Луї Маль
Louis Malle
Дата народження: 30 жовтня 1932
Знак зодіаку: Скорпіон
Дата смерті: 23 листопада 1995 (63 роки)
Місце народження: Тумери, Норд, Франція
Зріст: 168 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 52
Ролі: режисер ★ 6.96 (29), актор (28), сценарист ★ 7.17 (17), продюсер (10), кінематографіст (4)
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In 1959, an unforgettable boy did "the four hundred tricks" in front of the camera of a beginner named François Truffaut and splashed with his success, popular and Cannes, the filmography of a nascent band of intrepid. Claude Chab...The French New Wave: A Cinema Revolution (2022)
The French New Wave: A Cinema Revolution
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In 1959, an unforgettable boy did "the four hundred tricks" in front of the camera of a beginner named François Truffaut and splashed with his success, popular and Cannes, the filmography of a nascent band of intrepid. Claude Chab...Сюжет (англ.)
A look at the life, passions, achievements and tragedies surrounding the famous explorer and environmentalist Jacques Cousteau, featuring an archive of his newly restored footage.Стати Кусто (2021)
Becoming Cousteau
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A look at the life, passions, achievements and tragedies surrounding the famous explorer and environmentalist Jacques Cousteau, featuring an archive of his newly restored footage.Сюжет (англ.)
A documentary examining the career of a French actress who was free before women's liberation, who shattered the conventions of the rigid society of her time, and who appeared in 150 films and 50 stage plays.Jeanne Moreau: Free Spirit (2018)
Jeanne Moreau: Free Spirit
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A documentary examining the career of a French actress who was free before women's liberation, who shattered the conventions of the rigid society of her time, and who appeared in 150 films and 50 stage plays.Сюжет (англ.)
Since the early days, Jerry Lewis - in the line of Chaplin, Keaton and Laurel - had the masses laughing with his visual gags, pantomime sketches and signature slapstick humor. Yet Lewis was...Jerry Lewis: The Man Behind the Clown (2016)
Jerry Lewis: The Man Behind the Clown
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Since the early days, Jerry Lewis - in the line of Chaplin, Keaton and Laurel - had the masses laughing with his visual gags, pantomime sketches and signature slapstick humor. Yet Lewis was...Сюжет (англ.)
Takahiko Tokito is a doctor at a big medical corporation. He has decided to run away with his lover, the wife of the president of his company. But before he is able to leave, he has to kill her husband and make it look like suicide.Elevator to the Gallows (2010)
Elevator to the Gallows
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Takahiko Tokito is a doctor at a big medical corporation. He has decided to run away with his lover, the wife of the president of his company. But before he is able to leave, he has to kill her husband and make it look like suicide.Сюжет (англ.)
In Cannes, from the top of the stairs of the Palais du Festival, Gilles Jacob has seen the film world come to him for more than 30 years. To the impassioned spectator of the whole world's cinema. Gilles Jacob owes his position as ...Gilles Jacob: Citizen Cannes (2010)
Gilles Jacob: Citizen Cannes
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In Cannes, from the top of the stairs of the Palais du Festival, Gilles Jacob has seen the film world come to him for more than 30 years. To the impassioned spectator of the whole world's cinema. Gilles Jacob owes his position as ...Сюжет (англ.)
A review of the life and work of Miles Davis as told by those who knew and worked with him.The Miles Davis Story (2001)
The Miles Davis Story
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A review of the life and work of Miles Davis as told by those who knew and worked with him.Сюжет (англ.)
New York actors rehearse Chekhov's "Uncle Vanya" in a dilapidated theatre.Vanya on 42nd Street (1994)
Vanya on 42nd Street
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New York actors rehearse Chekhov's "Uncle Vanya" in a dilapidated theatre.Jean Renoir: Part One - From La Belle Époque to World War II (1993)
Jean Renoir: Part One - From La Belle Époque to World War II
Jean Renoir: Part Two - Hollywood and Beyond (1993)
Jean Renoir: Part Two - Hollywood and Beyond
Герой фільму під захід своїх років закохується в молоду жінку. Незабаром стає зрозуміло, що це не швидкоплинна інтрижка, а справжня пристрасть - всепоглинаюча, одержима, остання. Історія кохання перетворюється на трагедію, коли з'ясовується, що його обраницею стала наречена його власного сина.Збиток (1992)
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Герой фільму під захід своїх років закохується в молоду жінку. Незабаром стає зрозуміло, що це не швидкоплинна інтрижка, а справжня пристрасть - всепоглинаюча, одержима, остання. Історія кохання перетворюється на трагедію, коли з'ясовується, що його обраницею стала наречена його власного сина.Сюжет (англ.)
Three struggling artists try to make passable livings in Paris despite knock backs and tragedies.Життя богеми (1992)
La Vie de Bohème
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Three struggling artists try to make passable livings in Paris despite knock backs and tragedies.Сюжет (англ.)
Like Vanya, in Malle's last film, Milou never left the family estate. His mother dies during the May 1968 student uprising in Paris. The brother who is the London correspondent for Le Monde keeps turning up the volume of the radio for the latest news. A deceased sister's interest in the estate is represented by a niece who is an antique dealer, who is most interested in grandmother's emerald ring that Milou's daughter Camille has already slipped on her finger. A non-relative, a truck driver who can't deliver his load of tomatoes in Paris, brings a nephew who was part of the uprising. Everyone is on strike and the matriarch can't be buried.May Fools (1990)
May Fools
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Like Vanya, in Malle's last film, Milou never left the family estate. His mother dies during the May 1968 student uprising in Paris. The brother who is the London correspondent for Le Monde keeps turning up the volume of the radio for the latest news. A deceased sister's interest in the estate is represented by a niece who is an antique dealer, who is most interested in grandmother's emerald ring that Milou's daughter Camille has already slipped on her finger. A non-relative, a truck driver who can't deliver his load of tomatoes in Paris, brings a nephew who was part of the uprising. Everyone is on strike and the matriarch can't be buried.Сюжет (англ.)
Murphy Brown is a very selfish, stubborn, extremely hot-tempered but also talented, resourceful, clever and caring middle-aged reporter who works for FYI News Network and at the same time tries to raise her child as an unmarried, working woman. Her friends and co-workers, Corky, Jim, Frank and Miles, try to balance between her outbursts of anger and her family, personality or even financial crises. It's a difficult life for Murphy but she's got the guts to live it...Мерфі Браун (1988—1998)
Murphy Brown
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Murphy Brown is a very selfish, stubborn, extremely hot-tempered but also talented, resourceful, clever and caring middle-aged reporter who works for FYI News Network and at the same time tries to raise her child as an unmarried, working woman. Her friends and co-workers, Corky, Jim, Frank and Miles, try to balance between her outbursts of anger and her family, personality or even financial crises. It's a difficult life for Murphy but she's got the guts to live it...Сюжет (англ.)
A French boarding school run by priests seems to be a haven from World War II until a new student arrives. He becomes the roommate of top student in his class. Rivals at first, the roommates form a bond and share a secret.До побачення, діти (1987)
Au Revoir les Enfants
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A French boarding school run by priests seems to be a haven from World War II until a new student arrives. He becomes the roommate of top student in his class. Rivals at first, the roommates form a bond and share a secret.Сюжет (англ.)
After acknowledging his own immigrant background, Malle, tries to present the range of immigrant experiences in the US during the 1980's. In an attempt to be comprehensive, the film ......And the Pursuit of Happiness (1986)
...And the Pursuit of Happiness
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After acknowledging his own immigrant background, Malle, tries to present the range of immigrant experiences in the US during the 1980's. In an attempt to be comprehensive, the film ...Сюжет (англ.)
Original footage of the prosperous farming community of Glencoe Minnesota, 60 miles west of Minneapolis, was filmed in 1979 for a PBS documentary. But for the next six years Malle was too ...God's Country (1985)
God's Country
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Original footage of the prosperous farming community of Glencoe Minnesota, 60 miles west of Minneapolis, was filmed in 1979 for a PBS documentary. But for the next six years Malle was too ...Сюжет (англ.)
A despondent Vietnam veteran in danger of losing his livelihood is pushed to the edge when he sees Vietnamese immigrants moving into the fishing industry in a Texas bay town.Сюжет (англ.)
A Dutch documentary about legendary French filmmaker Robert Bresson.The Road to Bresson (1984)
The Road to Bresson
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A Dutch documentary about legendary French filmmaker Robert Bresson.Сюжет
Вулицями Сан-Франциско бовтається купа нероб, серед яких і наші герої - закоренілі дармоїди Веслейк і Торт. За незбагненною причиною, саме на цих ледарів скнара Гарві, що зібрався виїхати на день-другий, вирішує залишити свій дорогоцінний ломбард. У "сторожів" виникає бажання обчистити ломбард, а заодно повернути закладену туди гітару: Веслейк організовує "кваліфіковану" команду ведмежатників для здійснення "пограбування століття"...Зломщики (1984)
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Вулицями Сан-Франциско бовтається купа нероб, серед яких і наші герої - закоренілі дармоїди Веслейк і Торт. За незбагненною причиною, саме на цих ледарів скнара Гарві, що зібрався виїхати на день-другий, вирішує залишити свій дорогоцінний ломбард. У "сторожів" виникає бажання обчистити ломбард, а заодно повернути закладену туди гітару: Веслейк організовує "кваліфіковану" команду ведмежатників для здійснення "пограбування століття"...Сюжет (англ.)
This documentary is produced by one of the world's foremost authorities and biographers of Edwin S. Porter. Since little is known of Porter's personal life, the emphasis here is on his ...Before the Nickelodeon: The Early Cinema of Edwin S. Porter (1982)
Before the Nickelodeon: The Early Cinema of Edwin S. Porter
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This documentary is produced by one of the world's foremost authorities and biographers of Edwin S. Porter. Since little is known of Porter's personal life, the emphasis here is on his ...Сюжет
Шоун, чиї п'єси не мають особливого успіху, заробляє на життя акторством. Грегорі, який колись прославився авангардистськими театральними постановками, кілька років перебуває у творчій кризі. Вони давно не бачилися, а тепер зустрілися, щоб поговорити — про життя і смерть, самотність і щастя, про культуру та ідеологію, про навколишній світ і місце людини в ньому, про справжні цінності та ілюзорні цілі.Моя вечеря з Андре (1981)
My Dinner with André
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Шоун, чиї п'єси не мають особливого успіху, заробляє на життя акторством. Грегорі, який колись прославився авангардистськими театральними постановками, кілька років перебуває у творчій кризі. Вони давно не бачилися, а тепер зустрілися, щоб поговорити — про життя і смерть, самотність і щастя, про культуру та ідеологію, про навколишній світ і місце людини в ньому, про справжні цінності та ілюзорні цілі.Сюжет
Саллі Метьюз (Сьюзен Серендон) працює в барі ресторану Атлантик-Сіті, відвідує курси для круп'є, вивчає французьке мову і мріє про роботу в казино у Монте-Карло. Та несподівано повертається Дейв Метьюз (Роберт Джой), її колишній чоловік, за якого вона вийшла заміж тільки для того, щоб втекти з провінційного Саскачевану. Йому вдалося вкрасти пакет з наркотиками і він мріє розбагатіти. Однак, що про це думають гангстери з наркомафії ...Атлантік-сіті (1980)
Atlantic City
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Саллі Метьюз (Сьюзен Серендон) працює в барі ресторану Атлантик-Сіті, відвідує курси для круп'є, вивчає французьке мову і мріє про роботу в казино у Монте-Карло. Та несподівано повертається Дейв Метьюз (Роберт Джой), її колишній чоловік, за якого вона вийшла заміж тільки для того, щоб втекти з провінційного Саскачевану. Йому вдалося вкрасти пакет з наркотиками і він мріє розбагатіти. Однак, що про це думають гангстери з наркомафії ...Сюжет (англ.)
Hattie (Susan Sarandon), a New Orleans hooker, meets a photographer named Bellocq (Keith Carradine) at her brothel one night and, after he photographs her, he befriends her 12-year-old daughter, Violet (Brooke Shields). When Violet is brought on as a working girl by her mother's madam and Hattie skips town to get married, Violet quickly loses her innocence and focuses on reuniting with Bellocq. But a life with Bellocq is compromised for Violet after her mother returns to town.Pretty Baby (1978)
Pretty Baby
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Hattie (Susan Sarandon), a New Orleans hooker, meets a photographer named Bellocq (Keith Carradine) at her brothel one night and, after he photographs her, he befriends her 12-year-old daughter, Violet (Brooke Shields). When Violet is brought on as a working girl by her mother's madam and Hattie skips town to get married, Violet quickly loses her innocence and focuses on reuniting with Bellocq. But a life with Bellocq is compromised for Violet after her mother returns to town.Сюжет (англ.)
The César is the national film prize of France. He is named after the French sculptor César Baldaccini.La nuit des Césars (1976—)
La nuit des Césars
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The César is the national film prize of France. He is named after the French sculptor César Baldaccini.Сюжет (англ.)
To escape a gender war, a girl flees to a remote farmhouse and becomes part of an extensive family's unusual, perhaps even supernatural, lifestyle.Black Moon (1975)
Black Moon
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To escape a gender war, a girl flees to a remote farmhouse and becomes part of an extensive family's unusual, perhaps even supernatural, lifestyle.Сюжет (англ.)
Vibrant scenes of individuals' daily life are filmed in Place de la République.Place de la République (1974)
Place de la République
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Vibrant scenes of individuals' daily life are filmed in Place de la République.Сюжет (англ.)
A documentary with almost no words following the production of Citroen cars at a plant in Northern France and their later sales.A Human Condition (1974)
A Human Condition
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A documentary with almost no words following the production of Citroen cars at a plant in Northern France and their later sales.Сюжет (англ.)
A small town in the south-west of France, summer of 1944. Having failed to join the resistance, the 18 year old Lucien Lacombe, whose father is a prisoner in Germany and whose mother dates ...Лакомб Люсьєн (1974)
Lacombe, Lucien
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A small town in the south-west of France, summer of 1944. Having failed to join the resistance, the 18 year old Lucien Lacombe, whose father is a prisoner in Germany and whose mother dates ...Сюжет (англ.)
The Award is the highest honor for a career in film and celebrates an individual whose career has greatly contributed to the enrichment of American culture.AFI Life Achievement Award (1973—)
AFI Life Achievement Award
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The Award is the highest honor for a career in film and celebrates an individual whose career has greatly contributed to the enrichment of American culture.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати