Janet Mock
Всього фільмів (на сайті): 25
Ролі: актриса (20), продюсерка (4), режисерка ★ 7.27 (3), сценаристка ★ 7.3 (3)
Протягом більш ніж десяти років Джеффрі Дамер убивав людей. Його жертвами стали 17 підлітків і молодих чоловіків. Як йому вдавалося так довго уникати арешту?Дамер - Чудовисько: Історія Джеффрі Дамера (2022)
Dahmer - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story
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Протягом більш ніж десяти років Джеффрі Дамер убивав людей. Його жертвами стали 17 підлітків і молодих чоловіків. Як йому вдавалося так довго уникати арешту?Сюжет
Група молодих акторів і кіноробів в Америці 40-х років намагаються зліпити з себе зірок Голлівуду за всяку ціну.Сюжет
Міні-серіал поєднує у собі архівні кадри та інтерв'ю з ЛҐБТ людьми у телеіндустрії.Дозволено до показу (2020)
Visible: Out on Television
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Міні-серіал поєднує у собі архівні кадри та інтерв'ю з ЛҐБТ людьми у телеіндустрії.Сюжет
У центрі сюжету – студент із Санта-Барбари, який з семирічного віку знав, що стане президентом США. Але спершу йому потрібно пройти найпідступнішу політичну школу з усіх – Вищу школу святого Севастіана.Політик (2019—2020)
The Politician
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У центрі сюжету – студент із Санта-Барбари, який з семирічного віку знав, що стане президентом США. Але спершу йому потрібно пройти найпідступнішу політичну школу з усіх – Вищу школу святого Севастіана.Сюжет
Серіал присвячений американській трансґендерній спільноті. Декорації — Нью-Йорк середини 80-х із Дональдом Трампом на тлі.Сюжет (англ.)
Based on the podcast, 2 Dope Queens, by Jessica Williams and Phoebe Robinson and will encompass various topics related to talking about sex, romance, race, hair, living in New York, and Billy Joel.2 Dope Queens (2018—)
2 Dope Queens
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Based on the podcast, 2 Dope Queens, by Jessica Williams and Phoebe Robinson and will encompass various topics related to talking about sex, romance, race, hair, living in New York, and Billy Joel.Сюжет (англ.)
Chronicles the daily fireworks that erupt between five female co-hosts of a daytime talk show.Daytime Divas (2017)
Daytime Divas
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Chronicles the daily fireworks that erupt between five female co-hosts of a daytime talk show.Сюжет (англ.)
The Trans List explores the range of experiences lived by Americans who identify as transgender (an umbrella term for people whose gender identity does not conform to that typically ...The Trans List (2016)
The Trans List
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The Trans List explores the range of experiences lived by Americans who identify as transgender (an umbrella term for people whose gender identity does not conform to that typically ...Сюжет
Челсі Гендлер бере інтерв'ю у знаменитостей, вчених та професіоналів у своєму ділі.Сюжет (англ.)
'The Hollywood Reporter', in partnership with Sundance TV, holds round-table discussions with Oscar and Emmy nominees.Close Up with the Hollywood Reporter (2015—)
Close Up with the Hollywood Reporter
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'The Hollywood Reporter', in partnership with Sundance TV, holds round-table discussions with Oscar and Emmy nominees.Сюжет (англ.)
Follows the transformation of Bruce Jenner from a man to Caitlyn Jenner, a woman, by showing the struggles and publicity of changing gender.Сюжет (англ.)
A late night satirical talk show hosted by Larry Wilmore.The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore (2015—2016)
The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore
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A late night satirical talk show hosted by Larry Wilmore.Сюжет
Ток-шоу відомого американського коміка і телеведучого Сета Маєрса.Пізнє шоу з Сетом Маєрсом (2014)
Late Night with Seth Meyers
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Ток-шоу відомого американського коміка і телеведучого Сета Маєрса.Сюжет (англ.)
A look at the top stories in entertainment and celebrity news.Celebrity Page (2013—2011)
Celebrity Page
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A look at the top stories in entertainment and celebrity news.Сюжет (англ.)
A documentary about being among the LGBT community in modern society, told through interviews with LGBT celebrities and community leaders.The Out List (2013)
The Out List
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A documentary about being among the LGBT community in modern society, told through interviews with LGBT celebrities and community leaders.Сюжет (англ.)
Larry King continues his brand of talk with "Larry King Now" on Ora TV & HuluLarry King Now (2012—)
Larry King Now
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Larry King continues his brand of talk with "Larry King Now" on Ora TV & HuluСюжет (англ.)
Political talk show.Melissa Harris-Perry (2012)
Melissa Harris-Perry
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Political talk show.Сюжет (англ.)
Interviews with newsmakers and celebrities.Piers Morgan Live (2011—2012)
Piers Morgan Live
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Interviews with newsmakers and celebrities.Сюжет (англ.)
Red Carpet Report, Hollywood's number one independently owned and operated source for Red Carpet interviews, reviews, and news. We never go after gossip and #WeAskMore.https://www.youtube.com/c/Minglemediatv/videos
Звіт з червоної доріжки (2009)
Red Carpet Report
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Red Carpet Report, Hollywood's number one independently owned and operated source for Red Carpet interviews, reviews, and news. We never go after gossip and #WeAskMore.https://www.youtube.com/c/Minglemediatv/videos
Сюжет (англ.)
Talk show where Wendy Williams chats about celebrity gossip and what's new in the entertainment world.Шоу Венді Вільямс (2008—2022)
Wendy: The Wendy Williams Show
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Talk show where Wendy Williams chats about celebrity gossip and what's new in the entertainment world.Сюжет
The Colbert Report is an American satirical late night television program that airs Monday through Thursday on Comedy Central. It stars political humorist Stephen Colbert, a former correspondent for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. The Colbert Report is a spin-off from and counterpart to The Daily Show that comments on politics and the media in a similar way. It satirizes conservative personality-driven political pundit programs, particularly Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor. The show focuses on a fictional anchorman character named Stephen Colbert, played by his real-life namesake. The character, described by Colbert as a "well-intentioned, poorly informed, high-status idiot", is a caricature of televised political pundits.The Colbert Report has been nominated for seven Primetime Emmy Awards each in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012, two Television Critics Association Awards Awards, and two Satellite Awards. In 2013, it won two Emmys. It has been presented as non-satirical journalism in several instances, including by the Tom DeLay Legal Defense Trust and by Robert Wexler following his interview on the program. The Report received considerable media coverage following its debut on October 17, 2005, for Colbert's coining of the term "truthiness", which dictionary publisher Merriam-Webster named its 2006 Word of the Year.
Звіт Колбера (2005—2014)
The Colbert Report
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The Colbert Report is an American satirical late night television program that airs Monday through Thursday on Comedy Central. It stars political humorist Stephen Colbert, a former correspondent for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. The Colbert Report is a spin-off from and counterpart to The Daily Show that comments on politics and the media in a similar way. It satirizes conservative personality-driven political pundit programs, particularly Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor. The show focuses on a fictional anchorman character named Stephen Colbert, played by his real-life namesake. The character, described by Colbert as a "well-intentioned, poorly informed, high-status idiot", is a caricature of televised political pundits.The Colbert Report has been nominated for seven Primetime Emmy Awards each in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012, two Television Critics Association Awards Awards, and two Satellite Awards. In 2013, it won two Emmys. It has been presented as non-satirical journalism in several instances, including by the Tom DeLay Legal Defense Trust and by Robert Wexler following his interview on the program. The Report received considerable media coverage following its debut on October 17, 2005, for Colbert's coining of the term "truthiness", which dictionary publisher Merriam-Webster named its 2006 Word of the Year.
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A mix of celebrity interviews, musical performers, audience participation games, and segments spotlighting real people with extraordinary stories and talents.Шоу Елен Дедженерес (2003—2022)
The Ellen DeGeneres Show
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A mix of celebrity interviews, musical performers, audience participation games, and segments spotlighting real people with extraordinary stories and talents.Сюжет
He's irrepressible, opinionated, and of course, politically incorrect. Comedian and satirist Bill Maher hosts this long-running, Emmy-nominated talk show, covering the week’s news and featuring a panel of guests, including actors, activists, politicians, musicians, comedians and more.На цей час з Біллом Маром (2003)
Real Time with Bill Maher
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He's irrepressible, opinionated, and of course, politically incorrect. Comedian and satirist Bill Maher hosts this long-running, Emmy-nominated talk show, covering the week’s news and featuring a panel of guests, including actors, activists, politicians, musicians, comedians and more.Сюжет
Американське вечірнє ток-шоу і новинна сатира. Іде з понеділка по четвер на телеканалі Comedy Central. Телепередача називає себе «фейковим випуском новин», а гумор і сатиру бере з поточних подій, політичних фігур, медіаорганізацій, а також часто використовує самовідносний гумор.Щоденне шоу з Тревором Ноа (1996—)
The Daily Show
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Американське вечірнє ток-шоу і новинна сатира. Іде з понеділка по четвер на телеканалі Comedy Central. Телепередача називає себе «фейковим випуском новин», а гумор і сатиру бере з поточних подій, політичних фігур, медіаорганізацій, а також часто використовує самовідносний гумор.Сюжет (англ.)
"Entertainment Tonight" is the #1 syndicated entertainment newsmagazine in the world. Launched in 1981, ET is anchored by Mary Hart and Bob Goen. Primary substitute anchors are Jann Carl and Mark Steines who also host ET Weekend. Leonard Maltin is Film Historian. Correspondents are Steven Cojocaru, Carlos Ponce, Paula Abdul and Maria Menounos, who also hosts ET on MTV and ET on Vh1. More than 12 million nightly viewers tune in to ET to get the latest in entertainment news, gossip and information.Розваги сьогодні ввечері (1981—)
Entertainment Tonight
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"Entertainment Tonight" is the #1 syndicated entertainment newsmagazine in the world. Launched in 1981, ET is anchored by Mary Hart and Bob Goen. Primary substitute anchors are Jann Carl and Mark Steines who also host ET Weekend. Leonard Maltin is Film Historian. Correspondents are Steven Cojocaru, Carlos Ponce, Paula Abdul and Maria Menounos, who also hosts ET on MTV and ET on Vh1. More than 12 million nightly viewers tune in to ET to get the latest in entertainment news, gossip and information.Увійдіть, будь ласка, щоб коментувати