family man who lives with his Swedish wife and investigates murder cases located in the spectacular landscapes of Swedish island of Gotland , it is ...Сюжет (англ.)
There is a thin line between money and loyalty. Thomas Skepphult runs an investment company, and is arrested for the murder of his business partner when his fingerprint is found on the murder weapon. When he tries to call his lawyer, the phone is answered by someone who he thought had committed suicide years ago.Exit (2006)
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There is a thin line between money and loyalty. Thomas Skepphult runs an investment company, and is arrested for the murder of his business partner when his fingerprint is found on the murder weapon. When he tries to call his lawyer, the phone is answered by someone who he thought had committed suicide years ago.Сюжет (англ.)
Swedish poet Carl Michael Bellman (1740-95) and his wife Lovisa live in a happy but poor relation in Stockholm. He is trying in vain to get the collection Fredman's Epistles issued, while she is struggling to raise money for the family.Lovisa och Carl Michael (2005)
Lovisa och Carl Michael
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Swedish poet Carl Michael Bellman (1740-95) and his wife Lovisa live in a happy but poor relation in Stockholm. He is trying in vain to get the collection Fredman's Epistles issued, while she is struggling to raise money for the family.Сюжет (англ.)
Fredrik Wikingsson and Filip Hammar, with a guest or sometimes two, lists and discusses 10 funny clips in every episode (100 per season).100 Hojdare (2004—2008)
100 Hojdare
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Fredrik Wikingsson and Filip Hammar, with a guest or sometimes two, lists and discusses 10 funny clips in every episode (100 per season).Сюжет (англ.)
Three sisters and their lives, including love, work and family.Seks som oss (2004)
Seks som oss
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Three sisters and their lives, including love, work and family.Сюжет (англ.)
Norwegian talk show with two co-hosts that dare each other to whacky stunts.Senkveld med Thomas og Harald (2003—2017)
Senkveld med Thomas og Harald
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Norwegian talk show with two co-hosts that dare each other to whacky stunts.Сюжет
У Сенги Уїлсон ніколи не складалися відносини з дочкою, намагаючись у всьому контролювати юну Нат, вона тільки доводила її до крику і сліз - банальна помилка дуже дбайливих батьків, але до яких зловісних наслідків вона приводить! Одного разу після чергової сварки на шосе, норовиста Нат виплигує з машини і втікає з якимись, схожими на туристів молодими людьми.Пульс (2003)
18+Читати опис
У Сенги Уїлсон ніколи не складалися відносини з дочкою, намагаючись у всьому контролювати юну Нат, вона тільки доводила її до крику і сліз - банальна помилка дуже дбайливих батьків, але до яких зловісних наслідків вона приводить! Одного разу після чергової сварки на шосе, норовиста Нат виплигує з машини і втікає з якимись, схожими на туристів молодими людьми.Сюжет
Норвегія край безкрайніх лісів, найкрасивіших озер і величних гір. Саме тут могли статися ці неймовірні події. У маленької Кім зникає батько і безстрашна дівчинка вирушає на його пошуки.Вона ледь не гине після падіння зі схилу гори, і опиняється там, де живе вовчиця зі своїми дитинчатами. Тепер тільки вовчиця може допомогти врятуватися Кім. Провівши кілька днів у вовчому лігві, Кім перестає боятися звірів, а навпаки, набуває нових друзів.
Але троє пастухів починають велике полювання на вовків, і дівчинка приймає рішення: відвести своїх нових друзів на шведський кордон, де мисливці їх не дістануть...
Вовче літо (2003)
Wolf Summer
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Норвегія край безкрайніх лісів, найкрасивіших озер і величних гір. Саме тут могли статися ці неймовірні події. У маленької Кім зникає батько і безстрашна дівчинка вирушає на його пошуки.Вона ледь не гине після падіння зі схилу гори, і опиняється там, де живе вовчиця зі своїми дитинчатами. Тепер тільки вовчиця може допомогти врятуватися Кім. Провівши кілька днів у вовчому лігві, Кім перестає боятися звірів, а навпаки, набуває нових друзів.
Але троє пастухів починають велике полювання на вовків, і дівчинка приймає рішення: відвести своїх нових друзів на шведський кордон, де мисливці їх не дістануть...
Сюжет (англ.)
After causing a commotion with his last assignment, Falk has been given a desk job, which hardly agrees with his personality, and he ends up accepting an offer from an old friend to buy into a private investigation agency. Another friend of Falk's, Sven, purchased a business in Estonia, and when local gangsters attempted to pressure him into paying protection money, Sven retained the services of Nikolaus Lehmann, a burly private eye, to throw them off his trail. However, Lehmann does his job all too well, murdering the racketeers, and then threatening Sven and his family. With no where else to turn, Sven asks Falk to help him deal with the crazed Lehmann; Falk agrees, but soon realizes he's dealing with a more dangerous man than he imagined when Lehmann kidnaps Sven's wife Jeanette, and then releases her with a time bomb locked around her neck, demanding that Sven hand over ownership of his company to Lehmann.Executive Protection (2001)
Executive Protection
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After causing a commotion with his last assignment, Falk has been given a desk job, which hardly agrees with his personality, and he ends up accepting an offer from an old friend to buy into a private investigation agency. Another friend of Falk's, Sven, purchased a business in Estonia, and when local gangsters attempted to pressure him into paying protection money, Sven retained the services of Nikolaus Lehmann, a burly private eye, to throw them off his trail. However, Lehmann does his job all too well, murdering the racketeers, and then threatening Sven and his family. With no where else to turn, Sven asks Falk to help him deal with the crazed Lehmann; Falk agrees, but soon realizes he's dealing with a more dangerous man than he imagined when Lehmann kidnaps Sven's wife Jeanette, and then releases her with a time bomb locked around her neck, demanding that Sven hand over ownership of his company to Lehmann.Сюжет (англ.)
No matter what she does, she can't convince him of the depth of her love, that he and he alone is the man of her life. He decides to put her to the test. He arranges his own apparent ...Сюжет (англ.)
TV series about the doctor Johan Steen who returns to Sweden after working in Somalia. He takes over his father in law's practice in the archipelago and together with his daughter Wilma, they try to make a new life for themselves.Skärgårdsdoktorn (1997—2000)
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TV series about the doctor Johan Steen who returns to Sweden after working in Somalia. He takes over his father in law's practice in the archipelago and together with his daughter Wilma, they try to make a new life for themselves.Сюжет (англ.)
Poetic documentary about the polar expedition of S. A. Andrée (1897) which Troell had dramatized in "Ingenjör Andrées luftfärd" (1982). Some of the photos are authentic pictures preserved in the final camp of the expedition, and recoTheir Frozen Dream (1997)
Their Frozen Dream
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Poetic documentary about the polar expedition of S. A. Andrée (1897) which Troell had dramatized in "Ingenjör Andrées luftfärd" (1982). Some of the photos are authentic pictures preserved in the final camp of the expedition, and recoСюжет (англ.)
Stockholm 1956. The Swedish botanist, candidate and lieutenant Nils von Ekelöw, presents his research to a panel of professors.A Scent of Paradise (1997)
A Scent of Paradise
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Stockholm 1956. The Swedish botanist, candidate and lieutenant Nils von Ekelöw, presents his research to a panel of professors.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати