Dennis Klein
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 25
Ролі: сценарист ★ 7.27 (20), продюсер (9), режисер (5), ідея (2)
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Chris plays himself as a low-key, nebbishy rock star fumbling sincerely with mundane neighborhood and bizarre rock-god situations with the help--but more often, hindrance--of his band-manager/ex-girlfriend (Kristine Dattilo). His ...The Chris Isaak Show (2001—2004)
The Chris Isaak Show
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Chris plays himself as a low-key, nebbishy rock star fumbling sincerely with mundane neighborhood and bizarre rock-god situations with the help--but more often, hindrance--of his band-manager/ex-girlfriend (Kristine Dattilo). His ...Сюжет (англ.)
Hilton Lucas was forced by his employer to retire. His wife has trouble with him always being at home and so does he.If Not for You (1995)
If Not for You
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Paul Gigante leaves the FBI to be a detective for the rural Bakersfield, California P.D. But the sophisticated Gigante (Giancarlo Esposito, Do the Right Thing (1989)) has more trouble trading opera for the Bakersfield Sound, than heBakersfield P.D. (1993—1994)
Bakersfield P.D.
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Paul Gigante leaves the FBI to be a detective for the rural Bakersfield, California P.D. But the sophisticated Gigante (Giancarlo Esposito, Do the Right Thing (1989)) has more trouble trading opera for the Bakersfield Sound, than heСюжет (англ.)
The twisted adventures of the Binsford family's dog. A spin-off from an "Amazing Stories" episode.Family Dog (1993)
Family Dog
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The twisted adventures of the Binsford family's dog. A spin-off from an "Amazing Stories" episode.Сюжет (англ.)
Spoof on shows like Cops where a movie crew follows the police through their bumbling and comedic folliesArresting Behavior (1992)
Arresting Behavior
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Spoof on shows like Cops where a movie crew follows the police through their bumbling and comedic folliesСюжет
Нічне гумористичне ток-шоу.Шоу Ларрі Сандерса (1992—1998)
The Larry Sanders Show
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Нічне гумористичне ток-шоу.Сюжет (англ.)
Otis Drexell is a corporate raider who is known for getting the deal done. After he is caught red-handed for dodging taxes, he's given a suspended sentence on the condition that he teaches at an elementary school until the back-ta...Drexell's Class (1991—1992)
Drexell's Class
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Otis Drexell is a corporate raider who is known for getting the deal done. After he is caught red-handed for dodging taxes, he's given a suspended sentence on the condition that he teaches at an elementary school until the back-ta...Сюжет (англ.)
Anthology television series that aired unsold television pilots during the summer.CBS Summer Playhouse (1987—1989)
CBS Summer Playhouse
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Anthology television series that aired unsold television pilots during the summer.Сюжет
У цьому напруженому сиквелі поліцейський із Детройта Аксель Фоулі повертається до залитого сонцем міста, щоб дізнатися, хто застрелив капітана поліції Ендрю Боґоміла.Поліцейський з Беверлі-Гіллз 2 (1987)
Beverly Hills Cop II
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У цьому напруженому сиквелі поліцейський із Детройта Аксель Фоулі повертається до залитого сонцем міста, щоб дізнатися, хто застрелив капітана поліції Ендрю Боґоміла.Сюжет (англ.)
The problems faced by both teenagers and adults in a small Minnesota town who are trying to get dates for a Saturday night.One More Saturday Night (1986)
One More Saturday Night
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The problems faced by both teenagers and adults in a small Minnesota town who are trying to get dates for a Saturday night.Сюжет (англ.)
Bill Bittinger is the egotistical host of a local daytime talk show on WBFL in Buffalo, NY., unhappy at being a big fish in a small pond (but unable to break into the big leagues). Bill ...Buffalo Bill (1983—1984)
Buffalo Bill
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Bill Bittinger is the egotistical host of a local daytime talk show on WBFL in Buffalo, NY., unhappy at being a big fish in a small pond (but unable to break into the big leagues). Bill ...Сюжет (англ.)
The everyday problems and frustrations of a parole officer, as he deals with the released prisoners that come and go.Report to Murphy (1982)
Report to Murphy
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The everyday problems and frustrations of a parole officer, as he deals with the released prisoners that come and go.Сюжет (англ.)
The Wild West misadventures of a mild-mannered store owner turned town Marshal.Best of the West (1981—1982)
Best of the West
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The Wild West misadventures of a mild-mannered store owner turned town Marshal.Сюжет (англ.)
After Mary ran off with her policeman boyfriend and left town, the focus shifted to her heart-broken ex-husband Tom, and the rest of the oddball residents of Fernwood, Ohio.Forever Fernwood (1977)
Forever Fernwood
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After Mary ran off with her policeman boyfriend and left town, the focus shifted to her heart-broken ex-husband Tom, and the rest of the oddball residents of Fernwood, Ohio.Сюжет (англ.)
Night shift Judge Matthew Sirota runs his urban courtroom with humor and common sense. He has a casual romance with his clerk Maureen plus referees between idealistic defender Gail Goodman and zealous prosecutor Bud Nugent.Sirota's Court (1976—)
Sirota's Court
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Night shift Judge Matthew Sirota runs his urban courtroom with humor and common sense. He has a casual romance with his clerk Maureen plus referees between idealistic defender Gail Goodman and zealous prosecutor Bud Nugent.Сюжет (англ.)
The misadventures of two single women in the 1950s and '60s.Лаверн та Шарлі (1976—1983)
Laverne & Shirley
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The misadventures of two single women in the 1950s and '60s.Сюжет (англ.)
A small-town housewife struggles to cope with the increasingly bizarre and violent events unfolding around her.Мері Гартмен, Мері Гартмен (1976—1977)
Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman
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A small-town housewife struggles to cope with the increasingly bizarre and violent events unfolding around her.Сюжет (англ.)
The gentle humor of old-fashioned family doctor Joe Bogert.Сюжет (англ.)
Sitcom about a divorced woman in her forties who has to begin dating.Сюжет (англ.)
Dick Van Dyke and Hope Lange play modern married couple Dick and Jenny Preston, who have comic misadventures raising their teenage daughter.The New Dick Van Dyke Show (1971—1973)
The New Dick Van Dyke Show
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Dick Van Dyke and Hope Lange play modern married couple Dick and Jenny Preston, who have comic misadventures raising their teenage daughter.Сюжет (англ.)
Archie Bunker, a working class bigot, constantly squabbles with his family over the important issues of the day.Справи сімейні (1971—1979)
All in the Family
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Archie Bunker, a working class bigot, constantly squabbles with his family over the important issues of the day.Сюжет (англ.)
The humourous adventures of a family of pop musicians.The Partridge Family (1970—1974)
The Partridge Family
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The humourous adventures of a family of pop musicians.Сюжет (англ.)
Felix and Oscar are an extremely odd couple: Felix is anal-retentive, neurotic, precise, and fastidiously clean. Oscar, on the other hand, is the exact opposite: sloppy and casual. They are sharing an apartment together, and their differing lifestyles inevitably lead to some conflicts and laughs.Дивна парочка (1970—1975)
The Odd Couple
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Felix and Oscar are an extremely odd couple: Felix is anal-retentive, neurotic, precise, and fastidiously clean. Oscar, on the other hand, is the exact opposite: sloppy and casual. They are sharing an apartment together, and their differing lifestyles inevitably lead to some conflicts and laughs.Сюжет
У Лас-Вегасі має відбутися чемпіонат світу з армреслінгу, Лінкольн Хоук, водій-далекобійник, який отримав прізвисько «Яструб», збирається прийняти в ньому участь. До чемпіонату йому необхідно розібратися з низкою проблем. Відвідати свою колишню дружину, яка знаходиться при смерті. Поговорити з тестем, який не бажає бачити Хоука. І, нарешті, повернути собі сина, якого Ястреб не бачив вже десять років. Спочатку стосунки батька з сином складаються не дуже добре, але хлопчик все ж вирішує відправитися разом з ним на чемпіонат в Лас-Вегас.Love, American Style (1969—1974)
Love, American Style
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У Лас-Вегасі має відбутися чемпіонат світу з армреслінгу, Лінкольн Хоук, водій-далекобійник, який отримав прізвисько «Яструб», збирається прийняти в ньому участь. До чемпіонату йому необхідно розібратися з низкою проблем. Відвідати свою колишню дружину, яка знаходиться при смерті. Поговорити з тестем, який не бажає бачити Хоука. І, нарешті, повернути собі сина, якого Ястреб не бачив вже десять років. Спочатку стосунки батька з сином складаються не дуже добре, але хлопчик все ж вирішує відправитися разом з ним на чемпіонат в Лас-Вегас.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати