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Карлуш Лопеш

Carlos Lopes

Всього фільмів (на сайті): 11

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Знайдено 11 результат

Reel Love (2011) композитор 0.0 imdb 5.0
Сюжет (англ.) Holly Whitman and Carl Lindford are Chicago-based junior insurance lawyers working at the same firm and a couple in their personal life, although Carl seems more interested in his symbols of prestige, such as his BMW sports car and getting ahead in his career, than he is in Holly. Days before they are to enter court on what could be the case which brings them into the next echelon of the profession, Holly receives news from her irresponsible brother, Everett Whitman, that their father, Wade Whitman, has suffered a heart attack, Wade and Everett still living in their small hometown of Manion Lake, Alabama. Holly, borrowing Carl's car, heads down to Manion Lake expecting to make it back to Chicago in time for the opening arguments of the important case. The trip is also despite Holly and Wade being estranged, due to what generally disagreeable Wade sees as Holly turning her back on family their life in Manion Lake for the pretense of the big city, and Holly believing Wade providing no real parenting, especially following the death of her mother/Wade's wife. While in Manion Lake, Holly is able to reconnect to aspects of her past beyond her family. She also meets recent arrival into Manion Lake, Jay Danville, a war veteran who is drifting in his life following his decommission. There is a mutual attraction between the two, which Jay is up front he will not act upon when he finds out about Carl. Holly will get a clearer picture of her life as she and Wade have a heart-to-heart during what is a community obsession, the recent sighting by others of a record sized bass in the lake, that bass who Wade had deemed the "Queen of Sheba" and who other dedicated recreational fishers in the area always thought was solely Wade's big fish tale.

Reel Love (2011)

Reel Love

США   1 год 26 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Holly Whitman and Carl Lindford are Chicago-based junior insurance lawyers working at the same firm and a couple in their personal life, although Carl seems more interested in his symbols of prestige, such as his BMW sports car and getting ahead in his career, than he is in Holly. Days before they are to enter court on what could be the case which brings them into the next echelon of the profession, Holly receives news from her irresponsible brother, Everett Whitman, that their father, Wade Whitman, has suffered a heart attack, Wade and Everett still living in their small hometown of Manion Lake, Alabama. Holly, borrowing Carl's car, heads down to Manion Lake expecting to make it back to Chicago in time for the opening arguments of the important case. The trip is also despite Holly and Wade being estranged, due to what generally disagreeable Wade sees as Holly turning her back on family their life in Manion Lake for the pretense of the big city, and Holly believing Wade providing no real parenting, especially following the death of her mother/Wade's wife. While in Manion Lake, Holly is able to reconnect to aspects of her past beyond her family. She also meets recent arrival into Manion Lake, Jay Danville, a war veteran who is drifting in his life following his decommission. There is a mutual attraction between the two, which Jay is up front he will not act upon when he finds out about Carl. Holly will get a clearer picture of her life as she and Wade have a heart-to-heart during what is a community obsession, the recent sighting by others of a record sized bass in the lake, that bass who Wade had deemed the "Queen of Sheba" and who other dedicated recreational fishers in the area always thought was solely Wade's big fish tale.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 5.0 (467)
Моя оцінка:
Connor, agent très spécial (2009) композитор 0.0 imdb 5.2
Сюжет (англ.) Connor Heath always dreamed of a spy career. When his parents take in the mysterious Gisela, who turns out to be a politician's daughter, Connor gets opportunities to taste the spy life. He...

Connor, agent très spécial (2009)

Connor, agent très spécial

Серіал 2 сезони, 0 епізодів
Читати опис (англ.) Connor Heath always dreamed of a spy career. When his parents take in the mysterious Gisela, who turns out to be a politician's daughter, Connor gets opportunities to taste the spy life. He...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 5.2 (266)
Моя оцінка:
Indie à tout prix (2009—2011) композитор 0.0 imdb 5.3
Сюжет (англ.) A girl is trying to get to grips with teenage life.

Indie à tout prix (2009—2011)

Indie à tout prix

Серіал 2 сезони, 52 епізоди Завершений
Канада   22 хв
Читати опис (англ.) A girl is trying to get to grips with teenage life.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 5.3 (415)
Моя оцінка:
La Vie selon Annie (2005—2007) композитор 0.0 imdb 6.3
Сюжет (англ.) The story of a 14 year old girl named Sadie Hawthorne, a bright girl who is very interested in nature and the behaviors of animals. Reaching beyond the limits of studying animals, she attempts to analyze humans.

La Vie selon Annie (2005—2007)

La Vie selon Annie

Серіал 3 сезони, 58 епізодів Завершений
Канада, США   30 хв
Читати опис (англ.) The story of a 14 year old girl named Sadie Hawthorne, a bright girl who is very interested in nature and the behaviors of animals. Reaching beyond the limits of studying animals, she attempts to analyze humans.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.3 (1047)
Моя оцінка:
Школа «Чорна діра»
Школа «Чорна діра» (2002—2006) композитор 5.2 imdb 7.9
Сюжет (англ.) Black Hole High (Blake Holsey High) is a private school with a difference. The atmosphere seems to be charged and many strange phenomena are regularly witnessed, including, water running up walls, spontaneously exploding desks and teachers being sucked into a vortex. Follow the adventures of five teenagers as they initiate all manner of secret science experiments.
Школа «Чорна діра»

Школа «Чорна діра» (2002—2006)

Strange Days at Blake Holsey High

Серіал 4 сезони, 42 епізоди Завершений
Канада   30 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Black Hole High (Blake Holsey High) is a private school with a difference. The atmosphere seems to be charged and many strange phenomena are regularly witnessed, including, water running up walls, spontaneously exploding desks and teachers being sucked into a vortex. Follow the adventures of five teenagers as they initiate all manner of secret science experiments.
КіноБаза: 5.2 (4)  IMDb: 7.9 (1566)
Моя оцінка:
Puppets Who Kill (2002—2006) композитор 0.0 imdb 7.5
Сюжет (англ.) The series takes place in a halfway house for very bad puppets and features four felonious puppet inmates who are doing time with their human caseworker as they wait until that glorious day.

Puppets Who Kill (2002—2006)

Puppets Who Kill

Серіал 4 сезони, 53 епізоди Завершений
Канада   30 хв
Читати опис (англ.) The series takes place in a halfway house for very bad puppets and features four felonious puppet inmates who are doing time with their human caseworker as they wait until that glorious day.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 7.5 (499)
Моя оцінка:
Scandaleusement vôtre (1998) композитор 0.0 imdb 5.2
Сюжет (англ.) The life of Valley of the Dolls author Jacqueline Susann, filled with frustrations and glamour as she settles to become a best-selling writer after struggling as an actress. Based on Barbara Seaman's biography.

Scandaleusement vôtre (1998)

Scandaleusement vôtre

Канада, США   2 год 0 хв
Читати опис (англ.) The life of Valley of the Dolls author Jacqueline Susann, filled with frustrations and glamour as she settles to become a best-selling writer after struggling as an actress. Based on Barbara Seaman's biography.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 5.2 (122)
Моя оцінка:
Відомий Джет Джексон
Відомий Джет Джексон (1998—2001) композитор 0.0 imdb 7.2
Сюжет (англ.) Jett is the star of a popular action show called "Silverstone" but when he decides he wants to spend more time with his sheriff father, wise grandmother, and best friend J.B., the entire show relocates from L.A. to his North Carolina hometown. However, a normal life is far from what Jett gets. J.B. has to deal with the fame surrounding his buddy and screaming fans chase Jett into the girl's restroom he meets Kayla, an artist/farmer's daughter who is not impressed by his fame. With J.B., Kayla and his friends from the set (such as the special effect guru Cubby and the show's costar Riley), the teen learns to juggle between being the action hero Silverstone and just regular Jett Jackson.
Відомий Джет Джексон

Відомий Джет Джексон (1998—2001)

The Famous Jett Jackson

Серіал 3 сезони, 65 епізодів Завершений
Канада, США   30 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Jett is the star of a popular action show called "Silverstone" but when he decides he wants to spend more time with his sheriff father, wise grandmother, and best friend J.B., the entire show relocates from L.A. to his North Carolina hometown. However, a normal life is far from what Jett gets. J.B. has to deal with the fame surrounding his buddy and screaming fans chase Jett into the girl's restroom he meets Kayla, an artist/farmer's daughter who is not impressed by his fame. With J.B., Kayla and his friends from the set (such as the special effect guru Cubby and the show's costar Riley), the teen learns to juggle between being the action hero Silverstone and just regular Jett Jackson.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 7.2 (2123)
Моя оцінка:
Dinner at Fred's (1997) композитор 0.0 imdb 6.0
Сюжет (англ.) Richard leaves his corporate office for a weekend at the country house of his fiancé, who is his boss' daughter. On the way there, he is forced to accept an offer of lodging from local Fred...

Dinner at Fred's (1997)

Dinner at Fred's

Канада, США   1 год 33 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Richard leaves his corporate office for a weekend at the country house of his fiancé, who is his boss' daughter. On the way there, he is forced to accept an offer of lodging from local Fred...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.0 (427)
Моя оцінка:
Abraxas, Guardian of the Universe (1990) композитор 0.0 imdb 2.9
Сюжет (англ.) An alien "policeman" arrives on Earth to apprehend a renegade of his own race who impregnates a woman with a potentially destructive mutant embryo.

Abraxas, Guardian of the Universe (1990)

Abraxas, Guardian of the Universe

Канада, США   1 год 30 хв
Читати опис (англ.) An alien "policeman" arrives on Earth to apprehend a renegade of his own race who impregnates a woman with a potentially destructive mutant embryo.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 2.9 (2520)
Моя оцінка:
Сутінкова зона
Сутінкова зона (1985—1989) композитор 7.1 imdb 7.7
Сюжет Британсько-канадсько-американський телесеріал, що складається з непов'язаних між собою серій та епізодів, кожні з яких відображають окрему історію. Знімався протягом чотирьох років — з 1985 по 1989.

В кожній серії розігрується окрема, нетипова історія, що виявляється навіть більш незвичайною, ніж здається спочатку. Зображуються здебільшого іронічні ситуації, що показують людську натуру й поєднуються з елементами наукового жанру, хорору та фантастики. Кінець кожної з серій зазвичай є неочікуваним, незалежно від її жанру. Більша частина серій (епізодів), починаючи з найпершої, містить дві або три історії та розділена на сегменти, тривалість кожного з яких варіюється здебільшого від п'ятнадцяти хвилин до півгодини.
Сутінкова зона Трейлер

Сутінкова зона (1985—1989)

The Twilight Zone

Серіал 3 сезони, 114 епізоди Завершений
Велика Британія, Канада, США   45 хв
Читати опис Британсько-канадсько-американський телесеріал, що складається з непов'язаних між собою серій та епізодів, кожні з яких відображають окрему історію. Знімався протягом чотирьох років — з 1985 по 1989.

В кожній серії розігрується окрема, нетипова історія, що виявляється навіть більш незвичайною, ніж здається спочатку. Зображуються здебільшого іронічні ситуації, що показують людську натуру й поєднуються з елементами наукового жанру, хорору та фантастики. Кінець кожної з серій зазвичай є неочікуваним, незалежно від її жанру. Більша частина серій (епізодів), починаючи з найпершої, містить дві або три історії та розділена на сегменти, тривалість кожного з яких варіюється здебільшого від п'ятнадцяти хвилин до півгодини.
КіноБаза: 7.1 (8)  IMDb: 7.7 (12690)
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