Умберто Елісондо
Humberto Elizondo
Дата народження: 19 липня 1947 (77 років)
Знак зодіаку: Рак
Місце народження: Мехіко, Дістріто, Мексика
Зріст: 183 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 78
Ролі: актор
Біографічний телесеріал, заснований на житті мексиканського бандита Хесуса Мальверде.Мальверде: Святий покровитель (2021—2022)
Malverde: The Patron Saint
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Біографічний телесеріал, заснований на житті мексиканського бандита Хесуса Мальверде.Sin tu mirada (2017)
Sin tu mirada
Mi marido tiene familia (2017—2021)
Mi marido tiene familia
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Will Maria marry ChristoperSimply María (2015)
Simply María
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Will Maria marry ChristoperUntil the End of Time (2014)
Until the End of Time
Forever Yours (2013)
Forever Yours
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Eager to meet his daughter in Monterrey, a nice penniless guy unknowingly commits a federal crime and ends up getting a job at a company whose owner is the mastermind of the scheme that got him into trouble.Porque el amor manda (2012—2013)
Porque el amor manda
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Eager to meet his daughter in Monterrey, a nice penniless guy unknowingly commits a federal crime and ends up getting a job at a company whose owner is the mastermind of the scheme that got him into trouble.Сюжет (англ.)
The love story of Luciana, a beautiful and joyful young girl who, after her father's death, escapes from the sexual harassment to find love.A Shelter for Love (2012)
A Shelter for Love
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The love story of Luciana, a beautiful and joyful young girl who, after her father's death, escapes from the sexual harassment to find love.Сюжет (англ.)
An original story by renowned novela dame Delia Fiallo. Ana Paula fights to set herself free from her powerful and short-tempered husband Rogelio whom she met while working at the Hacienda ...The One Who Couldn't Love (2011—2012)
The One Who Couldn't Love
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An original story by renowned novela dame Delia Fiallo. Ana Paula fights to set herself free from her powerful and short-tempered husband Rogelio whom she met while working at the Hacienda ...Сюжет (англ.)
Two bandits mistake a zebra for an American horse while looking to align themselves with Álvaro Obregón's troops.Сюжет (англ.)
Dramatization of real-life situations and stories that are related to popular sayings, by Don Tomas.As the saying goes (2011—)
As the saying goes
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Dramatization of real-life situations and stories that are related to popular sayings, by Don Tomas.Сюжет (англ.)
Franco Montero, a frustrated detective, receives a second chance when he is forced to adopt his 10 year old brother (who happens to be a child prodigy). With his help, Franco will solve the most complicated mysteries.Hermanos y detectives (2009)
Hermanos y detectives
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Franco Montero, a frustrated detective, receives a second chance when he is forced to adopt his 10 year old brother (who happens to be a child prodigy). With his help, Franco will solve the most complicated mysteries.The Disorderly Maids of the Neighborhood (2009)
The Disorderly Maids of the Neighborhood
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After the Rebeca (Barbara) catches innocent Eduardo kissing his first love Fernanda, she sends him to a far away land. Years pass and tragedy brings him back, vengeance fills his heart ...Tomorrow is forever (2008)
Tomorrow is forever
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After the Rebeca (Barbara) catches innocent Eduardo kissing his first love Fernanda, she sends him to a far away land. Years pass and tragedy brings him back, vengeance fills his heart ...The simulators (2008—2009)
The simulators
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Stories about people who use the Virgin Mary's help when they get into difficulties; where a rose appears, their problems are solved.La rosa de Guadalupe (2008—2021)
La rosa de Guadalupe
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Stories about people who use the Virgin Mary's help when they get into difficulties; where a rose appears, their problems are solved.Storm Over Paradise (2007)
Storm Over Paradise
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Carlo's uncle died on a Sunday morning, and the only funeral home working on Sundays is managed by a very suspicious character.Never On A Sunday (2006)
Never On A Sunday
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Carlo's uncle died on a Sunday morning, and the only funeral home working on Sundays is managed by a very suspicious character.Сюжет
Мексика, 1880 рік. Дві дещо схожі між собою жінки з різних шарів суспільства беруться разом грабувати банки, намагаючись протистояти таким чином безжальному бандитові, який тероризує їхню країну...Бандитки (2006)
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Мексика, 1880 рік. Дві дещо схожі між собою жінки з різних шарів суспільства беруться разом грабувати банки, намагаючись протистояти таким чином безжальному бандитові, який тероризує їхню країну...Сюжет (англ.)
Telenovela for children about the primary school called "Patria Unida", its teachers (among those young and pretty Lupita), students and their parents.¡Vivan los niños! (2002—2003)
¡Vivan los niños!
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Telenovela for children about the primary school called "Patria Unida", its teachers (among those young and pretty Lupita), students and their parents.Сюжет (англ.)
A lonely and serious man finds in the death of his uncle, the love of his life and also the hate that may spread in his world.Entre el amor y el odio (2002)
Entre el amor y el odio
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A lonely and serious man finds in the death of his uncle, the love of his life and also the hate that may spread in his world.Сюжет (англ.)
Cristina is a beautiful young woman with a powerful father. She falls in love with a simple worker at her hacienda and gets pregnant. Her father does everything he can to separate the ...Embrace Me Tightly (2000—2002)
Embrace Me Tightly
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Cristina is a beautiful young woman with a powerful father. She falls in love with a simple worker at her hacienda and gets pregnant. Her father does everything he can to separate the ...Сюжет (англ.)
The adventures and lessons learned of the daughter of a depressed rich widower, a sweet-hearted and smart little girl who still talks to her deceased mother.Carita de ángel (2000—2001)
Carita de ángel
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The adventures and lessons learned of the daughter of a depressed rich widower, a sweet-hearted and smart little girl who still talks to her deceased mother.Unforgettable (1999)
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3 real life stories taken from the Mexican police archive.Reclusorio III (1999)
Reclusorio III
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3 real life stories taken from the Mexican police archive.Сюжет (англ.)
Daily celebrity gossip-news show in Spanish.El gordo y la flaca (1998—)
El gordo y la flaca
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Daily celebrity gossip-news show in Spanish.Сюжет
Це дивовижна історія кохання і подвига розвертається в ритмі жагучого латиноамериканського танго. Старіючий герой, що віддав всі сили на боротьбу за справедливість та провівший десятиліття в темниці, втративши дружину і доньку, передає свої знання, навички і чорну маску молодому відчайдушному бійцю, який віднині і буде боротися з тими, хто творить зло.Маска Зорро (1998)
The Mask of Zorro
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Це дивовижна історія кохання і подвига розвертається в ритмі жагучого латиноамериканського танго. Старіючий герой, що віддав всі сили на боротьбу за справедливість та провівший десятиліття в темниці, втративши дружину і доньку, передає свої знання, навички і чорну маску молодому відчайдушному бійцю, який віднині і буде боротися з тими, хто творить зло.Сюжет (англ.)
Two identical twin sisters separated at birth reunite and the rich, devious and cruel one proposes to her sweet-hearted counterpart to assume her place.Deceptions (1998)
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Two identical twin sisters separated at birth reunite and the rich, devious and cruel one proposes to her sweet-hearted counterpart to assume her place.Сюжет (англ.)
Elisa and her children, Paola, Daniel and Anita fall victim to the conspiracies of Elisa's overbearing mother-in-law as she plots, together with her powerful lawyer friend, Julian Ledezma ...Agujetas de color de rosa (1994—1995)
Agujetas de color de rosa
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Elisa and her children, Paola, Daniel and Anita fall victim to the conspiracies of Elisa's overbearing mother-in-law as she plots, together with her powerful lawyer friend, Julian Ledezma ...Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати