Gemma Craven
Дата народження: 1 червня 1950 (74 роки)
Знак зодіаку: Близнята
Місце народження: Дублін, Ірландія
Зріст: 157 см
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 30
Ролі: актриса
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Unseen scenes from Hollyoaks (1995) which are high in gore, violence and sex.Hollyoaks Later (2008—)
Hollyoaks Later
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Unseen scenes from Hollyoaks (1995) which are high in gore, violence and sex.Сюжет (англ.)
TV talk show broadcast in Ireland, hosted by Lucy Kennedy and the puppets Podge and Rodge.The Podge and Rodge Show (2006—2009)
The Podge and Rodge Show
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TV talk show broadcast in Ireland, hosted by Lucy Kennedy and the puppets Podge and Rodge.Сюжет (англ.)
Art is an independent film-maker with big ideas... sadly nobody will listen to these ideas, with the exception of his best friend Jones. The series follows Art as his overactive imagination...Моє життя в кіно (2004)
My Life in Film
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Art is an independent film-maker with big ideas... sadly nobody will listen to these ideas, with the exception of his best friend Jones. The series follows Art as his overactive imagination...Сюжет (англ.)
Dr. Martin Ellingham, a London-based surgeon, relocates to the picturesque seaside village of Portwenn, establishing himself as the area's general practitioner. He grew up in the area having been raised by his now widowed Aunt Joan Norton. His reasons for leaving London and the high-paid life of a consultant are not clear initially but related to a phobia he has recently developed. He soon meets several of the locals and eccentricity abounds. Martin's situation is made more difficult by what can only be referred as an almost complete lack of an acceptable bedside manner. He is gruff, abrupt and intolerant, not only in issues related to medicine, but to life in general. He and the headmistress of the local school, Louisa Glasson, are clearly attracted to each other and despite their awkwardness, slowly develop a relationship.Doc Martin (2004—2022)
Doc Martin
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Dr. Martin Ellingham, a London-based surgeon, relocates to the picturesque seaside village of Portwenn, establishing himself as the area's general practitioner. He grew up in the area having been raised by his now widowed Aunt Joan Norton. His reasons for leaving London and the high-paid life of a consultant are not clear initially but related to a phobia he has recently developed. He soon meets several of the locals and eccentricity abounds. Martin's situation is made more difficult by what can only be referred as an almost complete lack of an acceptable bedside manner. He is gruff, abrupt and intolerant, not only in issues related to medicine, but to life in general. He and the headmistress of the local school, Louisa Glasson, are clearly attracted to each other and despite their awkwardness, slowly develop a relationship.Сюжет (англ.)
Drama centering around the work and private lives of the doctors, medical professionals and staff attached to a busy Dublin clinic.The Clinic (2003—2009)
The Clinic
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Drama centering around the work and private lives of the doctors, medical professionals and staff attached to a busy Dublin clinic.Сюжет (англ.)
Mini-series adapted from a series of novels that's set at the estate of a large privileged Sussex family and follows their life in London between the years 1937 and 1947.The Cazalets (2001)
The Cazalets
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Mini-series adapted from a series of novels that's set at the estate of a large privileged Sussex family and follows their life in London between the years 1937 and 1947.Сюжет
Четверо студентів престижної англійської школи вирішили влаштувати особливу вечірку і вибрали для цього бункер часів війни. Кинувши виклик батькам, школі, повсякденному житті і самим собі, вони спускаються в лиховісні катакомби, щоб піддати свій розум, свої почуття шокуючим пригодам. Але через 18 днів лише одному учасникові цієї божевільної витівки вдається вирватися з цього пекла - моторошного підземелля.Яма (2001)
The Hole
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Четверо студентів престижної англійської школи вирішили влаштувати особливу вечірку і вибрали для цього бункер часів війни. Кинувши виклик батькам, школі, повсякденному житті і самим собі, вони спускаються в лиховісні катакомби, щоб піддати свій розум, свої почуття шокуючим пригодам. Але через 18 днів лише одному учасникові цієї божевільної витівки вдається вирватися з цього пекла - моторошного підземелля.Сюжет
Суто англійський серіал за суто англійським романом Кароліни Грем. Від зміни місць доданків сума англійського детективу не змінюється, і час не владний над істинними цінностями. Манірні остров'яни, як і раніше здійснюють найвитонченіші злочини, за ними з ґрунтовним і шанобливим виглядом слідують елегантні нишпорки, а тлом для цих стриманих пристрастей залишаються зелені галявини й тінисті алеї, похмурі кабінети й холодні спальні. Майже вся дія відбувається в селах невеликого, зразково безтурботного графства Мідсамер. Іноді на цьому пасторальному тлі відбувається таке, чого і в столицях не бачили. А службу, яка небезпечна і важка, сільські поліціанти не вибирають.Суто англійські вбивства (1997—)
Midsomer Murders
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Суто англійський серіал за суто англійським романом Кароліни Грем. Від зміни місць доданків сума англійського детективу не змінюється, і час не владний над істинними цінностями. Манірні остров'яни, як і раніше здійснюють найвитонченіші злочини, за ними з ґрунтовним і шанобливим виглядом слідують елегантні нишпорки, а тлом для цих стриманих пристрастей залишаються зелені галявини й тінисті алеї, похмурі кабінети й холодні спальні. Майже вся дія відбувається в селах невеликого, зразково безтурботного графства Мідсамер. Іноді на цьому пасторальному тлі відбувається таке, чого і в столицях не бачили. А службу, яка небезпечна і важка, сільські поліціанти не вибирають.Сюжет (англ.)
Hollyoaks takes a look at the lives, loves, and careers of a group of teenage friends and their families as they graduate through GCSEs, A-Levels, and College into the world of work.Голіокс (1995—)
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Hollyoaks takes a look at the lives, loves, and careers of a group of teenage friends and their families as they graduate through GCSEs, A-Levels, and College into the world of work.Сюжет
Отця Теда Криллі за розтрату заслали керувати церковним приходом на маленький острівець Краггі біля берегів Ірландії. І на допомогу йому, а точніше на біду, дали дурнуватого помічника отуця Дугала Магуайра і п'яницю отця Джека Хаккет. Отець Дугал тільки закінчив семінарію, але веде себе і розмірковує як дев'ятирічна дитина. Отець Джек навпаки - побачив в житті немало, але на жаль, розгубив не тільки свій життєвий досвід, але і весь словниковий запас, залишивши для себе тільки найнеобхідніше: «Зад! Баби! Пити! ». Але навіть не це відрізняє Теда, дуга і Джека від нормальних католицьких священиків. Їх обтяжує борг священнослужителя і вони роблять все можливе, щоб не займатися справами приходу і проблемами прихожан. Що вони тільки не вигадують заради цього!Отець Тед (1995—1998)
Father Ted
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Отця Теда Криллі за розтрату заслали керувати церковним приходом на маленький острівець Краггі біля берегів Ірландії. І на допомогу йому, а точніше на біду, дали дурнуватого помічника отуця Дугала Магуайра і п'яницю отця Джека Хаккет. Отець Дугал тільки закінчив семінарію, але веде себе і розмірковує як дев'ятирічна дитина. Отець Джек навпаки - побачив в житті немало, але на жаль, розгубив не тільки свій життєвий досвід, але і весь словниковий запас, залишивши для себе тільки найнеобхідніше: «Зад! Баби! Пити! ». Але навіть не це відрізняє Теда, дуга і Джека від нормальних католицьких священиків. Їх обтяжує борг священнослужителя і вони роблять все можливе, щоб не займатися справами приходу і проблемами прихожан. Що вони тільки не вигадують заради цього!Сюжет (англ.)
An affectionate look at the life and work of some of Britain's best-loved comedians.Heroes of Comedy (1995—2003)
Heroes of Comedy
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An affectionate look at the life and work of some of Britain's best-loved comedians.Сюжет (англ.)
Abel Mason is a man caught in a loveless marriage with a harridan wife who constantly berates him and beats their son Dick. When the one woman he loves dies at the hands of her husband after he was sent a letter by Mason's wife, e...The Man Who Cried (1993)
The Man Who Cried
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Abel Mason is a man caught in a loveless marriage with a harridan wife who constantly berates him and beats their son Dick. When the one woman he loves dies at the hands of her husband after he was sent a letter by Mason's wife, e...Сюжет (англ.)
An opium-addicted choirmaster develops an obsession for a beautiful young girl and will not stop short of murder in order to have her.The Mystery of Edwin Drood (1993)
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
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An opium-addicted choirmaster develops an obsession for a beautiful young girl and will not stop short of murder in order to have her.Сюжет (англ.)
An American (Michael Cooper) arrives at a quiet Scottish hotel where he meets an Englishman (Maurice Rigby). As Maurice walks out towards his car it suddenly explodes!! Cooper picks up ...Double X: The Name of the Game (1992)
Double X: The Name of the Game
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An American (Michael Cooper) arrives at a quiet Scottish hotel where he meets an Englishman (Maurice Rigby). As Maurice walks out towards his car it suddenly explodes!! Cooper picks up ...Сюжет
Set during the 1960s in the fictional North Yorkshire village of Aidensfield, this enduringly popular series interweaves crime and medical storylines.Heartbeat (1992—2010)
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Set during the 1960s in the fictional North Yorkshire village of Aidensfield, this enduringly popular series interweaves crime and medical storylines.Сюжет (англ.)
Celebrities gamble on the outcome of a challenge performed by members of the public.You Bet! (1988—)
You Bet!
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Celebrities gamble on the outcome of a challenge performed by members of the public.Сюжет (англ.)
Ken Boon and Harry Crawford are two middle-aged ex-firemen. Harry retires and opens a hotel (The Grand Hotel), with Ken as a temporary odd-job man. During the seven seasons (1986-1992), Ken works his way up from odd-job man to privatBoon (1986—)
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Ken Boon and Harry Crawford are two middle-aged ex-firemen. Harry retires and opens a hotel (The Grand Hotel), with Ken as a temporary odd-job man. During the seven seasons (1986-1992), Ken works his way up from odd-job man to privatСюжет (англ.)
Uniform officers and detectives from Sun Hill police station enforce law and order on a day to day basis. A policeman's job is much more than just catching criminals; in order to survive each day they must deal with frustrating members of the public, and often their own colleagues. From petty thieves to violent drug dealers, life is never easy for the members of the Metropolitan Police Force.The Bill (1984—2010)
The Bill
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Uniform officers and detectives from Sun Hill police station enforce law and order on a day to day basis. A policeman's job is much more than just catching criminals; in order to survive each day they must deal with frustrating members of the public, and often their own colleagues. From petty thieves to violent drug dealers, life is never easy for the members of the Metropolitan Police Force.Сюжет (англ.)
Robin of Loxley is chosen by the mystical Herne the Hunter to become his 'son' and champion the oppressed. Gathering a band of comrades around him he fights a guerilla campaign against their Norman dictators, particularly the Sheriff of Nottingham and his deputy, Guy de Gisburne. Later he is succeeded by Robert of Huntingdon, renegade nobleman. This retelling of the legend introduces a strong fantasy element, with black magic and the old religion.Робін Гуд (1984—1986)
Robin Hood
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Robin of Loxley is chosen by the mystical Herne the Hunter to become his 'son' and champion the oppressed. Gathering a band of comrades around him he fights a guerilla campaign against their Norman dictators, particularly the Sheriff of Nottingham and his deputy, Guy de Gisburne. Later he is succeeded by Robert of Huntingdon, renegade nobleman. This retelling of the legend introduces a strong fantasy element, with black magic and the old religion.Сюжет (англ.)
Helicopter skyrunner Anneka Rice races against the clock to find directions to treasure at locations worked out by studio guests from cryptic clues.Treasure Hunt (1982—2003)
Treasure Hunt
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Helicopter skyrunner Anneka Rice races against the clock to find directions to treasure at locations worked out by studio guests from cryptic clues.Сюжет (англ.)
Comedy game show with celebrity guests and cheap prizes.Blankety Blank (1978—2002)
Blankety Blank
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Comedy game show with celebrity guests and cheap prizes.Сюжет (англ.)
A British TV show where every week a team of celebrities would play CharadesGive Us a Clue (1979)
Give Us a Clue
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A British TV show where every week a team of celebrities would play CharadesСюжет (англ.)
A BBC production of the 1963 Broadway musical based on "The Shop Around the Corner."She Loves Me (1979)
She Loves Me
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A BBC production of the 1963 Broadway musical based on "The Shop Around the Corner."Сюжет (англ.)
The Morecambe and Wise Show was a comedy sketch show originally broadcast by BBC television and the third TV series by English comedy double-act Morecambe and Wise.The Morecambe & Wise Show (1968)
The Morecambe & Wise Show
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The Morecambe and Wise Show was a comedy sketch show originally broadcast by BBC television and the third TV series by English comedy double-act Morecambe and Wise.Сюжет (англ.)
Three couples compete in a missing word game, with the winning couple going on to solve riddles left by guest performers to win prizes and avoid Dusty Bin's booby prize.3-2-1 (1978—)
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Three couples compete in a missing word game, with the winning couple going on to solve riddles left by guest performers to win prizes and avoid Dusty Bin's booby prize.Сюжет (англ.)
In the tiny kingdom of Euphrania, the King and his court are most anxious to get Prince Edward wed. But Edward wants to marry for love. Meanwhile, young Cinderella finds life drastically ...The Slipper and the Rose: The Story of Cinderella (1976)
The Slipper and the Rose: The Story of Cinderella
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In the tiny kingdom of Euphrania, the King and his court are most anxious to get Prince Edward wed. But Edward wants to marry for love. Meanwhile, young Cinderella finds life drastically ...Сюжет (англ.)
Two teams of three alternate between giving and guessing the meanings of obscure English words.Call My Bluff (1965—1966)
Call My Bluff
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Two teams of three alternate between giving and guessing the meanings of obscure English words.Сюжет (англ.)
The Morecambe & Wise Show was a long running and massively popular sketch series starring British comedy duo Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise, plus a string of top-name international celebrity guests (of a bygone age), like André PrévinThe Morecambe & Wise Show (1968—1983)
The Morecambe & Wise Show
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The Morecambe & Wise Show was a long running and massively popular sketch series starring British comedy duo Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise, plus a string of top-name international celebrity guests (of a bygone age), like André PrévinСюжет (англ.)
The UK version of the popular US show. Eamonn Andrews (later Michael Aspel) surprises celebrities by presenting them with the Big Red Book before taking them into the studio to tell viewers...This Is Your Life (1955—2003)
This Is Your Life
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The UK version of the popular US show. Eamonn Andrews (later Michael Aspel) surprises celebrities by presenting them with the Big Red Book before taking them into the studio to tell viewers...Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати