Енні Ламберт
Annie Lambert
Дата народження: 3 січня 1957 (68 років)
Знак зодіаку: Козоріг
Місце народження: Англія, Великобританія
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 24
Ролі: актриса
Суто англійський серіал за суто англійським романом Кароліни Грем. Від зміни місць доданків сума англійського детективу не змінюється, і час не владний над істинними цінностями. Манірні остров'яни, як і раніше здійснюють найвитонченіші злочини, за ними з ґрунтовним і шанобливим виглядом слідують елегантні нишпорки, а тлом для цих стриманих пристрастей залишаються зелені галявини й тінисті алеї, похмурі кабінети й холодні спальні. Майже вся дія відбувається в селах невеликого, зразково безтурботного графства Мідсамер. Іноді на цьому пасторальному тлі відбувається таке, чого і в столицях не бачили. А службу, яка небезпечна і важка, сільські поліціанти не вибирають.Суто англійські вбивства (1997—)
Midsomer Murders
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Суто англійський серіал за суто англійським романом Кароліни Грем. Від зміни місць доданків сума англійського детективу не змінюється, і час не владний над істинними цінностями. Манірні остров'яни, як і раніше здійснюють найвитонченіші злочини, за ними з ґрунтовним і шанобливим виглядом слідують елегантні нишпорки, а тлом для цих стриманих пристрастей залишаються зелені галявини й тінисті алеї, похмурі кабінети й холодні спальні. Майже вся дія відбувається в селах невеликого, зразково безтурботного графства Мідсамер. Іноді на цьому пасторальному тлі відбувається таке, чого і в столицях не бачили. А службу, яка небезпечна і важка, сільські поліціанти не вибирають.Сюжет (англ.)
An elderly man receives a head injury which affects his attention-span and leads him to become a devout believer in television commercials.If You See God, Tell Him (1993)
If You See God, Tell Him
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An elderly man receives a head injury which affects his attention-span and leads him to become a devout believer in television commercials.Сюжет (англ.)
Two very different former MI6 spies partner up and open a private spy agency together.Old Boy Network (1992)
Old Boy Network
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Two very different former MI6 spies partner up and open a private spy agency together.Сюжет (англ.)
2point4 Children is a BBC television sitcom that was created and written by Andrew Marshall. It follows the lives of the Porters; a seemingly average family whose world is frequently turned...2point4 Children (1991—1999)
2point4 Children
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2point4 Children is a BBC television sitcom that was created and written by Andrew Marshall. It follows the lives of the Porters; a seemingly average family whose world is frequently turned...Сюжет (англ.)
A series of murders from all periods introduced by Edward WoodwardIn Suspicious Circumstances (1991)
In Suspicious Circumstances
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A series of murders from all periods introduced by Edward WoodwardСюжет
Ви любите справжній класичний детектив зі складною інтригою й інтелектуальним розслідуванням? Якщо так, то серіал "Пуаро" по творах Королеви детектива Агати Кристі - для Вас. Образ знаменитого літературного героя з неймовірними вусами й неповторною ходою чудово втілений на екрані англійським актором Девідом Суше.Пуаро (1989—2013)
Agatha Christie's Poirot
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Ви любите справжній класичний детектив зі складною інтригою й інтелектуальним розслідуванням? Якщо так, то серіал "Пуаро" по творах Королеви детектива Агати Кристі - для Вас. Образ знаменитого літературного героя з неймовірними вусами й неповторною ходою чудово втілений на екрані англійським актором Девідом Суше.Сюжет (англ.)
Comedy set in a modelling agency, Maggie's Models.Les Girls (1988)
Les Girls
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Comedy set in a modelling agency, Maggie's Models.Сюжет (англ.)
Sara Crewe enters a London boarding school a wealthy lady when she bids her father farewell as he enters the British Army, but her lifestyle quickly vanishes when her father suddenly dies, and Sara must endure a life of servitude.Маленька принцеса (1986—1987)
A Little Princess
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Sara Crewe enters a London boarding school a wealthy lady when she bids her father farewell as he enters the British Army, but her lifestyle quickly vanishes when her father suddenly dies, and Sara must endure a life of servitude.Сюжет (англ.)
Series featuring the tough and experienced Det. Sgt. Alan Rockcliffe, and his squad of young and enthusiastic plain-clothes PCs.Rockliffe's Babies (1987—1988)
Rockliffe's Babies
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Series featuring the tough and experienced Det. Sgt. Alan Rockcliffe, and his squad of young and enthusiastic plain-clothes PCs.Сюжет (англ.)
Chief Inspector Morse has an ear for music, a taste for beer and a nose for crime. He sets out with Detective Sergeant Lewis to solve each intriguing case.Інспектор Морс (1987—1993)
Inspector Morse
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Chief Inspector Morse has an ear for music, a taste for beer and a nose for crime. He sets out with Detective Sergeant Lewis to solve each intriguing case.Сюжет (англ.)
Lovejoy is a loveable rogue and an antiques dealer with an amazing talent for spotting hidden treasures. When not looking for the odd collectible, Lovejoy spends most of his time using his con-artist skills to help out the less fortunate. His partners in crime are wealthy Lady Jane, his dim assistant Eric, and the genially intoxicated Tinker.Lovejoy (1986—1994)
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Lovejoy is a loveable rogue and an antiques dealer with an amazing talent for spotting hidden treasures. When not looking for the odd collectible, Lovejoy spends most of his time using his con-artist skills to help out the less fortunate. His partners in crime are wealthy Lady Jane, his dim assistant Eric, and the genially intoxicated Tinker.Сюжет (англ.)
Tom Howard is made redundant from his job as a senior aircraft designer and decides to invest his skill, time and redundancy money in a run-down local boat building yard. Without his investment the yard would certainly have gone bustHowards' Way (1985—1990)
Howards' Way
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Tom Howard is made redundant from his job as a senior aircraft designer and decides to invest his skill, time and redundancy money in a run-down local boat building yard. Without his investment the yard would certainly have gone bustСюжет (англ.)
As portrayed by Peter Bowles (The Irish R.M., To the Manor Born), London gossip columnist Neville Lytton exudes a sophisticated charm that masks a tenacious commitment to his job. Whether consorting with banking tycoons and ex-dictatLytton's Diary (1985—1986)
Lytton's Diary
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As portrayed by Peter Bowles (The Irish R.M., To the Manor Born), London gossip columnist Neville Lytton exudes a sophisticated charm that masks a tenacious commitment to his job. Whether consorting with banking tycoons and ex-dictatСюжет (англ.)
Agatha Christie's husband-and-wife sleuthing team take on a series of short whodunit mysteries.Partners in Crime (1983—1984)
Partners in Crime
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Agatha Christie's husband-and-wife sleuthing team take on a series of short whodunit mysteries.Сюжет (англ.)
Earth's Moon has been ripped from its orbit by a massive nuclear explosion and cast adrift in unknown space. The more than 300 surviving personnel of Moonbase Alpha find that the drifting ...Journey Through the Black Sun (1976)
Journey Through the Black Sun
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Earth's Moon has been ripped from its orbit by a massive nuclear explosion and cast adrift in unknown space. The more than 300 surviving personnel of Moonbase Alpha find that the drifting ...Сюжет (англ.)
Upon being demobbed, RAF serviceman Harvey Moon returns home and finds his family involved in various troubles. His wife is not interested in resuming their relationship, and works in a seedy nightclub frequented by American servi...Shine on Harvey Moon (1982—1995)
Shine on Harvey Moon
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Upon being demobbed, RAF serviceman Harvey Moon returns home and finds his family involved in various troubles. His wife is not interested in resuming their relationship, and works in a seedy nightclub frequented by American servi...Сюжет (англ.)
The adventures of tough lady cop Maggie Forbes.Ніжний дотик (1980—1984)
The Gentle Touch
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The adventures of tough lady cop Maggie Forbes.Сюжет (англ.)
Arthur Daley, a small-time conman, hires former boxer Terry McCann to be his 'minder', so Terry can protect him (Arthur) from other, small-time, crooks. While Terry is trying his hardest to satisfy his employer's demands, and putting his own life at risk, Arthur is busy exploiting Terry for all he is worth. For, when other people hire Terry's services, through Arthur, Arthur usually keeps most of Terry's share of the money for himself, by misleading the hard-working Terry as to the amount of money, he (as Terry's agent) is receiving on Terry's behalf.Minder (1979—1994)
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Arthur Daley, a small-time conman, hires former boxer Terry McCann to be his 'minder', so Terry can protect him (Arthur) from other, small-time, crooks. While Terry is trying his hardest to satisfy his employer's demands, and putting his own life at risk, Arthur is busy exploiting Terry for all he is worth. For, when other people hire Terry's services, through Arthur, Arthur usually keeps most of Terry's share of the money for himself, by misleading the hard-working Terry as to the amount of money, he (as Terry's agent) is receiving on Terry's behalf.Сюжет (англ.)
The owner of a trendy disco starts having problems with the men in her life and the Mafia, which is trying to move in on her place.The Bitch (1979)
The Bitch
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The owner of a trendy disco starts having problems with the men in her life and the Mafia, which is trying to move in on her place.Сюжет
All Creatures Great and Small is a British television series, based on the books of the British veterinary surgeon Alf Wight, who wrote under the pseudonym James Herriot. Ninety episodes were aired over two three-year runs. The first run was based directly on Herriot's books; the second was filmed with original scripts.All Creatures Great and Small (1978—1990)
All Creatures Great and Small
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All Creatures Great and Small is a British television series, based on the books of the British veterinary surgeon Alf Wight, who wrote under the pseudonym James Herriot. Ninety episodes were aired over two three-year runs. The first run was based directly on Herriot's books; the second was filmed with original scripts.Сюжет (англ.)
Secret agent Steed, working for an unnamed branch of British intelligence, is teamed up with two partners to fight evil plots for world domination, dealing with suspended animation, biological warfare, robotics, and other threats.Нові Месники (1976—1977)
The New Avengers
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Secret agent Steed, working for an unnamed branch of British intelligence, is teamed up with two partners to fight evil plots for world domination, dealing with suspended animation, biological warfare, robotics, and other threats.Сюжет (англ.)
The crew of Moonbase Alpha must struggle to survive when a massive explosion throws the Moon from orbit into deep space.Space: 1999 (1975—1977)
Space: 1999
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The crew of Moonbase Alpha must struggle to survive when a massive explosion throws the Moon from orbit into deep space.Сюжет (англ.)
British Police television series, which revolutionized the genre on UK television in the mid 1970s, starring John Thaw as a hard-edged detective in the Flying Squad of London's Metropolitan Police.Летючий загін Скотланд-Ярду (1975—1978)
The Sweeney
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British Police television series, which revolutionized the genre on UK television in the mid 1970s, starring John Thaw as a hard-edged detective in the Flying Squad of London's Metropolitan Police.Сюжет
«Доктор Хто» — британський науково-фантастичний телесеріал компанії BBC, що з перервами триває від 1963 року. Серіал оповідає про пригоди мандрівника в часі, відомого як «Доктор», та його супутниківДоктор Хто (1963—1989)
Doctor Who
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«Доктор Хто» — британський науково-фантастичний телесеріал компанії BBC, що з перервами триває від 1963 року. Серіал оповідає про пригоди мандрівника в часі, відомого як «Доктор», та його супутниківУвійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати