Ронні Анкона
Ronni Ancona
Дата народження: 4 липня 1968 (56 років)
Знак зодіаку: Рак
Місце народження: Трун, Ейршир, Шотландія, Великобританія
Зріст: 175 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 70
Ролі: актриса (69), сценаристка (2)
The Devil Went Down to Islington (2019)
The Devil Went Down to Islington
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A music-based quiz show in which pairs of contestants must name as many hit songs and artists under pressure. Hosted by Marvin Humes and Rochelle Humes.The Hit List (2019—)
The Hit List
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A music-based quiz show in which pairs of contestants must name as many hit songs and artists under pressure. Hosted by Marvin Humes and Rochelle Humes.Сюжет (англ.)
Two sisters and their families spend - or rather, endure - Christmas at their late parents' dilapidated country house.Surviving Christmas with the Relatives (2018)
Surviving Christmas with the Relatives
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Two sisters and their families spend - or rather, endure - Christmas at their late parents' dilapidated country house.Сюжет (англ.)
Mockumentary-style sitcom following the newly opened "Wow(!) Wales" agency, tasked with selling tourism in Wales to the world.Tourist Trap (2018)
Tourist Trap
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Mockumentary-style sitcom following the newly opened "Wow(!) Wales" agency, tasked with selling tourism in Wales to the world.Сюжет (англ.)
Alexander Armstrong hosts the comedy panel show in which impressionists and comedians take part in impressions-based challenges.The Imitation Game (2018)
The Imitation Game
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Alexander Armstrong hosts the comedy panel show in which impressionists and comedians take part in impressions-based challenges.Сюжет
Поліцейський пес Макс та його хазяїн, працюючи під прикриттям, беруть участь у престижній виставці собак.Поліцейський пес (2018)
Show Dogs
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Поліцейський пес Макс та його хазяїн, працюючи під прикриттям, беруть участь у престижній виставці собак.Сюжет (англ.)
Richard Osman hosts the game show in which he sets a panel of four celebrity contestants a series of games and puzzles to test their general knowledge.Richard Osman's House of Games (2017—)
Richard Osman's House of Games
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Richard Osman hosts the game show in which he sets a panel of four celebrity contestants a series of games and puzzles to test their general knowledge.Сюжет (англ.)
A young girl visits the island that her fiance gave her as a wedding gift, only to find that it is full of surprises.The Marriage of Reason & Squalor (2015)
The Marriage of Reason & Squalor
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A young girl visits the island that her fiance gave her as a wedding gift, only to find that it is full of surprises.Сюжет (англ.)
Good Morning Britain (often abbreviated to GMB) is a breakfast programme on British television network ITV on weekdays between 6:00 am and 9:00 am. The show launched on 28 April 2014 after Daybreak was cancelled.Доброго ранку, Британіє! (2014—)
Good Morning Britain
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Good Morning Britain (often abbreviated to GMB) is a breakfast programme on British television network ITV on weekdays between 6:00 am and 9:00 am. The show launched on 28 April 2014 after Daybreak was cancelled.Сюжет (англ.)
Two men, six meals in six different places on a road trip around Italy. Liguria, Tuscany, Rome, Amalfi and ending in Capri.The Trip to Italy (2014)
The Trip to Italy
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Two men, six meals in six different places on a road trip around Italy. Liguria, Tuscany, Rome, Amalfi and ending in Capri.Сюжет (англ.)
Artists around the UK come together to compete for who has the best original celebrity portrait.Portrait Artist of the Year (2013—)
Portrait Artist of the Year
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Artists around the UK come together to compete for who has the best original celebrity portrait.Сюжет
Серіал створено на основі оповідань Ґ.К.Честертона про католицького священика — отця Брауна, який, намагаючись розібратися в різного роду загадках, виступає також у ролі детектива.Отець Браун (2013—)
Father Brown
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Серіал створено на основі оповідань Ґ.К.Честертона про католицького священика — отця Брауна, який, намагаючись розібратися в різного роду загадках, виступає також у ролі детектива.Сюжет (англ.)
Re-united after 50+ years apart, Celia and Alan decide to marry. At age 16, Alan's late wife failed to pass on his letter with apology for missing first date and forwarding address. Both now have daughters with lover troubles.Останнє танґо у Галіфаксі (2012—2020)
Last Tango in Halifax
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Re-united after 50+ years apart, Celia and Alan decide to marry. At age 16, Alan's late wife failed to pass on his letter with apology for missing first date and forwarding address. Both now have daughters with lover troubles.Сюжет (англ.)
The perfect and modern ways of an Islamic family.Громадянин Кан (2012—2016)
Citizen Khan
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The perfect and modern ways of an Islamic family.Сюжет (англ.)
A series set in the fictional village of Pontyberry in the South Wales Valleys centered on the lives of a single mother in her forties, who earns a living doing the locals' ironing, and her family and friends.Stella (2012—2017)
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A series set in the fictional village of Pontyberry in the South Wales Valleys centered on the lives of a single mother in her forties, who earns a living doing the locals' ironing, and her family and friends.Сюжет (англ.)
In this spinoff of The Chase (2009), celebrities compete against the show's regular cast of Chasers in an attempt to win some money for their charity of choice.Celebrity Chase (2011—)
Celebrity Chase
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In this spinoff of The Chase (2009), celebrities compete against the show's regular cast of Chasers in an attempt to win some money for their charity of choice.Сюжет (англ.)
A spin-off from Antiques Road Trip (2010) in which two teams consisting of an expert and a celebrity buy antiques to sell at auction, hoping to make a profit and give it to charity.Celebrity Antiques Road Trip (2011—)
Celebrity Antiques Road Trip
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A spin-off from Antiques Road Trip (2010) in which two teams consisting of an expert and a celebrity buy antiques to sell at auction, hoping to make a profit and give it to charity.Сюжет (англ.)
Celebrities try to find the most obscure answers to win money for their chosen charities.Pointless Celebrities (2010—)
Pointless Celebrities
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Celebrities try to find the most obscure answers to win money for their chosen charities.Сюжет (англ.)
Series of short comedy-dramas with a Christmas theme, written by famous names recalling moments from their childhoods.Little Crackers (2010—2012)
Little Crackers
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Series of short comedy-dramas with a Christmas theme, written by famous names recalling moments from their childhoods.Сюжет (англ.)
When Steve is asked by The Observer to tour Northern England's finest restaurants, he envisions it as the perfect getaway with his beautiful girlfriend. But, when she backs out on him, he has no one to accompany him but his best friend and source of eternal aggravation, Rob. Series two finds the men touring Italy.The Trip (2010—)
The Trip
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When Steve is asked by The Observer to tour Northern England's finest restaurants, he envisions it as the perfect getaway with his beautiful girlfriend. But, when she backs out on him, he has no one to accompany him but his best friend and source of eternal aggravation, Rob. Series two finds the men touring Italy.Сюжет (англ.)
A feuding double act try to make it in the cut-throat world of stand-up comedy.Huge (2010)
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A feuding double act try to make it in the cut-throat world of stand-up comedy.Сюжет (англ.)
Spoof documentary about the career of comedian Steve Coogan.Steve Coogan: The Inside Story (2009)
Steve Coogan: The Inside Story
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Spoof documentary about the career of comedian Steve Coogan.Сюжет (англ.)
Four recently paroled female English thieves pull an elaborate stunt to steal a fortune in cash and get a crime boss arrested for it. They plan to escape to Barbados with the loot, but mess...Hope Springs (2009)
Hope Springs
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Four recently paroled female English thieves pull an elaborate stunt to steal a fortune in cash and get a crime boss arrested for it. They plan to escape to Barbados with the loot, but mess...Сюжет (англ.)
A celebrity reads a children's bedtime story.CBeebies Bedtime Story (2006—)
CBeebies Bedtime Story
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A celebrity reads a children's bedtime story.Сюжет (англ.)
Two teams, lead by their team leader (either Lee Mack or David Mitchell), have to try and make the other team believe their crazy stories.Хіба я вам брешу? (2007—)
Would I Lie to You?
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Two teams, lead by their team leader (either Lee Mack or David Mitchell), have to try and make the other team believe their crazy stories.Сюжет
Телесеріал розповідає про життя групи друзів 16-18 років, які живуть у Брістолі. Популярний і розбещений юнак Тоні, його сестра Еффі і дівчина Мішель, мусульманин Анвар, блондин нетрадиційної орієнтації Максі, що страждає на анорексію Кейсі, Сід, відчайдушний втратити свою цноту, кмітлива з привілейованої, але проблемної сім'ї Джел і тусовщик Кріс, закоханий у свою вчительку. Всі ці герої відвідують старшу школу в Брістолі. Кожна серія розкриває свою окрему тему, що відноситься до одного з героїв, проте, є кілька загальних сюжетних ліній.Скінс (2007—2013)
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Телесеріал розповідає про життя групи друзів 16-18 років, які живуть у Брістолі. Популярний і розбещений юнак Тоні, його сестра Еффі і дівчина Мішель, мусульманин Анвар, блондин нетрадиційної орієнтації Максі, що страждає на анорексію Кейсі, Сід, відчайдушний втратити свою цноту, кмітлива з привілейованої, але проблемної сім'ї Джел і тусовщик Кріс, закоханий у свою вчительку. Всі ці герої відвідують старшу школу в Брістолі. Кожна серія розкриває свою окрему тему, що відноситься до одного з героїв, проте, є кілька загальних сюжетних ліній.The Secret Policeman's Ball: The Ball in the Hall (2006)
The Secret Policeman's Ball: The Ball in the Hall
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A live magazine programme featuring topical stories and big name studio guests.The One Show (2006—)
The One Show
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A live magazine programme featuring topical stories and big name studio guests.Сюжет (англ.)
Series on the history of light entertainment, narrated by Stephen Fry.The Story of Light Entertainment (2006)
The Story of Light Entertainment
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Series on the history of light entertainment, narrated by Stephen Fry.Annually Retentive (2006—2008)
Annually Retentive
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