Ніколас Кортні
Nicholas Courtney
Дата народження: 16 грудня 1929
Знак зодіаку: Стрілець
Дата смерті: 22 лютого 2011 (81 рік)
Місце народження: Каїр, Єгипет
Зріст: 185 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 51
Ролі: актор
У житті молодої жінки все йде наперекосяк після того, як в результаті терористичного акту на футбольному матчі гинуть її чоловік і маленький син. Посилює її положення і той факт, що у неї на той час був роман з журналістом Джаспером Блеком, а шеф загиблого мужа, поліцейський з відділу по боротьбі з тероризмом, теж переживає до героїні ніжні почуття.Провокатор (2008)
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У житті молодої жінки все йде наперекосяк після того, як в результаті терористичного акту на футбольному матчі гинуть її чоловік і маленький син. Посилює її положення і той факт, що у неї на той час був роман з журналістом Джаспером Блеком, а шеф загиблого мужа, поліцейський з відділу по боротьбі з тероризмом, теж переживає до героїні ніжні почуття.Сюжет
Сара Джейн Сміт — журналістка, яка мандрувала з Доктором у 1970-х роках — продовжує розслідувати загадкові та незрозумілі події у сучасній Англії, в ході цього все ще стикаючись із іншопланетянами. Розслідування вона проводить за допомогою своїх друзів: Клайда Ленґера, Марії Джексон і Рані Чандри; а також за допомогою своїх названих дітей: Люка та Скай Смітів. Кілька разів розслідування проводив разом із ними й Доктор.Пригоди Сари Джейн (2007—2011)
The Sarah Jane Adventures
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Сара Джейн Сміт — журналістка, яка мандрувала з Доктором у 1970-х роках — продовжує розслідувати загадкові та незрозумілі події у сучасній Англії, в ході цього все ще стикаючись із іншопланетянами. Розслідування вона проводить за допомогою своїх друзів: Клайда Ленґера, Марії Джексон і Рані Чандри; а також за допомогою своїх названих дітей: Люка та Скай Смітів. Кілька разів розслідування проводив разом із ними й Доктор.Сюжет
Документальний серіал про виробництво британського науково-фантастичного телесеріалу компанії BBC «Доктор Хто».Доктор Хто: Конфіденційно (2005—2011)
Doctor Who Confidential
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Документальний серіал про виробництво британського науково-фантастичного телесеріалу компанії BBC «Доктор Хто».Сюжет (англ.)
The daily lives of staff at a Birmingham medical practice, including their often-dramatic involvements with their patients.Лікарі (2000—)
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The daily lives of staff at a Birmingham medical practice, including their often-dramatic involvements with their patients.Sir Bernard's Stately Homes (1999)
Sir Bernard's Stately Homes
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Harry Hill is taking a trip on a hot air balloon when he suddenly leans over the edge to see a duck, on his perilous trip back to earth he learns about truth, honesty and friendship.Harry Hill (1997—2000)
Harry Hill
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Harry Hill is taking a trip on a hot air balloon when he suddenly leans over the edge to see a duck, on his perilous trip back to earth he learns about truth, honesty and friendship.Сюжет (англ.)
Set in the 1940s in Winston Churchill's secret underground bunker. Frankie Howerd plays a soldier named Private Potts who is a barman to a group of officers, who, like his character in Up Pompeii!, is hell-bent on avoiding work.Then Churchill Said to Me (1982—1993)
Then Churchill Said to Me
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Set in the 1940s in Winston Churchill's secret underground bunker. Frankie Howerd plays a soldier named Private Potts who is a barman to a group of officers, who, like his character in Up Pompeii!, is hell-bent on avoiding work.Сюжет (англ.)
Daily magazine show broadcast form the BBC's Pebble Mill studios. The show originally ran from 1973 to 1986 and was resurrected in 1991 (as "Pebble Mill") and ran until 1996.Гальковий завод (1972—1991)
Pebble Mill at One
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Daily magazine show broadcast form the BBC's Pebble Mill studios. The show originally ran from 1973 to 1986 and was resurrected in 1991 (as "Pebble Mill") and ran until 1996.Сюжет (англ.)
Roger Moore and Sir Michael Caine play dual roles in this off-beat and highly silly caper - a pair of small time con-men and a partnership of nuclear physicists. As con-men, they use their uncanny resemblance to the high-living scientists to con their way to the scientists' safe deposit boxes, but in so-doing, become entangled in a shady world of spies and international intrigue.Bullseye! (1990)
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Roger Moore and Sir Michael Caine play dual roles in this off-beat and highly silly caper - a pair of small time con-men and a partnership of nuclear physicists. As con-men, they use their uncanny resemblance to the high-living scientists to con their way to the scientists' safe deposit boxes, but in so-doing, become entangled in a shady world of spies and international intrigue.Сюжет (англ.)
Anthology of unconnected movies of different genres.Screen One (1985—1994)
Screen One
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Anthology of unconnected movies of different genres.Сюжет (англ.)
The British family from "Fresh Fields" (1984) moves to France. Episodes centre's around their adjustment to and difficulties dealing with French culture. Much humor is also derived from their maid, an elderly woman who speaks an obscFrench Fields (1989—1991)
French Fields
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The British family from "Fresh Fields" (1984) moves to France. Episodes centre's around their adjustment to and difficulties dealing with French culture. Much humor is also derived from their maid, an elderly woman who speaks an obscСюжет (англ.)
Magazine show featuring lifestyle, cookery, fashion and news segments, along with celebrity interviews and gossip.Цього ранку (1988—)
This Morning
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Magazine show featuring lifestyle, cookery, fashion and news segments, along with celebrity interviews and gossip.Сюжет (англ.)
The everyday lives of the people frequenting the frenetic Accident and Emergency department of Holby City Hospital.Casualty (1986—)
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The everyday lives of the people frequenting the frenetic Accident and Emergency department of Holby City Hospital.Сюжет (англ.)
James Hacker was propelled along the corridors of power to the very pinnacle of politics - Number 10.Так, Прем'єр-міністре (1986—1988)
Yes, Prime Minister
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James Hacker was propelled along the corridors of power to the very pinnacle of politics - Number 10.Сюжет (англ.)
This fact-based story follows a woman who launches a rescue of her Royal Air Force pilot son, who was shot down over Germany in 1941. Getting no help from the underground, she sets up her own rescue mission.Jenny's War (1985)
Jenny's War
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This fact-based story follows a woman who launches a rescue of her Royal Air Force pilot son, who was shot down over Germany in 1941. Getting no help from the underground, she sets up her own rescue mission.Сюжет (англ.)
Uniform officers and detectives from Sun Hill police station enforce law and order on a day to day basis. A policeman's job is much more than just catching criminals; in order to survive each day they must deal with frustrating members of the public, and often their own colleagues. From petty thieves to violent drug dealers, life is never easy for the members of the Metropolitan Police Force.The Bill (1984—2010)
The Bill
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Uniform officers and detectives from Sun Hill police station enforce law and order on a day to day basis. A policeman's job is much more than just catching criminals; in order to survive each day they must deal with frustrating members of the public, and often their own colleagues. From petty thieves to violent drug dealers, life is never easy for the members of the Metropolitan Police Force.Сюжет (англ.)
In 1940, two Americans, Joe Jackson and Hannah Winter, attempt to thwart a plot to kidnap the Duke of Windsor during a visit to Windsor.To Catch a King (1984)
To Catch a King
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In 1940, two Americans, Joe Jackson and Hannah Winter, attempt to thwart a plot to kidnap the Duke of Windsor during a visit to Windsor.Сюжет (англ.)
Comedy that follows two brothers from London's rough Peckham estate as they wheel and deal through a number of dodgy deals and search for the big score that'll make them millionaires.Дурням щастить (1981—1991)
Only Fools and Horses
16+Читати опис (англ.)
Comedy that follows two brothers from London's rough Peckham estate as they wheel and deal through a number of dodgy deals and search for the big score that'll make them millionaires.Сюжет (англ.)
Following the death of his parents Billy discovers that he was adopted so begins searching for both his real family and the truth.Barriers (1981—1982)
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Following the death of his parents Billy discovers that he was adopted so begins searching for both his real family and the truth.Сюжет (англ.)
Brian Webber lives on a leaky houseboat in London. He's trying hard to make his way in the world, thus far with limited success. His girlfriend, Sonia is a very serious minded young woman who is passionate only about things like v...Sink or Swim (1980—1982)
Sink or Swim
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Brian Webber lives on a leaky houseboat in London. He's trying hard to make his way in the world, thus far with limited success. His girlfriend, Sonia is a very serious minded young woman who is passionate only about things like v...Сюжет (англ.)
The annual BBC telethon for its own children's charity. Every BBC local and national radio and television station gets involved. Your only chance to see Auntie Beeb's top newsreaders and political pundits in The Rocky Horror Pictu...Діти у потребі (1980—)
Children in Need
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The annual BBC telethon for its own children's charity. Every BBC local and national radio and television station gets involved. Your only chance to see Auntie Beeb's top newsreaders and political pundits in The Rocky Horror Pictu...Сюжет (англ.)
Newly-promoted Inspector Jean Darblay takes charge of the police station in the fictional Lancashire town of Hartley. She is the first woman to be placed in charge of the station and ...Juliet Bravo (1980—1985)
Juliet Bravo
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Newly-promoted Inspector Jean Darblay takes charge of the police station in the fictional Lancashire town of Hartley. She is the first woman to be placed in charge of the station and ...Сюжет (англ.)
Arthur Daley, a small-time conman, hires former boxer Terry McCann to be his 'minder', so Terry can protect him (Arthur) from other, small-time, crooks. While Terry is trying his hardest to satisfy his employer's demands, and putting his own life at risk, Arthur is busy exploiting Terry for all he is worth. For, when other people hire Terry's services, through Arthur, Arthur usually keeps most of Terry's share of the money for himself, by misleading the hard-working Terry as to the amount of money, he (as Terry's agent) is receiving on Terry's behalf.Minder (1979—1994)
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Arthur Daley, a small-time conman, hires former boxer Terry McCann to be his 'minder', so Terry can protect him (Arthur) from other, small-time, crooks. While Terry is trying his hardest to satisfy his employer's demands, and putting his own life at risk, Arthur is busy exploiting Terry for all he is worth. For, when other people hire Terry's services, through Arthur, Arthur usually keeps most of Terry's share of the money for himself, by misleading the hard-working Terry as to the amount of money, he (as Terry's agent) is receiving on Terry's behalf.Сюжет (англ.)
James Shelley, an educated, sardonic, permanently unemployed "professional freelance layabout," has many battles with authority, the tax-man, his landlady, and his girlfriend Fran.Shelley (1979—1992)
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James Shelley, an educated, sardonic, permanently unemployed "professional freelance layabout," has many battles with authority, the tax-man, his landlady, and his girlfriend Fran.Сюжет
All Creatures Great and Small is a British television series, based on the books of the British veterinary surgeon Alf Wight, who wrote under the pseudonym James Herriot. Ninety episodes were aired over two three-year runs. The first run was based directly on Herriot's books; the second was filmed with original scripts.All Creatures Great and Small (1978—1990)
All Creatures Great and Small
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All Creatures Great and Small is a British television series, based on the books of the British veterinary surgeon Alf Wight, who wrote under the pseudonym James Herriot. Ninety episodes were aired over two three-year runs. The first run was based directly on Herriot's books; the second was filmed with original scripts.Сюжет (англ.)
In this comedy, set during the Nazi occupation of France, Peter Sellers plays most major male parts, so he stars in nearly every scene, always bumbling in inspector Clouseau-style. As British Major Robinson he is hidden in Madame Grenier's Parisian brothel, right under the nose of the Nazi clients, such as Gestapo agent Herr Schroeder (again him). As Général Latour he leads the French resistance, which includes the brothel madam -made a colonel in charge of her sexy 'troops'- and a priest, and is joined by young US diplomat Alan Cassidy. As Japanese imperial Prince Kyoto he becomes a target for the resistance in a monastery on his way to Hitler (again him). At the end he decorates the heroes as French president.Undercovers Hero (1974)
Undercovers Hero
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In this comedy, set during the Nazi occupation of France, Peter Sellers plays most major male parts, so he stars in nearly every scene, always bumbling in inspector Clouseau-style. As British Major Robinson he is hidden in Madame Grenier's Parisian brothel, right under the nose of the Nazi clients, such as Gestapo agent Herr Schroeder (again him). As Général Latour he leads the French resistance, which includes the brothel madam -made a colonel in charge of her sexy 'troops'- and a priest, and is joined by young US diplomat Alan Cassidy. As Japanese imperial Prince Kyoto he becomes a target for the resistance in a monastery on his way to Hitler (again him). At the end he decorates the heroes as French president.Сюжет (англ.)
Michael Rogers is a chauffeur with little money, but big dreams. Foremost of these is building his dream house on the perfect piece of land. Michael gets his chance when his new girlfriend, Ellie, turns out to be an extremely wealthy heiress. The two are wed and are soon living in a modern home on Gipsy's Acre. Their idyllic life shatters around them with a series of bizarre events and threats. Micheal comes under the disapproving eye of both Ellie's greedy family and her interfering best-friend Greta. On top of that, local legend says their property is cursed. What danger lurks for the young newlyweds, and is it a human plot or something supernatural?Endless Night (1972)
Endless Night
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Michael Rogers is a chauffeur with little money, but big dreams. Foremost of these is building his dream house on the perfect piece of land. Michael gets his chance when his new girlfriend, Ellie, turns out to be an extremely wealthy heiress. The two are wed and are soon living in a modern home on Gipsy's Acre. Their idyllic life shatters around them with a series of bizarre events and threats. Micheal comes under the disapproving eye of both Ellie's greedy family and her interfering best-friend Greta. On top of that, local legend says their property is cursed. What danger lurks for the young newlyweds, and is it a human plot or something supernatural?Сюжет (англ.)
British game show in which celebrity panelists were shown a dramatised murder and had to guess the identity of the killer or killers from the clues presented.Whodunnit? (1972—1978)
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British game show in which celebrity panelists were shown a dramatised murder and had to guess the identity of the killer or killers from the clues presented.Сюжет (англ.)
Adaptations of mystery stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's contemporary rivals in the genre.Суперники Шерлока Голмса (1971—1973)
The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes
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Adaptations of mystery stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's contemporary rivals in the genre.Сюжет (англ.)
This spin-off from the earlier "Department S" continued the adventures of hedonistic, womanizing dandy Jason King. After leaving Department S, Jason settled down to a full-time career of ...Jason King (1971—1972)
Jason King
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This spin-off from the earlier "Department S" continued the adventures of hedonistic, womanizing dandy Jason King. After leaving Department S, Jason settled down to a full-time career of ...Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати