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[s03e11] Franklin and the Grump / Franklin's Promise

Прем'єра: 17 січня 2000
Тривалість: 30 хв
Оцінка: 0.0 (0)
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#31101 ""Franklin and the Grump"" Franklin and Bear are playing baseball. It's winter, but they want to get back in practice for the upcoming spring season. Then, they accidentally hit the ball into Mr. Groundhog's yard. Franklin doesn't think it's a problem. They'll just knock and ask if they can go and get the ball. But when they knock, at first no one answers. Then, after knocking a second time, Mr. Groundhog tells them to go away as it's not even February 2nd. Franklin's confused. Bear suggests that they just leave, but Franklin's worried the ball could get buried in snow if they have to wait till February 2nd. He says that he just wants to go and get his ball. Mr. Groundhog, now that he knows what they're actually after, gives Franklin permission to come and get his ball. He's still very grumpy though and gets irritated when Franklin brings up his comment about February 2nd. At home, Franklin tells his parents about how grumpy Mr. Groundhog was. He also tells them what he said abo

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