Кірк Даґлас
Kirk Douglas
Дата народження: 9 грудня 1916
Знак зодіаку: Стрілець
Дата смерті: 5 лютого 2020 (103 роки)
Місце народження: Амстердам, Нью-Йорк, США
Зріст: 175 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 189
Ролі: актор (180), продюсер (29), режисер (2), сценарист (1)
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The ups and downs of Burt Reynolds' career and private life, especially with Loni Anderson and his adopted son.I Am Burt Reynolds (2020)
I Am Burt Reynolds
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The ups and downs of Burt Reynolds' career and private life, especially with Loni Anderson and his adopted son.Сюжет (англ.)
A rare and transcendent journey into the life and films of the legendary Stanley Kubrick like we've never seen before, featuring a treasure trove of unearthed interview recordings from the master himself.Kubrick by Kubrick (2020)
Kubrick by Kubrick
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A rare and transcendent journey into the life and films of the legendary Stanley Kubrick like we've never seen before, featuring a treasure trove of unearthed interview recordings from the master himself.Сюжет (англ.)
The work, life and activism of one of the most multi-talented artists of his times: Charles Chaplin. An extensive film entirely nourished by anthology scenes from his masterpieces and rare archive footage of the most joyful and surprCharlie Chaplin, The Genius of Liberty (2020)
Charlie Chaplin, The Genius of Liberty
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The work, life and activism of one of the most multi-talented artists of his times: Charles Chaplin. An extensive film entirely nourished by anthology scenes from his masterpieces and rare archive footage of the most joyful and surprСюжет (англ.)
For generations of viewers, Louis de Funès was synonymous with the larger-than-life characters he embodied on screen. But who really was this extraordinary comic actor? Cut with excerpts of his films, this documentary retraces the “wild adventure” that saw a young jazz pianist reinvent his career as an actor, building up his experience with small roles before making his breakthrough in the 1960s with box-office hits such as Le Gendarme de Saint-Tropez, Fantômas, and Le Corniaud. It also uncovers something of the man behind the comedian. Family archives, excerpts from interviews, and quotes from his journal reveal his many sides: a romantic and a family man; anxiety-stricken and environmentally conscious; an artist who took nothing for granted, strove to evolve as a performer, and always pushed himself to the height of his potential. An expansive portrait of one of the 20th century’s best-known actors in French cinema.La folle aventure de Louis de Funès (2020)
La folle aventure de Louis de Funès
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For generations of viewers, Louis de Funès was synonymous with the larger-than-life characters he embodied on screen. But who really was this extraordinary comic actor? Cut with excerpts of his films, this documentary retraces the “wild adventure” that saw a young jazz pianist reinvent his career as an actor, building up his experience with small roles before making his breakthrough in the 1960s with box-office hits such as Le Gendarme de Saint-Tropez, Fantômas, and Le Corniaud. It also uncovers something of the man behind the comedian. Family archives, excerpts from interviews, and quotes from his journal reveal his many sides: a romantic and a family man; anxiety-stricken and environmentally conscious; an artist who took nothing for granted, strove to evolve as a performer, and always pushed himself to the height of his potential. An expansive portrait of one of the 20th century’s best-known actors in French cinema.Сюжет (англ.)
A look at the career of '60 Minutes' newsman, Mike Wallace.Mike Wallace Is Here (2019)
Mike Wallace Is Here
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A look at the career of '60 Minutes' newsman, Mike Wallace.Сюжет (англ.)
A rhapsodic drawing of life by the man who scared the life out of music players and audiences.Robert Mitchum, le mauvais garçon d'Hollywood (2018)
Robert Mitchum, le mauvais garçon d'Hollywood
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A rhapsodic drawing of life by the man who scared the life out of music players and audiences.Сюжет (англ.)
Carl Reiner tracks down several nonagenarians to show how the twilight years can be rewarding.If You're Not in the Obit, Eat Breakfast (2017)
If You're Not in the Obit, Eat Breakfast
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Carl Reiner tracks down several nonagenarians to show how the twilight years can be rewarding.Сюжет (англ.)
To make a film about, and with, Kirk Douglas is to travel through the 20th century and, in doing so, revisit practically the entire history of Hollywood. That is a testament to the scope of this life, and the scale of the myth.The Untameable Kirk Douglas (2017)
The Untameable Kirk Douglas
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To make a film about, and with, Kirk Douglas is to travel through the 20th century and, in doing so, revisit practically the entire history of Hollywood. That is a testament to the scope of this life, and the scale of the myth.Сюжет (англ.)
The Shocking Truth is a compelling documentary series that digs deep into notorious real-life murders and paranormal events and explores how Hollywood turned them into its most memorable thrillers.The Shocking Truth (2017—)
The Shocking Truth
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The Shocking Truth is a compelling documentary series that digs deep into notorious real-life murders and paranormal events and explores how Hollywood turned them into its most memorable thrillers.Сюжет (англ.)
Everyone has fantasised about emailing their boss & unleashing what they really think of them. Few actually ever reach for the keyboard. Fewer still end up pressing 'send'. No one has made a film about it - until now. One Rogue Reporter is the story of Rich Peppiatt, a tabloid hack who snaps over his red top paper's fixation with sensationalism over substance and titillation over truth.One Rogue Reporter (2014)
One Rogue Reporter
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Everyone has fantasised about emailing their boss & unleashing what they really think of them. Few actually ever reach for the keyboard. Fewer still end up pressing 'send'. No one has made a film about it - until now. One Rogue Reporter is the story of Rich Peppiatt, a tabloid hack who snaps over his red top paper's fixation with sensationalism over substance and titillation over truth.Сюжет (англ.)
The history of the Academy Awards.And the Oscar Goes To... (2014)
And the Oscar Goes To...
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The history of the Academy Awards.Stanley Kubrick in Focus (2012)
Stanley Kubrick in Focus
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A subjective documentary that explores various theories about hidden meanings in Stanley Kubrick's classic film The Shining. Five very different points of view are illuminated through voice over, film clips, animation and dramatic reenactments.Room 237 (2012)
Room 237
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A subjective documentary that explores various theories about hidden meanings in Stanley Kubrick's classic film The Shining. Five very different points of view are illuminated through voice over, film clips, animation and dramatic reenactments.Сюжет (англ.)
A documentary concerning the violent Italian 'poliziotteschi' cinematic movement of the 1970s which, at first glance, seem to be rip-offs of American crime films like DIRTY HARRY or THE GODFATHER, but which really address Italian issEurocrime! The Italian Cop and Gangster Films That Ruled the '70s (2012)
Eurocrime! The Italian Cop and Gangster Films That Ruled the '70s
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A documentary concerning the violent Italian 'poliziotteschi' cinematic movement of the 1970s which, at first glance, seem to be rip-offs of American crime films like DIRTY HARRY or THE GODFATHER, but which really address Italian issСюжет (англ.)
Most people know the lasting legacy of Harry Belafonte, the entertainer. This film unearths his significant contribution to and his leadership in the civil rights movement in America and to social justice globally.Sing Your Song (2011)
Sing Your Song
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Most people know the lasting legacy of Harry Belafonte, the entertainer. This film unearths his significant contribution to and his leadership in the civil rights movement in America and to social justice globally.Сюжет (англ.)
In 2001 Jack Cardiff (1914-2009) became the first director of photography in the history of the Academy Awards to win an Honorary Oscar. But the first time he clasped the famous statuette in his hand was a half-century earlier when hCameraman: The Life and Work of Jack Cardiff (2010)
Cameraman: The Life and Work of Jack Cardiff
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In 2001 Jack Cardiff (1914-2009) became the first director of photography in the history of the Academy Awards to win an Honorary Oscar. But the first time he clasped the famous statuette in his hand was a half-century earlier when hСюжет (англ.)
The life and career of the renowned voice actor of animation and radio.Mel Blanc: The Man of a Thousand Voices (2008)
Mel Blanc: The Man of a Thousand Voices
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The life and career of the renowned voice actor of animation and radio.Сюжет (англ.)
A tribute and doc-crime-drama celebrating American film noir and the icons of the Hollywood golden age. It recaptures the time and place of New York in the 30's and 40s as well as plays with the codes and references of the genre.Empire State Building Murders (2008)
Empire State Building Murders
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A tribute and doc-crime-drama celebrating American film noir and the icons of the Hollywood golden age. It recaptures the time and place of New York in the 30's and 40s as well as plays with the codes and references of the genre.Сюжет (англ.)
A myth about ship is of fundamental ones in the Western culture. Film-lecture "Catalogue of Ships" is an attempt to draw the history of this myth in all details. It's made of fragments from classical masterpieces of painting, musi...Catalogue of Ships (2008)
Catalogue of Ships
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A myth about ship is of fundamental ones in the Western culture. Film-lecture "Catalogue of Ships" is an attempt to draw the history of this myth in all details. It's made of fragments from classical masterpieces of painting, musi...Сюжет (англ.)
Through a focus on the life of Dalton Trumbo (1905-1976), this film examines the effects on individuals and families of a congressional pursuit of Hollywood Communists after World War II. Trumbo was one of several writers, directors, and actors who invoked the First Amendment in refusing to answer questions under oath. They were blacklisted and imprisoned. We follow Trumbo to prison, to exile in Mexico with his family, to poverty, to the public shunning of his children, to his writing under others' names, and to an eventual but incomplete vindication. Actors read his letters; his children and friends remember and comment. Archive photos, newsreels and interviews add texture.Trumbo (2007)
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Through a focus on the life of Dalton Trumbo (1905-1976), this film examines the effects on individuals and families of a congressional pursuit of Hollywood Communists after World War II. Trumbo was one of several writers, directors, and actors who invoked the First Amendment in refusing to answer questions under oath. They were blacklisted and imprisoned. We follow Trumbo to prison, to exile in Mexico with his family, to poverty, to the public shunning of his children, to his writing under others' names, and to an eventual but incomplete vindication. Actors read his letters; his children and friends remember and comment. Archive photos, newsreels and interviews add texture.Сюжет (англ.)
Kirk and Michael Douglas review their personal and professional lives, while showing their complex feelings toward each other.A Father… A Son… Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2005)
A Father… A Son… Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
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Kirk and Michael Douglas review their personal and professional lives, while showing their complex feelings toward each other.Сюжет (англ.)
This is the first of a series of two documentaries concerning the way the cinema industry is not respecting the author works as they were conceived, in the many ways this can be done. This ...Filmmakers vs. Tycoons (2005)
Filmmakers vs. Tycoons
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This is the first of a series of two documentaries concerning the way the cinema industry is not respecting the author works as they were conceived, in the many ways this can be done. This ...Сюжет
Колись популярний, а нині старий і хворий кінорежисер чекає смерті. У його уяві з'являються спогади про життя свого сина. Все починається в середині 30-х років, коли його син-підліток закоханий у дівчину на ім'я Ізабель.Ілюзія (2004)
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Колись популярний, а нині старий і хворий кінорежисер чекає смерті. У його уяві з'являються спогади про життя свого сина. Все починається в середині 30-х років, коли його син-підліток закоханий у дівчину на ім'я Ізабель.Сюжет
Проблема батьків і дітей - проблема інтернаціональна. Відрізняються лише погляди і варіанти рішення. Свій рецепт пропонує подружжя Дугласів.Фільм оповідає про сімейство, члени якого - дуже різні люди (від процвітаючого юриста до юного бунтаря) і їм деколи буває дуже непросто порозумітися. Проте, вони намагаються це робити.
Сімейні цінності (2003)
It Runs in the Family
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Проблема батьків і дітей - проблема інтернаціональна. Відрізняються лише погляди і варіанти рішення. Свій рецепт пропонує подружжя Дугласів.Фільм оповідає про сімейство, члени якого - дуже різні люди (від процвітаючого юриста до юного бунтаря) і їм деколи буває дуже непросто порозумітися. Проте, вони намагаються це робити.
He's irrepressible, opinionated, and of course, politically incorrect. Comedian and satirist Bill Maher hosts this long-running, Emmy-nominated talk show, covering the week’s news and featuring a panel of guests, including actors, activists, politicians, musicians, comedians and more.На цей час з Біллом Маром (2003)
Real Time with Bill Maher
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He's irrepressible, opinionated, and of course, politically incorrect. Comedian and satirist Bill Maher hosts this long-running, Emmy-nominated talk show, covering the week’s news and featuring a panel of guests, including actors, activists, politicians, musicians, comedians and more.Сюжет
Джімі Кімел розмовляє з зірками.Джиммі Кіммел у прямому ефірі (2003)
Jimmy Kimmel Live!
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Джімі Кімел розмовляє з зірками.Сюжет (англ.)
Boxing champion Harry Agensky, the Polish Prince, now an elderly widower and a stroke victim, takes speech lessons and fears confinement in an old age home. He convinces his son Lance and grandson Michael to take him to Reno to look for diamonds he stashed, his payoff when he threw a fight years before. Lance doesn't believe the diamond story but wants a last trip with dad, and all three have father-son issues to work out. After some gambling, they head for a brothel where each needs psychological intervention from a prostitute. Then it's time to find out if the diamonds really exist and if a road trip together can strengthen familial bonds.Diamonds (1999)
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Boxing champion Harry Agensky, the Polish Prince, now an elderly widower and a stroke victim, takes speech lessons and fears confinement in an old age home. He convinces his son Lance and grandson Michael to take him to Reno to look for diamonds he stashed, his payoff when he threw a fight years before. Lance doesn't believe the diamond story but wants a last trip with dad, and all three have father-son issues to work out. After some gambling, they head for a brothel where each needs psychological intervention from a prostitute. Then it's time to find out if the diamonds really exist and if a road trip together can strengthen familial bonds.Сюжет (англ.)
Craig Kilborn interviews Celebrity guests, with sketch-comedy thrown in.The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn (1999—2004)
The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn
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Craig Kilborn interviews Celebrity guests, with sketch-comedy thrown in.Сюжет (англ.)
A documentary series focusing on some of cinema's greatest film directors.Сюжет (англ.)
A history of the racially stereotyped portrayal of African Americans in cinema.Classified X (2007)
Classified X
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A history of the racially stereotyped portrayal of African Americans in cinema.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати