Мюріель Комбо
Muriel Combeau
Дата народження: 14 травня 1966 (58 років)
Знак зодіаку: Телець
Місце народження: Сен-Жермен-ан-Лай, Івлін, Франція
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 34
Ролі: актриса
Поліцейський, якого вигнали з елітного підрозділу, починає власне розслідування загадкових убивств колишніх колег.Бастіон 36 (2025)
Squad 36
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Поліцейський, якого вигнали з елітного підрозділу, починає власне розслідування загадкових убивств колишніх колег.Сюжет
Ален (Франк Дюбоск) та Діана (Карін В’яр) вже понад 30 років прожили у шлюбі. Їхній син Мало саме поїхав на навчання до Японії, тож кращого часу аби насолодитися одне одним в них давно не було. Алан помічає, що дружина не поділяє його ентузіазму щодо перспектив проводити більше часу разом. Вона давно розчарувалась у стосунках, до того ж нудиться на нецікавій роботі. Подружжя вирішило розійтися. Діана швидко завела нові стосунки з молодшим колегою Стефаном (Том Ліб). Однак не все в них складається так, як уявляла Діана. Тим часом Ален, який не планував шукати собі когось, дуже швидко й легко будує взаємини з різними жінками.Одружитися знов (2023)
New Beginnings
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Ален (Франк Дюбоск) та Діана (Карін В’яр) вже понад 30 років прожили у шлюбі. Їхній син Мало саме поїхав на навчання до Японії, тож кращого часу аби насолодитися одне одним в них давно не було. Алан помічає, що дружина не поділяє його ентузіазму щодо перспектив проводити більше часу разом. Вона давно розчарувалась у стосунках, до того ж нудиться на нецікавій роботі. Подружжя вирішило розійтися. Діана швидко завела нові стосунки з молодшим колегою Стефаном (Том Ліб). Однак не все в них складається так, як уявляла Діана. Тим часом Ален, який не планував шукати собі когось, дуже швидко й легко будує взаємини з різними жінками.Сюжет (англ.)
In 2022, 30-year-old Eliott, an ordinary salesman, writes to his first email address - from when he was ten - to check if it's still available. He's shocked when a reply comes from himself in 2001. As young Eliott listens to his o...Avenir (2023)
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In 2022, 30-year-old Eliott, an ordinary salesman, writes to his first email address - from when he was ten - to check if it's still available. He's shocked when a reply comes from himself in 2001. As young Eliott listens to his o...Сюжет (англ.)
Maria a cleaning lady, who is reserved, shy and clumsy. When she is assigned to the School of Fine Arts, she meets Hubert, the school's whimsical guardian. There she discovers a fascinating place where freedom, creativity and dari...Maria into Life (2022)
Maria into Life
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Maria a cleaning lady, who is reserved, shy and clumsy. When she is assigned to the School of Fine Arts, she meets Hubert, the school's whimsical guardian. There she discovers a fascinating place where freedom, creativity and dari...Сюжет
Надзвичайно талановита дівчина глибоко й шалено закохується у свого інструктора з дайвінгу в цій романтичній драмі з неймовірним візуальним рядом.Без обмежень (2022)
No Limit
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Надзвичайно талановита дівчина глибоко й шалено закохується у свого інструктора з дайвінгу в цій романтичній драмі з неймовірним візуальним рядом.Сюжет (англ.)
Romain, 18, is a sociology student. In rebellion against his native environment and imprisoned in a toxic romantic relationship with a woman who has total control over his life, he thinks he can find in the pornographic adventure ...A Very Ordinary World (2022)
A Very Ordinary World
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Romain, 18, is a sociology student. In rebellion against his native environment and imprisoned in a toxic romantic relationship with a woman who has total control over his life, he thinks he can find in the pornographic adventure ...Сюжет (англ.)
Under the guidance of a strict ex champion, a promising 15 year old girl trains as a professional skiing star.Will she be able to endure the physical and emotional pressures?Сюжет
Жінка, звинувачена у вбивстві, повинна довести свою невинність, викриваючи таємниці свого минулого.Хроніки сонця (2018—)
Chronicles of the Sun
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Жінка, звинувачена у вбивстві, повинна довести свою невинність, викриваючи таємниці свого минулого.Сюжет (англ.)
Nina is a 39-year-old woman who dreamed about becoming a doctor, but had to abandon college to take care of her ailing daughter. 15 years later, she becomes a proficient nurse.Nina (2015—2021)
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Nina is a 39-year-old woman who dreamed about becoming a doctor, but had to abandon college to take care of her ailing daughter. 15 years later, she becomes a proficient nurse.Ma pire angoisse (2014)
Ma pire angoisse
Героїня фільму 10 років прожила з чоловіком в Сінгапурі. Сімейний корабель стрімко йде на дно, подружжя вирішило розлучитися. Четверо дітей – Емма, Жюль, Лео і Мартін разом з мамою повертаються до Франції. Щоб прогодувати нащадків Кандіс Ренуар збирається повернутися на службу, до заміжжя вона була майором кримінальної поліції Парижа. За період її відсутності багато що змінилося, техніка пішла далеко вперед, а ось професіоналізм і логіка як і раніше в ціні.Кандіс Ренуар - детектив із декрету (2013—)
Candice Renoir
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Героїня фільму 10 років прожила з чоловіком в Сінгапурі. Сімейний корабель стрімко йде на дно, подружжя вирішило розлучитися. Четверо дітей – Емма, Жюль, Лео і Мартін разом з мамою повертаються до Франції. Щоб прогодувати нащадків Кандіс Ренуар збирається повернутися на службу, до заміжжя вона була майором кримінальної поліції Парижа. За період її відсутності багато що змінилося, техніка пішла далеко вперед, а ось професіоналізм і логіка як і раніше в ціні.Сюжет (англ.)
The gang is back, leaving Paris' fading Sentier district for the thriving suburb of Aubervilliers, where they must share the market with Chinese wholesalers. All's well until they fall victim to the local Mafioso's scheme.Would I Lie to You? 3 (2012)
Would I Lie to You? 3
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The gang is back, leaving Paris' fading Sentier district for the thriving suburb of Aubervilliers, where they must share the market with Chinese wholesalers. All's well until they fall victim to the local Mafioso's scheme.Сюжет (англ.)
How do you go about shaping your own identity in this day and age when your surname is Goering, Goebbels, or Himmler? What is daily life like when you have a historically tainted name? Hundreds of these men and women feel responsi...Docs interdits (2011—2017)
Docs interdits
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How do you go about shaping your own identity in this day and age when your surname is Goering, Goebbels, or Himmler? What is daily life like when you have a historically tainted name? Hundreds of these men and women feel responsi...Doc Martin (2011—)
Doc Martin
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Happily married with a daughter, Marc is a successful real estate agent in Aix-en-Provence. One day, he has an appointment with a woman to view a traditional country house. A few hours later, Marc finally puts a name to her face. It's Cathy, the girl he was in love with growing up in Oran, Algeria, in the last days of the French colonial regime. Marc hurries to her hotel. They spend the night together. Then she's gone again. And Marc's mother tells him Cathy never left Algeria. She was killed with her father in a bombing just before independence...A View of Love (2010)
A View of Love
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Happily married with a daughter, Marc is a successful real estate agent in Aix-en-Provence. One day, he has an appointment with a woman to view a traditional country house. A few hours later, Marc finally puts a name to her face. It's Cathy, the girl he was in love with growing up in Oran, Algeria, in the last days of the French colonial regime. Marc hurries to her hotel. They spend the night together. Then she's gone again. And Marc's mother tells him Cathy never left Algeria. She was killed with her father in a bombing just before independence...Сюжет (англ.)
Based on the books by Alexis Lecave, Dead Beautiful (English title) is a series of self-concluding episodes, which follows Paris-based Police Commissioner Martin and his detective team as ...Dead Beautiful (2010—2015)
Dead Beautiful
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Based on the books by Alexis Lecave, Dead Beautiful (English title) is a series of self-concluding episodes, which follows Paris-based Police Commissioner Martin and his detective team as ...Au siècle de Maupassant: Contes et nouvelles du XIXème siècle (2009—2010)
Au siècle de Maupassant: Contes et nouvelles du XIXème siècle
Сюжет (англ.)
When they move to Israel to explore their Jewish heritage and revive their flagging marriage, fifty something French emigres Alain and Gisele Gaash arrive in Tel Aviv to find their luggage lost, their apartment gone and Alain's new job taken.Hello, Goodbye (2008)
Hello, Goodbye
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When they move to Israel to explore their Jewish heritage and revive their flagging marriage, fifty something French emigres Alain and Gisele Gaash arrive in Tel Aviv to find their luggage lost, their apartment gone and Alain's new job taken.Сюжет (англ.)
Mockumentary about the conservative Lepic family and their neighbors the liberal Boulay family, who are good friends. Their biggest point of contention is how they educate their children.Відчайдушні батьки (2007)
Fais pas ci, fais pas ça
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Mockumentary about the conservative Lepic family and their neighbors the liberal Boulay family, who are good friends. Their biggest point of contention is how they educate their children.Сюжет (англ.)
Alice Nevers is a young and beautiful investigating judge. With her partner, policeman Fred Marchand, they use their own power to solve crimes to each their method.Le juge est une femme (1993—2022)
Le juge est une femme
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Alice Nevers is a young and beautiful investigating judge. With her partner, policeman Fred Marchand, they use their own power to solve crimes to each their method.Père et maire (2002—2009)
Père et maire
Felix and Lola (2001)
Felix and Lola
Сюжет (англ.)
N/ACrime Scenes (2000)
Crime Scenes
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N/AСюжет (англ.)
Nadia Lintz, a young and idealistic investigating judge who has just arrived in Paris, and Philippe Rovère, a struggling and disbelieving judicial police inspector, are forced to understand each other despite their differences to ...Boulevard du Palais (1999—2017)
Boulevard du Palais
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Nadia Lintz, a young and idealistic investigating judge who has just arrived in Paris, and Philippe Rovère, a struggling and disbelieving judicial police inspector, are forced to understand each other despite their differences to ...Сюжет (англ.)
Vincent, a stunt pilot, is acquitted of murdering his wife and her lover. However, a few years later, L'Elegant, the Judge in the case, comes to blackmail him. The Judge's nephew, Paul, is having trouble with his wife and they demandTango (1993)
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Vincent, a stunt pilot, is acquitted of murdering his wife and her lover. However, a few years later, L'Elegant, the Judge in the case, comes to blackmail him. The Judge's nephew, Paul, is having trouble with his wife and they demandСюжет (англ.)
A tow truck driver becomes the impresario, then the singer of a new rock band.Rendez-vous au tas de sable (1990)
Rendez-vous au tas de sable
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A tow truck driver becomes the impresario, then the singer of a new rock band.Сюжет (англ.)
Everyday stories of french commissionaire Navarro dealing with crime and his relationship with his daughter.Сюжет (англ.)
This is a story about a rich white man who falls in love with Juliet the full figured black woman who cleans his offices at night. After learning of his wife's affair with one of his work partners and the sabotage of his business he is left broken and is taken in by Juliet who then shows him what real true love is ... If you have not yet seen this movie then you are missing out on what real true love means, it does not matter what color you are, or what size you are it's how your heart feels and that's what this beautiful love story shows us all ... a must see!Mama, There's a Man in Your Bed (1989)
Mama, There's a Man in Your Bed
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This is a story about a rich white man who falls in love with Juliet the full figured black woman who cleans his offices at night. After learning of his wife's affair with one of his work partners and the sabotage of his business he is left broken and is taken in by Juliet who then shows him what real true love is ... If you have not yet seen this movie then you are missing out on what real true love means, it does not matter what color you are, or what size you are it's how your heart feels and that's what this beautiful love story shows us all ... a must see!Сюжет (англ.)
A young Jewish man live as a good citizen, until criminals hide drugs in his luggage.Levy & Goliath (1987)
Levy & Goliath
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A young Jewish man live as a good citizen, until criminals hide drugs in his luggage.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати