Дастін Ленс Блек
Dustin Lance Black
Дата народження: 10 червня 1974 (50 років)
Знак зодіаку: Близнята
Місце народження: Сакраменто, Каліфорнія, США
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 32
Ролі: актор (20), сценарист ★ 6.88 (12), режисер ★ 7.53 (6), продюсер (6), ідея (2)
Активіст Баярд Растін, один з організаторів Маршу на Вашингтон у 1963 році, який змінить хід історії боротьби за громадянські права, стикається з расизмом і гомофобією.Сюжет (англ.)
Centers around the upbringing of Academy Award-winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black and how his close relationship with his mother led to and inspired his activism.Mama's Boy (2022)
Mama's Boy
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Centers around the upbringing of Academy Award-winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black and how his close relationship with his mother led to and inspired his activism.Сюжет
Віруючий детектив-мормон стикається з важким випробуванням, розслідуючи криваве вбивство, повʼязане з шанованою в регіоні родиною.Під стягом небес (2022)
Under the Banner of Heaven
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Віруючий детектив-мормон стикається з важким випробуванням, розслідуючи криваве вбивство, повʼязане з шанованою в регіоні родиною.Сюжет (англ.)
As he enters his eighth decade in the movies, Warner Bros. celebrates this cinematic icon - actor, producer, director, master filmmaker - with 9 new documentaries covering the entire breadth of Eastwood's remarkable career.Клінт Іствуд. Кіноспадок (2021)
Clint Eastwood: A Cinematic Legacy
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As he enters his eighth decade in the movies, Warner Bros. celebrates this cinematic icon - actor, producer, director, master filmmaker - with 9 new documentaries covering the entire breadth of Eastwood's remarkable career.Сюжет
Міні-серіал поєднує у собі архівні кадри та інтерв'ю з ЛҐБТ людьми у телеіндустрії.Дозволено до показу (2020)
Visible: Out on Television
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Міні-серіал поєднує у собі архівні кадри та інтерв'ю з ЛҐБТ людьми у телеіндустрії.Сюжет (англ.)
A chronicled re-telling the gay rights movement in the United States, beginning with the Stonewall riots in 1969.When We Rise (2017)
When We Rise
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A chronicled re-telling the gay rights movement in the United States, beginning with the Stonewall riots in 1969.Сюжет (англ.)
Two men in a secluded cabin are haunted by their dead relationship.Сюжет (англ.)
When Warren Jeffs rose to Prophet of the Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints, he took control of a religion with a history of polygamous and underage marriage. In a short time, Warren managed to expand these practices and the power of his position in unprecedented ways. He bridged the gap between sister wives and ecclesiastically rape, befuddling the moral compass of his entire congregation. The film examines Warren Jeffs' life and shows how he became a worshipped and adored Prophet. Warren has a devout following numbering in the tens of thousands - many of whom would give their life at any moment with just one word from the Prophet. Despite a trail of abuse and ruined lives, Warren has maintained his grip on power.Prophet’s Prey (2015)
Prophet's Prey
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When Warren Jeffs rose to Prophet of the Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints, he took control of a religion with a history of polygamous and underage marriage. In a short time, Warren managed to expand these practices and the power of his position in unprecedented ways. He bridged the gap between sister wives and ecclesiastically rape, befuddling the moral compass of his entire congregation. The film examines Warren Jeffs' life and shows how he became a worshipped and adored Prophet. Warren has a devout following numbering in the tens of thousands - many of whom would give their life at any moment with just one word from the Prophet. Despite a trail of abuse and ruined lives, Warren has maintained his grip on power.Сюжет (англ.)
How far would you go to protect your best friend's secret? In this promotional short film, a group of friends is spending some nice time having fun and playing video game. Part of this team...Because of Who I Am (2015)
Because of Who I Am
16+Сюжет (англ.)
After the California Supreme Court ruled in May 2008 that same-sex couples could marry, a proposition was put to voters to amend the state constitution to define marriage as being between a man and a woman. After that proposition was passed a group decided to challenge the constitutionality of the amendment. This documentary follows the efforts of the plaintiffs and lawyers over four years as the case winds its way through the courts.The Case Against 8 (2014)
The Case Against 8
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After the California Supreme Court ruled in May 2008 that same-sex couples could marry, a proposition was put to voters to amend the state constitution to define marriage as being between a man and a woman. After that proposition was passed a group decided to challenge the constitutionality of the amendment. This documentary follows the efforts of the plaintiffs and lawyers over four years as the case winds its way through the courts.Сюжет (англ.)
A portrait of recently retired Congressman Barney Frank, one of America's most well-known and least understood political figures.Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank (2014)
Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank
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A portrait of recently retired Congressman Barney Frank, one of America's most well-known and least understood political figures.Сюжет
Ток-шоу відомого американського коміка і телеведучого Сета Маєрса.Пізнє шоу з Сетом Маєрсом (2014)
Late Night with Seth Meyers
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Ток-шоу відомого американського коміка і телеведучого Сета Маєрса.Сюжет (англ.)
A documentary about being among the LGBT community in modern society, told through interviews with LGBT celebrities and community leaders.The Out List (2013)
The Out List
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A documentary about being among the LGBT community in modern society, told through interviews with LGBT celebrities and community leaders.Сюжет (англ.)
"8"—a new play by Academy-award winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black (Milk, J. Edgar)—demystifies the debate around marriage equality by chronicling the landmark trial of Perry v. Schwarzenegger. A one time show was done live on youtube with a superstar cast8 (2012)
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"8"—a new play by Academy-award winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black (Milk, J. Edgar)—demystifies the debate around marriage equality by chronicling the landmark trial of Perry v. Schwarzenegger. A one time show was done live on youtube with a superstar castСюжет
Усе своє життя Джон Едґар Гувер просувався шляхом до вершини влади і досягнувши її, утримував протягом п'ятдесяти років. Він оголосив війну ґанґстерам і Ку-Клукс-Клану, у той же час збираючи інформацію на відомих зірок голівуду і політиків. Гувер пережив вісьмох президентів і три війни і робив усе, щоб вберегти своїх співгромадян, у межах правового поля чи поза ним.Дж. Едґар (2011)
J. Edgar
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Усе своє життя Джон Едґар Гувер просувався шляхом до вершини влади і досягнувши її, утримував протягом п'ятдесяти років. Він оголосив війну ґанґстерам і Ку-Клукс-Клану, у той же час збираючи інформацію на відомих зірок голівуду і політиків. Гувер пережив вісьмох президентів і три війни і робив усе, щоб вберегти своїх співгромадян, у межах правового поля чи поза ним.Сюжет (англ.)
Twin young men from North Carolina riding on the fumes of a dream to meet their idol, Dolly Parton the 'Backwoods Barbie', find more than what they bargained for in an RV named Jolene.Hollywood to Dollywood (2011)
Hollywood to Dollywood
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Twin young men from North Carolina riding on the fumes of a dream to meet their idol, Dolly Parton the 'Backwoods Barbie', find more than what they bargained for in an RV named Jolene.Сюжет (англ.)
They're stacked, packin', fierce and ambitious! Logo's much buzzed about docu-reality series, follows members of New York's gay elite plus their families, best girlfriends, and pocket dogs (natch) as they navigate being fabulous i...The A-List: New York (2010—2011)
The A-List: New York
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They're stacked, packin', fierce and ambitious! Logo's much buzzed about docu-reality series, follows members of New York's gay elite plus their families, best girlfriends, and pocket dogs (natch) as they navigate being fabulous i...Сюжет (англ.)
The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell is political television program hosted by Lawrence O'Donnell and features in-depth political commentary from prominent politicians, journalists and political strategists. The program airs weeknigThe Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell (2010)
The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell
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The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell is political television program hosted by Lawrence O'Donnell and features in-depth political commentary from prominent politicians, journalists and political strategists. The program airs weeknigСюжет (англ.)
A sheriff sees his state senate bid slide out onto the ice when his daughter begins to date the son of a charming but psychologically disturbed woman with whom the sheriff has engaged in a two-decade-long affair.Вірджинія (2010)
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A sheriff sees his state senate bid slide out onto the ice when his daughter begins to date the son of a charming but psychologically disturbed woman with whom the sheriff has engaged in a two-decade-long affair.Сюжет (англ.)
In 2009, thousands of LGBT citizens are denied almost 200 civil rights their straight, married counterparts enjoy through civil marriage. Some states have signaled progress. But amid the progress, The Mormon Church, with its front-group THE NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MARRIAGE, has been coordinating, financing and leading the effort to stop the advancement of marriage equality for more than three decades. As an organization worth hundreds of billions of dollars, the Mormon Church has been able to wage this war in secret. Not until the California Fair Political Practices Commission launched an investigation into the Mormon's involvement in Proposition 8, did the secrets of the Mormon effort become a matter of record. Through never-before seen documents, recordings & insider-interviews, 8: THE MORMON PROPOSITION, exposes the efforts of the Mormon Church and its members to halt nearly every piece of LGBT legislation on the desks of lawmakers from Hawaii to New York. 8: THE MORMON PROPOSITION makes these efforts a matter of record and challenges viewers to demand more of government officials in requiring religions more transparency in their efforts to influence public policy. Emmy-award winning journalist and documentary filmmaker Reed Cowan is a former Mormon who served a two-year mission door-to-door for the Mormon Church. His access to high-level Mormons & Mormon communications on the matter, coupled with his OUT status as a gay man and father of two adopted sons has provided a compelling and at times shocking look at the Mormon way of doing business against LGBT people.8: The Mormon Proposition (2010)
8: The Mormon Proposition
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In 2009, thousands of LGBT citizens are denied almost 200 civil rights their straight, married counterparts enjoy through civil marriage. Some states have signaled progress. But amid the progress, The Mormon Church, with its front-group THE NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MARRIAGE, has been coordinating, financing and leading the effort to stop the advancement of marriage equality for more than three decades. As an organization worth hundreds of billions of dollars, the Mormon Church has been able to wage this war in secret. Not until the California Fair Political Practices Commission launched an investigation into the Mormon's involvement in Proposition 8, did the secrets of the Mormon effort become a matter of record. Through never-before seen documents, recordings & insider-interviews, 8: THE MORMON PROPOSITION, exposes the efforts of the Mormon Church and its members to halt nearly every piece of LGBT legislation on the desks of lawmakers from Hawaii to New York. 8: THE MORMON PROPOSITION makes these efforts a matter of record and challenges viewers to demand more of government officials in requiring religions more transparency in their efforts to influence public policy. Emmy-award winning journalist and documentary filmmaker Reed Cowan is a former Mormon who served a two-year mission door-to-door for the Mormon Church. His access to high-level Mormons & Mormon communications on the matter, coupled with his OUT status as a gay man and father of two adopted sons has provided a compelling and at times shocking look at the Mormon way of doing business against LGBT people.Сюжет (англ.)
Red Carpet Report, Hollywood's number one independently owned and operated source for Red Carpet interviews, reviews, and news. We never go after gossip and #WeAskMore.https://www.youtube.com/c/Minglemediatv/videos
Звіт з червоної доріжки (2009)
Red Carpet Report
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Red Carpet Report, Hollywood's number one independently owned and operated source for Red Carpet interviews, reviews, and news. We never go after gossip and #WeAskMore.https://www.youtube.com/c/Minglemediatv/videos
Стрічка про першого в Америці політика на ім'я Гарві Мілк, який відкрито зізнався у своїй гомосексуальності. Він був вибраний у міське правління й виступав за прийняття законопроєкту про права геїв і лесбіянок.Гарві Мілк (2008)
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Стрічка про першого в Америці політика на ім'я Гарві Мілк, який відкрито зізнався у своїй гомосексуальності. Він був вибраний у міське правління й виступав за прийняття законопроєкту про права геїв і лесбіянок.Сюжет (англ.)
In 1994 Pedro Zamora was the first HIV-positive homosexual to appear in a reality show on MTV. The audience of 'The Real World: San Francisco' identified easily with this intelligent, ...Сюжет (англ.)
Your one stop shop for all the late breaking news in our nation and all over the world.Morning Joe (2007)
Morning Joe
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Your one stop shop for all the late breaking news in our nation and all over the world.Сюжет
У великому будинку живе сім’я з чоловіка, трьох дружин і семи дітей. Поки чоловік заробляє гроші, жінки займаються будинком і вихованням дітей, а такод складають графік ночей для чоловіка. Одному складно прогодувати три сім’ї, розділити любов між подружжями і приділити увагу дітям. Але не дивлячись на труднощі, вони живуть разом, підтримуючи одне одного.Велике кохання (2006—2011)
Big Love
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У великому будинку живе сім’я з чоловіка, трьох дружин і семи дітей. Поки чоловік заробляє гроші, жінки займаються будинком і вихованням дітей, а такод складають графік ночей для чоловіка. Одному складно прогодувати три сім’ї, розділити любов між подружжями і приділити увагу дітям. Але не дивлячись на труднощі, вони живуть разом, підтримуючи одне одного.Сюжет (англ.)
Two lovers are killed during the Holocaust. One reincarnates first. He has a twenty two year old daughter who falls in love with who her father believes is his past life lover.The Singing Forest (2003)
The Singing Forest
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Two lovers are killed during the Holocaust. One reincarnates first. He has a twenty two year old daughter who falls in love with who her father believes is his past life lover.Сюжет (англ.)
Early morning chat show presented by Lorraine Kelly, with celebrity interviews, cooking tips, fashion features and musical guests.Лоррейн (2001—)
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Early morning chat show presented by Lorraine Kelly, with celebrity interviews, cooking tips, fashion features and musical guests.Сюжет (англ.)
19 year old Jared Price leaves the stability of his home in Georgia to start a new life in Southern California. With only a bag on his back and a few hundred dollars, he sets out on an emotional journey of self realization and sexual discovery. Stumbling through the tight quarters of a Hollywood youth hostel, he befriends a young neighbor who is eager to pursue a more than platonic friendship. Soon, Jared gains employment as a personal caretaker for Mrs. Haines, a wealthy, older, blind woman, and falls into a deceptive relationship with her affluent, older son, Matthew. When the relationship becomes personally destructive, Jared is faced once again with the difficult task of abandoning his stability to risk his heart.The Journey of Jared Price (2000)
The Journey of Jared Price
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19 year old Jared Price leaves the stability of his home in Georgia to start a new life in Southern California. With only a bag on his back and a few hundred dollars, he sets out on an emotional journey of self realization and sexual discovery. Stumbling through the tight quarters of a Hollywood youth hostel, he befriends a young neighbor who is eager to pursue a more than platonic friendship. Soon, Jared gains employment as a personal caretaker for Mrs. Haines, a wealthy, older, blind woman, and falls into a deceptive relationship with her affluent, older son, Matthew. When the relationship becomes personally destructive, Jared is faced once again with the difficult task of abandoning his stability to risk his heart.Сюжет (англ.)
Entertaining transformational battles against the odds. Intrepid volunteers are plucked from their natural habitat and given just four weeks to master a skill well enough to fool a panel of expert judges.Faking It (2000—2006)
Faking It
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Entertaining transformational battles against the odds. Intrepid volunteers are plucked from their natural habitat and given just four weeks to master a skill well enough to fool a panel of expert judges.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати