Philip Hurn
Дата народження: 29 травня 1953 (71 рік)
Знак зодіаку: Близнята
Місце народження: Норвіч, Норфолк, Англія, Великобританія
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 29
Ролі: кінематографіст
Сюжет (англ.)
A girl transfers to a Christian school for her senior year determined to repeat as state golf champion. As she begins that quest, she is greatly affected by her golf Coach and comes to learn what is really most important in life.Always A Winner (2023)
Always A Winner
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A girl transfers to a Christian school for her senior year determined to repeat as state golf champion. As she begins that quest, she is greatly affected by her golf Coach and comes to learn what is really most important in life.Сюжет (англ.)
A prestigious magician's association is baffled by an up and coming mentalist, The Great Dexter, in the early 1970's who can apparently read minds.MindReader (2022)
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A prestigious magician's association is baffled by an up and coming mentalist, The Great Dexter, in the early 1970's who can apparently read minds.Сюжет (англ.)
A Muslim High School girl is bullied for wearing a Hijab.Bully High (2022)
Bully High
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A Muslim High School girl is bullied for wearing a Hijab.Сюжет
Основні події розгортаються в Лос-Анджелесі, де живе аспірантка, що займається дослідженнями сейсмічної активності в місті. Вона стикається з організацією, яка штучно керує за допомогою розробок Тесли землетрусами й навіть свідомістю людини. Дівчині належить відшукати зниклого професора...Заповіт Тесли (2021)
Final Frequency
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Основні події розгортаються в Лос-Анджелесі, де живе аспірантка, що займається дослідженнями сейсмічної активності в місті. Вона стикається з організацією, яка штучно керує за допомогою розробок Тесли землетрусами й навіть свідомістю людини. Дівчині належить відшукати зниклого професора...Сюжет (англ.)
Faced with an indifferent youth group, a new youth Pastor (Brett Varvel) tries to motivate his students to read God's Word and get serious about their faith.Play the Flute (2019)
Play the Flute
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Faced with an indifferent youth group, a new youth Pastor (Brett Varvel) tries to motivate his students to read God's Word and get serious about their faith.Сюжет (англ.)
BUYING TIME is a Christian movie set in the near future at a time when Christianity is illegal. It is a father's story told to his son about himself when he was a younger man and involved in the world of street racing.Buying Time (2019)
Buying Time
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BUYING TIME is a Christian movie set in the near future at a time when Christianity is illegal. It is a father's story told to his son about himself when he was a younger man and involved in the world of street racing.Сюжет (англ.)
George Washington is central to understanding America's founding. He was the crucial figure in winning the American Revolution, in creating the Constitution, and in establishing the ...The First American (2016)
The First American
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George Washington is central to understanding America's founding. He was the crucial figure in winning the American Revolution, in creating the Constitution, and in establishing the ...Сюжет (англ.)
Alison, a teen, is facing pregnancy. With nowhere to turn, she finds herself in a "clinic" about to end her baby's life. Suddenly a man appears. His mop tells her he's the janitor. Conversation begins and it quickly becomes clear that this man is no mere janitor, but Jesus manifest. And he's come to save the life of her baby.Alison's Choice (2015)
Alison's Choice
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Alison, a teen, is facing pregnancy. With nowhere to turn, she finds herself in a "clinic" about to end her baby's life. Suddenly a man appears. His mop tells her he's the janitor. Conversation begins and it quickly becomes clear that this man is no mere janitor, but Jesus manifest. And he's come to save the life of her baby.Сюжет (англ.)
A Christian girl goes off to college for her freshman year and begins to be influenced by her popular Biology professor who teaches that evolution is the answer to the origins of life. When her father suspects something happening, he begins to examine the situation and what he discovers completely catches him off guard. Now very concerned about his daughter drifting away from the faith, he tries to do something about it.A Matter of Faith (2014)
A Matter of Faith
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A Christian girl goes off to college for her freshman year and begins to be influenced by her popular Biology professor who teaches that evolution is the answer to the origins of life. When her father suspects something happening, he begins to examine the situation and what he discovers completely catches him off guard. Now very concerned about his daughter drifting away from the faith, he tries to do something about it.Сюжет (англ.)
A documentary that reveals how a forgotten record by the Incredible Bongo Band helped cement the foundation of hip hop when DJ Herc extended its percussion by playing them back to back, creating an anthem on the streets of the Bronx.Sample This (2012)
Sample This
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A documentary that reveals how a forgotten record by the Incredible Bongo Band helped cement the foundation of hip hop when DJ Herc extended its percussion by playing them back to back, creating an anthem on the streets of the Bronx.Сюжет (англ.)
When a confrontation occurs amongst the youth group, Stuart takes the opportunity to share with the group the touching story of the Old Testament prophet Hosea.Amazing Love (2012)
Amazing Love
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When a confrontation occurs amongst the youth group, Stuart takes the opportunity to share with the group the touching story of the Old Testament prophet Hosea.Сюжет (англ.)
In the back streets of a tourist town in present-day Southeast Asia, we find a filthy cinder block room; a bed with soiled sheets; a little girl waits for the next man. Alex (Dermot Mulroney), a human trafficking investigator, plays the role of her next customer as he negotiates with the pimp for the use of the child. Claire (Mira Sorvino), Alex's wife, is caught up in the flow of her new life in Southeast Asia and her role as a volunteer in an aftercare shelter for rescued girls where lives of local neighborhood girl's freedoms and dignity are threatened. Parallel story lines intertwine and unfold twists against the backdrop of the dangerous human trafficking world, in a story of struggle, life, hope and redemption in the "TRADE of INNOCENTS."Trade of Innocents (2012)
Trade of Innocents
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In the back streets of a tourist town in present-day Southeast Asia, we find a filthy cinder block room; a bed with soiled sheets; a little girl waits for the next man. Alex (Dermot Mulroney), a human trafficking investigator, plays the role of her next customer as he negotiates with the pimp for the use of the child. Claire (Mira Sorvino), Alex's wife, is caught up in the flow of her new life in Southeast Asia and her role as a volunteer in an aftercare shelter for rescued girls where lives of local neighborhood girl's freedoms and dignity are threatened. Parallel story lines intertwine and unfold twists against the backdrop of the dangerous human trafficking world, in a story of struggle, life, hope and redemption in the "TRADE of INNOCENTS."Сюжет (англ.)
A middle aged music composer finds himself trapped in the seductive web of a young, sexy vocalist who is looking for her own fifteen seconds of fame. Mikey Taylor, once the very popular ...Blue Seduction (2009)
Blue Seduction
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A middle aged music composer finds himself trapped in the seductive web of a young, sexy vocalist who is looking for her own fifteen seconds of fame. Mikey Taylor, once the very popular ...Сюжет (англ.)
In 1970 a 75-year-old man named Jonathan Sperry starts mentoring three boys - Dustin, Albert, and Mark - to follow the Lord.Секрети Джонатана Сперрі (2008)
The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry
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In 1970 a 75-year-old man named Jonathan Sperry starts mentoring three boys - Dustin, Albert, and Mark - to follow the Lord.Сюжет (англ.)
A love story based in 1974 and 2004: A 47-year-old Christian man on the other side of an unwanted divorce reminisces about his high-school girlfriend from 30 years prior.Me & You, Us, Forever (2008)
Me & You, Us, Forever
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A love story based in 1974 and 2004: A 47-year-old Christian man on the other side of an unwanted divorce reminisces about his high-school girlfriend from 30 years prior.Сюжет
Витівка на Хелловін обернулася смертю, коли Джонатан випадково убив одягненого в костюм гарбуза Олексія, бойфренда своєї сестри. Роком пізніше, переїхавши в нове місто, щоб залишити позаду своє страшне минуле і перемогти спогади було вирішено взяти участь в божевільній вечірці на покинутій фермі на честь Хелловіна. Але ніхто не чекав нового гостя, який приєднався до них. Що повернувся з того світла тиквоголовий вбивця готовий прийняти участь на свій лад - влаштувати смертельну різанину...Гарбузоріз (2006)
The Pumpkin Karver
18+Читати опис
Витівка на Хелловін обернулася смертю, коли Джонатан випадково убив одягненого в костюм гарбуза Олексія, бойфренда своєї сестри. Роком пізніше, переїхавши в нове місто, щоб залишити позаду своє страшне минуле і перемогти спогади було вирішено взяти участь в божевільній вечірці на покинутій фермі на честь Хелловіна. Але ніхто не чекав нового гостя, який приєднався до них. Що повернувся з того світла тиквоголовий вбивця готовий прийняти участь на свій лад - влаштувати смертельну різанину...Сюжет (англ.)
Two reporters investigate a series of UFO sightings and discover a supernatural connection.Unidentified (2006)
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Two reporters investigate a series of UFO sightings and discover a supernatural connection.Сюжет (англ.)
Man's best friend comes in all shapes and sizes, from teacup poodles to mountainous mastiffs. This entertaining look at domesticated canines follows the history of the relationship between humans and dogs, traces the origins of the most popular breeds from big to small, features training tips from doggie experts, digs into the reasons behind Fido's more peculiar habits and sniffs out the huge profits behind the billion-dollar dog industry.Собаки. Великі й малі (1998)
Big Dogs Little Dogs
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Man's best friend comes in all shapes and sizes, from teacup poodles to mountainous mastiffs. This entertaining look at domesticated canines follows the history of the relationship between humans and dogs, traces the origins of the most popular breeds from big to small, features training tips from doggie experts, digs into the reasons behind Fido's more peculiar habits and sniffs out the huge profits behind the billion-dollar dog industry.Сюжет
У не так віддаленому майбутньому Америкою править всесильний диктатор, що перетворив країну на поліцейську державу, де життя підкоряється лише закону тотального терору і страху, а всі релігії і партії заборонені.Могутня поліція повністю контролює людей, клеймивши їх особливими чипами і стираючи їх пам'ять. Серед тих небагатьох, хто відмовився прийняти мітку «нового сатани» - Джері, Броді і Том.
Шість (2004)
Six: The Mark Unleashed
12+Читати опис
У не так віддаленому майбутньому Америкою править всесильний диктатор, що перетворив країну на поліцейську державу, де життя підкоряється лише закону тотального терору і страху, а всі релігії і партії заборонені.Могутня поліція повністю контролює людей, клеймивши їх особливими чипами і стираючи їх пам'ять. Серед тих небагатьох, хто відмовився прийняти мітку «нового сатани» - Джері, Броді і Том.
Сюжет (англ.)
A Bible professor from 1890 comes forward in time to the present via a time machine and cannot believe the things that he sees!Time Changer (2002)
Time Changer
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A Bible professor from 1890 comes forward in time to the present via a time machine and cannot believe the things that he sees!Сюжет (англ.)
A series that features original and previously released documentaries which look at contemporary issues with strong social relevance.America Undercover (1983—2004)
America Undercover
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A series that features original and previously released documentaries which look at contemporary issues with strong social relevance.Сюжет (англ.)
A Christian man stops at a diner late one night and is harassed by three factory workers. This movie presents a strong Christian message about life and eternity.Late One Night (2001)
Late One Night
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A Christian man stops at a diner late one night and is harassed by three factory workers. This movie presents a strong Christian message about life and eternity.Сюжет (англ.)
Troubled lovers are looking for a quick thrill tangle with a group of dangerous sexual deviants.Сюжет (англ.)
In the twinkling of an eye, a mass disappearance has occurred. Moments after the turmoil and confusion, the FBI is called in to investigate and locate the missing persons. For Agent Adam ...The Moment After (1999)
The Moment After
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In the twinkling of an eye, a mass disappearance has occurred. Moments after the turmoil and confusion, the FBI is called in to investigate and locate the missing persons. For Agent Adam ...Сюжет (англ.)
First hosted by veteran actor Peter Graves, and later by Jack Perkins, this popular Arts and Entertainment Network series profiled the lives of notable figures in the history of entertainment, sports, arts, science, politics and warfare. The show is notable for its in-depth research, which often provides viewers with little-known information about well-known people.Біографія (1987—)
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First hosted by veteran actor Peter Graves, and later by Jack Perkins, this popular Arts and Entertainment Network series profiled the lives of notable figures in the history of entertainment, sports, arts, science, politics and warfare. The show is notable for its in-depth research, which often provides viewers with little-known information about well-known people.Сюжет (англ.)
Since its premiere in 1986, this Emmy-winning documentary series has presented hundreds of hours comprising profiles of outstanding American cultural artists. Past subjects have included ...Американські майстри (1985—)
American Masters
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Since its premiere in 1986, this Emmy-winning documentary series has presented hundreds of hours comprising profiles of outstanding American cultural artists. Past subjects have included ...Сюжет (англ.)
An entertaining documentary look at dinosaurs with Emmy Award-winning special effects, feature film clips and stills, commentary by leading paleontologists and an on camera and voice-over narrative by Christopher Reeve. Shot on location in Los Angeles and New York at the American Museum of Natural HistoryDinosaur! (1985)
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An entertaining documentary look at dinosaurs with Emmy Award-winning special effects, feature film clips and stills, commentary by leading paleontologists and an on camera and voice-over narrative by Christopher Reeve. Shot on location in Los Angeles and New York at the American Museum of Natural HistoryСюжет (англ.)
A collection of amazing feats of human and animal endeavor.That's Incredible! (1980—)
That's Incredible!
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A collection of amazing feats of human and animal endeavor.Сюжет (англ.)
Arts documentary series with concerts and experimental dramatizations.Omnibus (1967—2003)
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Arts documentary series with concerts and experimental dramatizations.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати