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[s01e04] The Valiant Little Tailor

Прем'єра: 5 травня 1989
Тривалість: 10 хв
Оцінка: 0.0 (0)
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There was once a tailor about to sit down to his toast and jam, but his food attracted the flies and as soon as they smelled the jam they swarmed down in a cloud. ""Hey! Who invited you, get away, get away!"" shouted the little tailor, but the flies didn't understand a word of English and sat where they were. Not wanting to have anyone play around in his lunch, the tailor pulled up a thick piece of cloth from under the work table and whacked it down on the flies. Underneath he found seven dead flies. Proud of himself the tailor made himself a belt with the words 'Seven at One Blow' and decides to show himself off to the world. On his way the tailor found a chicken stuck in a bush so he helped it out and put it in his pocket thinking it might come in useful. The road the tailor took lead him up a mountain but when he reached the top of it he saw an ugly giant who sat picking his toe nails and taking a look at the world. The trailor walked bravely up to him and asked if he'd like to come f

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