Адам Ф. Ґолдберґ
Adam F. Goldberg
Дата народження: 2 квітня 1976 (48 років)
Знак зодіаку: Овен
Місце народження: Філадельфія, Пенсильванія, США
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 55
Ролі: продюсер (43), сценарист ★ 8.08 (19), актор (5), ідея (5)
Сюжет (англ.)
Follow The Muppets' band as they try to record their first ever album.The Muppets Mayhem (2023)
The Muppets Mayhem
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Follow The Muppets' band as they try to record their first ever album.Сюжет (англ.)
A feature length documentary about Mike Mignola and the creation of his comic book universe centered around Hellboy.Mike Mignola: Drawing Monsters ()
Mike Mignola: Drawing Monsters
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A feature length documentary about Mike Mignola and the creation of his comic book universe centered around Hellboy.Сюжет (англ.)
You can change the name. You can destroy the camp. But these will always be Jason's woods.The Fall of Camp Blood (2020)
The Fall of Camp Blood
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You can change the name. You can destroy the camp. But these will always be Jason's woods.Сюжет (англ.)
After failing to make the cut to join the now powerhouse Mighty Ducks junior hockey team, 12-year-old Evan's mother encourages him to form a new team of underdogs with help from Gordon Bombay, the Ducks' original coach.Могутні качки : Ті, хто змінили гру (2021—2022)
The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers
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After failing to make the cut to join the now powerhouse Mighty Ducks junior hockey team, 12-year-old Evan's mother encourages him to form a new team of underdogs with help from Gordon Bombay, the Ducks' original coach.Сюжет (англ.)
Alien On Stage is a documentary about a unique crew of bus drivers from Dorset, whose amateur dramatics group decide to ditch doing another pantomime and try something different. Having ...Alien on Stage (2020)
Alien on Stage
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Alien On Stage is a documentary about a unique crew of bus drivers from Dorset, whose amateur dramatics group decide to ditch doing another pantomime and try something different. Having ...Сюжет
Відгалуження серіалу Ґолдберґи, дія якого відбувається вже у 90х роках.Після невдалої десятирічної музичної кар'єри Лейні Льюїс (найкраща подруга сестри Адама Ґолдберґа) повертається у свою школу на посаду вчительки музики.
Зашколені (2019—2020)
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Відгалуження серіалу Ґолдберґи, дія якого відбувається вже у 90х роках.Після невдалої десятирічної музичної кар'єри Лейні Льюїс (найкраща подруга сестри Адама Ґолдберґа) повертається у свою школу на посаду вчительки музики.
Сюжет (англ.)
A documentary film about the Nickelodeon Network, telling the story of its humble origins deep into the SNICK years.The Orange Years: The Nickelodeon Story (2018)
The Orange Years: The Nickelodeon Story
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A documentary film about the Nickelodeon Network, telling the story of its humble origins deep into the SNICK years.Сюжет (англ.)
This documentary explores the power of cult film told through the lens of The Monster Squad (1987) and the impact it has on fans, cast and crew, and the industry.Wolfman's Got Nards (2018)
Wolfman's Got Nards
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This documentary explores the power of cult film told through the lens of The Monster Squad (1987) and the impact it has on fans, cast and crew, and the industry.Сюжет (англ.)
In this panoptic documentary on the niche culture of the retro video game collector, follow gaming enthusiasts and fans as they relive their childhood memories, make new ones and champion to keep an antiquated media format alive.The Bits of Yesterday (2018)
The Bits of Yesterday
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In this panoptic documentary on the niche culture of the retro video game collector, follow gaming enthusiasts and fans as they relive their childhood memories, make new ones and champion to keep an antiquated media format alive.Сюжет (англ.)
Now head of school Glascott tries to figure out how to educate his students which include his sister's two precocious teenage daughters.The Goldbergs: 1990-Something (2018)
The Goldbergs: 1990-Something
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Now head of school Glascott tries to figure out how to educate his students which include his sister's two precocious teenage daughters.Сюжет (англ.)
In the 1980s a bunch of underground cartoonists parodied a popular doll. The resulting commercial product tapped into the international kid zeitgeist. That young generation felt that this product spoke to the revulsion they had for the corporate pop culture that was being fed to them.30 Years of Garbage: The Garbage Pail Kids Story (2017)
30 Years of Garbage: The Garbage Pail Kids Story
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In the 1980s a bunch of underground cartoonists parodied a popular doll. The resulting commercial product tapped into the international kid zeitgeist. That young generation felt that this product spoke to the revulsion they had for the corporate pop culture that was being fed to them.Power of Grayskull: The Definitive History of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2017)
Power of Grayskull: The Definitive History of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
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The history of Mattel's definitive action figure toy line.Сюжет
Історія веселих і нецнотливих пригод двох кращих подруг, які вирішили втекти від повсякденних турбот у тропічну подорож. Але через штормове попередження їхній літак несподівано змінює курс, і, що ще гірше, дівчата вступають у боротьбу за одного красеня-попутника.Пересадка (2017)
The Layover
16+Читати опис
Історія веселих і нецнотливих пригод двох кращих подруг, які вирішили втекти від повсякденних турбот у тропічну подорож. Але через штормове попередження їхній літак несподівано змінює курс, і, що ще гірше, дівчата вступають у боротьбу за одного красеня-попутника.Сюжет (англ.)
2065...With Earth rendered uninhabitable by war, humanity's remaining survivors send a fleet of ships to different points in the galaxy in the hope of finding a new world. After seven years of travel and long since out of communication range, the crew of The Pegasus are nearing their destination when they encounter a derelict ship. As tensions on board rise and they struggle to complete their mission they soon realize that they are not alone and must fight for their survival - and the survival of the human race.The Last Scout (2017)
The Last Scout
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2065...With Earth rendered uninhabitable by war, humanity's remaining survivors send a fleet of ships to different points in the galaxy in the hope of finding a new world. After seven years of travel and long since out of communication range, the crew of The Pegasus are nearing their destination when they encounter a derelict ship. As tensions on board rise and they struggle to complete their mission they soon realize that they are not alone and must fight for their survival - and the survival of the human race.Сюжет (англ.)
A hard working independent woman, Alice, is all grown up, but when faced with a challenge she soon comes across an old childhood friend to help her through her fear of intimacy and children. Only problem is Alice is the only one who can see this blast from the past, imiginary Mary, and Mary doesn't exactly see things eye to eye with Alice.Уявна Мері (2017)
Imaginary Mary
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A hard working independent woman, Alice, is all grown up, but when faced with a challenge she soon comes across an old childhood friend to help her through her fear of intimacy and children. Only problem is Alice is the only one who can see this blast from the past, imiginary Mary, and Mary doesn't exactly see things eye to eye with Alice.Сюжет
Унікальна подорож біографією культового і найзагадковішого режисера сучасності. У фільмі Девід Лінч розповідає про своє ідилічне дитинство, тривожне студентство та пошуки шляху в мистецтві.Девід Лінч: Життя в мистецтві (2016)
David Lynch: The Art Life
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Унікальна подорож біографією культового і найзагадковішого режисера сучасності. У фільмі Девід Лінч розповідає про своє ідилічне дитинство, тривожне студентство та пошуки шляху в мистецтві.Сюжет (англ.)
One man's search for the prolific funk legend, Sly Stone.On the Sly: In Search of the Family Stone (2017)
On the Sly: In Search of the Family Stone
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One man's search for the prolific funk legend, Sly Stone.Сюжет (англ.)
The film centers on Dr. Marcus, a renowned psychiatrist who has selected 6 severe mentally ill and dangerous patients from the Spring Valley Mental Hospital to interview as part of research for his new book. As Dr. Marcus interviews each patient, one by one the horrors theyve committed begin to unfold. However, Dr. Marcus soon learns that there is one patient who ties them all together - Sarah PegramPatient Seven (2016)
Patient Seven
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The film centers on Dr. Marcus, a renowned psychiatrist who has selected 6 severe mentally ill and dangerous patients from the Spring Valley Mental Hospital to interview as part of research for his new book. As Dr. Marcus interviews each patient, one by one the horrors theyve committed begin to unfold. However, Dr. Marcus soon learns that there is one patient who ties them all together - Sarah PegramСюжет (англ.)
Modern creatives must retrofit their skills to program a new game for a 30 year old game console.The New 8-bit Heroes (2016)
The New 8-bit Heroes
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Modern creatives must retrofit their skills to program a new game for a 30 year old game console.Сюжет (англ.)
Todd, a haunted young man, runs from the past as he struggles to protect the innocence of Benny, his mute younger brother, in a post apocalyptic world where all the adults have turned into Zombies.We All Fall Down (2016)
We All Fall Down
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Todd, a haunted young man, runs from the past as he struggles to protect the innocence of Benny, his mute younger brother, in a post apocalyptic world where all the adults have turned into Zombies.Сюжет (англ.)
Ghostheads is a documentary that explores the extreme side of the Ghostbusters fandom, and looks back at the impact the franchise has had on the world over the past three decades. Through interviews with key cast and crew, including Dan Aykroyd, Ivan Reitman, Ernie Hudson and many more, as well as with Ghostbusters fans all over the world, Ghostheads presents countless humanizing stories that will connect with audiences about comradery, overcoming obstacles, and that no one should ever feel alone or isolated. Ghostheads will show what really separates a fandom from the rest. Every Ghosthead is unique. Every Franchise is its own.Ghostheads (2016)
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Ghostheads is a documentary that explores the extreme side of the Ghostbusters fandom, and looks back at the impact the franchise has had on the world over the past three decades. Through interviews with key cast and crew, including Dan Aykroyd, Ivan Reitman, Ernie Hudson and many more, as well as with Ghostbusters fans all over the world, Ghostheads presents countless humanizing stories that will connect with audiences about comradery, overcoming obstacles, and that no one should ever feel alone or isolated. Ghostheads will show what really separates a fandom from the rest. Every Ghosthead is unique. Every Franchise is its own.Сюжет (англ.)
On Jake's first day of work at the comic book store he finds out that he has entered a strange new world where anything is possible.New Comic Day (2016)
New Comic Day
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On Jake's first day of work at the comic book store he finds out that he has entered a strange new world where anything is possible.Сюжет
Творці, актори та фанати вивчають феномен резонансу класичної трилогії про подорожі у часі, після 30-ти років відтоді, як Марті МакФлай відправився назад у минуле.Назад у минуле (2015)
Back in Time
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Творці, актори та фанати вивчають феномен резонансу класичної трилогії про подорожі у часі, після 30-ти років відтоді, як Марті МакФлай відправився назад у минуле.Сюжет
Злий чаклун, лорд Тенслі, добивається руки і серця прекрасної принцеси, леді Енногард. Коли вона відмовляється, він викрадає її та напускає на землі королівства небезпечного дракона. Лиходій клянеться, що, доки вона не погодиться, дракон буде знищувати усіх, чиї серця відриті для кохання. Врятувати красуню разом зі своїм братом відправляється молодий майстерний воїн Камілан.Чуваки й дракони (2015)
Dudes & Dragons
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Злий чаклун, лорд Тенслі, добивається руки і серця прекрасної принцеси, леді Енногард. Коли вона відмовляється, він викрадає її та напускає на землі королівства небезпечного дракона. Лиходій клянеться, що, доки вона не погодиться, дракон буде знищувати усіх, чиї серця відриті для кохання. Врятувати красуню разом зі своїм братом відправляється молодий майстерний воїн Камілан.Сюжет (англ.)
Actors and extras reminisce about their time on the set of Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) and how making the film affected their lives.Elstree 1976 (2015)
Elstree 1976
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Actors and extras reminisce about their time on the set of Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) and how making the film affected their lives.Сюжет (англ.)
Shannon Whisnant purchased a grill at an auction. Inside the grill was an amputated leg. What follows is a story centered on the enterprising Whisnant and John Wood, the man whose leg wound up in the grill due to an odd chain of events.Finders Keepers (2015)
Finders Keepers
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Shannon Whisnant purchased a grill at an auction. Inside the grill was an amputated leg. What follows is a story centered on the enterprising Whisnant and John Wood, the man whose leg wound up in the grill due to an odd chain of events.Сюжет (англ.)
The Death of 'Superman Lives': What Happened? feature film documents the process of development of the ill fated "Superman Lives" movie, that was to be directed by Tim Burton and star Nicolas Cage as the man of steel himself, Superman. The project went through years of development before the plug was pulled, and this documentary interviews the major players: Kevin Smith, Tim Burton, Jon Peters, Dan Gilroy, Colleen Atwood, Lorenzo di Bonaventura and many many more.Загибель фільму "Супермен живий": Що сталося? (2015)
The Death of "Superman Lives": What Happened?
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The Death of 'Superman Lives': What Happened? feature film documents the process of development of the ill fated "Superman Lives" movie, that was to be directed by Tim Burton and star Nicolas Cage as the man of steel himself, Superman. The project went through years of development before the plug was pulled, and this documentary interviews the major players: Kevin Smith, Tim Burton, Jon Peters, Dan Gilroy, Colleen Atwood, Lorenzo di Bonaventura and many many more.Сюжет (англ.)
A mother protects her children from a demon inside their home.The Visitant (2014)
The Visitant
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A mother protects her children from a demon inside their home.Сюжет
Молода чарівниця Марек мріє про захоплюючі пригоди. Вирушаючи в дорогу вона зустрічає жрицю Тілу, яка шукає свою зниклу сестру. Разом вони відправляються на її пошуки.Міфіка: Завдання для героїв (2014)
Mythica: A Quest for Heroes
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Молода чарівниця Марек мріє про захоплюючі пригоди. Вирушаючи в дорогу вона зустрічає жрицю Тілу, яка шукає свою зниклу сестру. Разом вони відправляються на її пошуки.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати