Ніщо так не дратує темпераментного равлика на ім'я Турбо, який мріє про швидкість, як неквапливе життя, повільні розмови, загальмовані сусіди. Нехай наш герой виглядає диваком у цьому млявому, неквапливому світі, нехай він іде всупереч закону природи про «народжений повзати», але якщо у серці палахкотить «полум'яний мотор», а душа вірить у диво, воно просто не має права не відбутися!Турбо (2013)
18 липня 2013 (Україна)
1 год 36 хв
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Ніщо так не дратує темпераментного равлика на ім'я Турбо, який мріє про швидкість, як неквапливе життя, повільні розмови, загальмовані сусіди. Нехай наш герой виглядає диваком у цьому млявому, неквапливому світі, нехай він іде всупереч закону природи про «народжений повзати», але якщо у серці палахкотить «полум'яний мотор», а душа вірить у диво, воно просто не має права не відбутися!
Є українське аудіо
Історія про звичайного равлика на ім’я Шелдон. Цей равлик живе у невеликому селі під назвою Листопадове, де кожен день для нього був однаковим: прокидатися, їсти листочки та ледь помандрувати по своєму маленькому світу. Однак все змінилося, коли до села заверталася молода дівчина по імені Марта.Мемуари Равлика (2024)
Memoir of a Snail
17 жовтня 2024 (Світ)
1 год 35 хв
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Історія про звичайного равлика на ім’я Шелдон. Цей равлик живе у невеликому селі під назвою Листопадове, де кожен день для нього був однаковим: прокидатися, їсти листочки та ледь помандрувати по своєму маленькому світу. Однак все змінилося, коли до села заверталася молода дівчина по імені Марта.
Є українське аудіо
Сюжет (англ.)
After the animal communicating veterinarian goes too far for his clientele, he and his friends escape their hometown to the sea in search of the Great Pink Sea Snail.Доктор Дулітл (1967)
Doctor Dolittle
5 грудня 1967 (Світ)
2 год 32 хв
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After the animal communicating veterinarian goes too far for his clientele, he and his friends escape their hometown to the sea in search of the Great Pink Sea Snail.Сюжет (англ.)
The inhabitants of a small Japanese town become increasingly obsessed with and tormented by spirals.Сюжет (англ.)
This is the story of Doogal, an adorable candy-loving mutt who goes on a mission to save the world. Doogal must prevent the evil sorcerer Zeebad from freezing the earth forever with the power of the three mysterious legendary diamonds. Joining Doogal on his big quest are pals Dylan, a guitar-playing rabbit, Ermintrude, an opera-singing cow, and Brian, a bashful snail. Hopping on a magic train, they travel over ice-capped mountains, navigate fiery pits of lava, and sail across vast oceans on the perilous journey of a lifetime. Along the way, they learn that the most powerful weapon of all is their friendship - which even Zeebad's magic cannot destroy!Doogal (2006)
24 лютого 2006 (Світ)
США, Велика Британія, Франція
1 год 25 хв
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This is the story of Doogal, an adorable candy-loving mutt who goes on a mission to save the world. Doogal must prevent the evil sorcerer Zeebad from freezing the earth forever with the power of the three mysterious legendary diamonds. Joining Doogal on his big quest are pals Dylan, a guitar-playing rabbit, Ermintrude, an opera-singing cow, and Brian, a bashful snail. Hopping on a magic train, they travel over ice-capped mountains, navigate fiery pits of lava, and sail across vast oceans on the perilous journey of a lifetime. Along the way, they learn that the most powerful weapon of all is their friendship - which even Zeebad's magic cannot destroy!Сюжет (англ.)
An old shepherd lives his last days in a quiet medieval village perched high on the hills of Calabria, at the southernmost tip of Italy. He herds goats under skies that most villagers have deserted long ago. He is sick, and believes to find his medicine in the dust he collects on the church floor, which he drinks in his water every day.The Four Times (2010)
The Four Times
28 травня 2010 (Світ)
Італія, Німеччина, Швейцарія
1 год 28 хв
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An old shepherd lives his last days in a quiet medieval village perched high on the hills of Calabria, at the southernmost tip of Italy. He herds goats under skies that most villagers have deserted long ago. He is sick, and believes to find his medicine in the dust he collects on the church floor, which he drinks in his water every day.Сюжет (англ.)
The story of one man who tries to save his car factoryOf Snails and Men (2012)
Of Snails and Men
14 вересня 2012 (Світ)
1 год 33 хв
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The story of one man who tries to save his car factoryСюжет
Навіжена сімейка - безневинний натураліст і безстрашний біолог 12-річний Джеральд, прищава Марго, любитель постріляти Леслі і владний інтелектуал Леррі, - очолювана їх ніжною і турботливою матір'ю, переживають радощі від раптової можливості жити життям свободи і пригод.Моя родина й інші тварини (2005)
My Family and Other Animals
27 грудня 2005 (Світ)
Велика Британія
1 год 30 хв
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Навіжена сімейка - безневинний натураліст і безстрашний біолог 12-річний Джеральд, прищава Марго, любитель постріляти Леслі і владний інтелектуал Леррі, - очолювана їх ніжною і турботливою матір'ю, переживають радощі від раптової можливості жити життям свободи і пригод.Сюжет (англ.)
In a vacant corner lot off Broadway (by about a yard) is a place called the Lowlands by the tiny community that lives there. Bugs and insects are neighbors and hang out at the Honey Shop of old Mr. Bumble the bee and his daughter Honey. Hoppity the grasshopper arrives to be with Honey, his sweetie. This bugs the crooked C. Bagley Beetle, so do his bunglers Smack the Mosquito and Swat the Fly. The Beetle wants Honey and the Lowlands for himself. But the Human Ones, with their littering and carelessness, pose a threat of destruction to every Lowland home of bug and beetle alike. Despite the doomsaying of Mr. Creeper, the snail, Hoppity finds hope of a new home behind the house of two Human Ones: Mary, who cares for a beautiful garden; and Dick, a struggling songwriter who puts his own hope on a Broadway hit to save his home.Mr. Bug Goes to Town (1941)
Mr. Bug Goes to Town
9 грудня 1941 (Світ)
1 год 18 хв
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In a vacant corner lot off Broadway (by about a yard) is a place called the Lowlands by the tiny community that lives there. Bugs and insects are neighbors and hang out at the Honey Shop of old Mr. Bumble the bee and his daughter Honey. Hoppity the grasshopper arrives to be with Honey, his sweetie. This bugs the crooked C. Bagley Beetle, so do his bunglers Smack the Mosquito and Swat the Fly. The Beetle wants Honey and the Lowlands for himself. But the Human Ones, with their littering and carelessness, pose a threat of destruction to every Lowland home of bug and beetle alike. Despite the doomsaying of Mr. Creeper, the snail, Hoppity finds hope of a new home behind the house of two Human Ones: Mary, who cares for a beautiful garden; and Dick, a struggling songwriter who puts his own hope on a Broadway hit to save his home.Сюжет (англ.)
Three women and one man - with an assortment of weaponry - wage war against giant mutant sandwhales in a barren digital landscape, all to achieve points within the virtual reality video game called Avalon.Assault Girls (2009)
Assault Girls
19 грудня 2009 (Світ)
1 год 5 хв
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Three women and one man - with an assortment of weaponry - wage war against giant mutant sandwhales in a barren digital landscape, all to achieve points within the virtual reality video game called Avalon.Сюжет (англ.)
What Is It? is a bewildering, unnerving, surreal, blackly comic film from the visionary mind of Crispin Glover that tells the inner and outer struggles of a young man facing villains and demons on multiple planes.What Is It? (2005)
What Is It?
27 січня 2005 (Світ)
1 год 12 хв
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What Is It? is a bewildering, unnerving, surreal, blackly comic film from the visionary mind of Crispin Glover that tells the inner and outer struggles of a young man facing villains and demons on multiple planes.Сюжет (англ.)
Longer than a music video, shorter than a feature film, this is essentially a short film version of Pink Floyd's album "The Final Cut". As such, the visual material is much the same as a music video (this was made in the crazy early days of MTV, after all), but this covers four songs, in a continuous, unified way.Pink Floyd: The Final Cut (1983)
Pink Floyd: The Final Cut
21 березня 1983 (Світ)
Велика Британія
19 хв
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Longer than a music video, shorter than a feature film, this is essentially a short film version of Pink Floyd's album "The Final Cut". As such, the visual material is much the same as a music video (this was made in the crazy early days of MTV, after all), but this covers four songs, in a continuous, unified way.Сюжет
Дія серіалу розгортається через п'ять місяців після подій фільму, Турбо та його команда вирушають до Старлайт-Сіті, де вони опановують нові трюки та змагаються з лиходіями.Команда Турбо (2013—2016)
Turbo FAST
Серіал 3 сезони, 78 епізодів
24 грудня 2013 (Світ)
23 хв
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Дія серіалу розгортається через п'ять місяців після подій фільму, Турбо та його команда вирушають до Старлайт-Сіті, де вони опановують нові трюки та змагаються з лиходіями.
Є українське аудіо
Сюжет (англ.)
Short about a camping trip for scouts where a boy falls in love with his best friend and causes tension in the scouting group.Сюжет (англ.)
Insects gather at a night café to watch an Apache dance act and a jazz band with comical results.Woodland Café (1937)
Woodland Café
13 березня 1937 (Світ)
7 хв
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Insects gather at a night café to watch an Apache dance act and a jazz band with comical results.Сюжет (англ.)
Rene is broke and Kay is a rich actress visiting Paris. They meet, share a cab and dinner. He is smitten by her, but she leaves for London and he follows. At her house, when he cooks the ...Fools for Scandal (1938)
Fools for Scandal
16 квітня 1938 (Світ)
1 год 20 хв
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Rene is broke and Kay is a rich actress visiting Paris. They meet, share a cab and dinner. He is smitten by her, but she leaves for London and he follows. At her house, when he cooks the ...Сюжет (англ.)
Laywer David Bottcher, (Christian Berkel) after a year long absence has been hired by a new firm, to act as its liquidator, as the company is deemed unprofitable. After being out of work a ...The Last Employee (2010)
The Last Employee
27 жовтня 2011 (Світ)
1 год 28 хв
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Laywer David Bottcher, (Christian Berkel) after a year long absence has been hired by a new firm, to act as its liquidator, as the company is deemed unprofitable. After being out of work a ...Сюжет (англ.)
The adventures in science, history, and fantasy of a girl, a boy, and their two living toys, starting from the ranch where they live, known as the Yellow Woodpecker.Pirlimpimpim (2001—2006)
Серіал 2 сезони, 154 епізоди
12 жовтня 2001 (Світ)
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The adventures in science, history, and fantasy of a girl, a boy, and their two living toys, starting from the ranch where they live, known as the Yellow Woodpecker.Сюжет (англ.)
Young-Chan comes from planet of snail where deaf blind people live slow and quiet lives. When Young-Chan came to Earth, nobody understood his language and he was desperate. Then an angel walked into his life. Soon-Ho knows how it is to be lonely and soon becomes an inseparable part of his life. Young-Chan also discovers an amazing world under his fingers as he learned to read books with braille. Hopes began to grow and he dreams of writing a book. However, Soon-Ho cannot always be there for him because of her own problem of spine disability. The couple now should learn to survive alone. While Soon-Ho uneasily spends her first day waiting for his return, Young-Chan goes out for the biggest adventure of his life.Planet of Snail (2011)
Planet of Snail
20 березня 2011 (Світ)
Південна Корея, Японія, Фінляндія
1 год 28 хв
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Young-Chan comes from planet of snail where deaf blind people live slow and quiet lives. When Young-Chan came to Earth, nobody understood his language and he was desperate. Then an angel walked into his life. Soon-Ho knows how it is to be lonely and soon becomes an inseparable part of his life. Young-Chan also discovers an amazing world under his fingers as he learned to read books with braille. Hopes began to grow and he dreams of writing a book. However, Soon-Ho cannot always be there for him because of her own problem of spine disability. The couple now should learn to survive alone. While Soon-Ho uneasily spends her first day waiting for his return, Young-Chan goes out for the biggest adventure of his life.Сюжет (англ.)
A giant tiger mysteriously appears in a big city. It will reveal the hidden reality in an otherwise ordinary night.Сюжет (англ.)
A man remembers holidays at his uncle in a little village in the French countryside when he was something like 10. He feels so bored until he finds a pond and starts discovering the life in it.The Field of Enchantment (2011)
The Field of Enchantment
19 грудня 2011 (Світ)
1 год 21 хв
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A man remembers holidays at his uncle in a little village in the French countryside when he was something like 10. He feels so bored until he finds a pond and starts discovering the life in it.Сюжет (англ.)
Wilshire Pig and Sheldon Snail discover a map to uncover Doctor Frankenswine's monster. All kinds of mishaps ensue in their quest.Claymation Comedy of Horrors Show (1991)
Claymation Comedy of Horrors Show
29 травня 1991 (Світ)
30 хв
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Wilshire Pig and Sheldon Snail discover a map to uncover Doctor Frankenswine's monster. All kinds of mishaps ensue in their quest.Сюжет (англ.)
A man walks a length of railroad track, looking for his elderly mother whom he believes fell from the train at some point. He brings his daughter along.Un étrange voyage (1981)
Un étrange voyage
4 лютого 1981 (Світ)
1 год 40 хв
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A man walks a length of railroad track, looking for his elderly mother whom he believes fell from the train at some point. He brings his daughter along.Сюжет (англ.)
Innocent and naive, the 17-year-old Lian is a maid to a rich family in Malaysia, whose sheltered existence is shattered when she is sent to work at a small hotel near Bugis Street in ...Bugis Street (1995)
Bugis Street
13 квітня 1995 (Світ)
1 год 41 хв
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Innocent and naive, the 17-year-old Lian is a maid to a rich family in Malaysia, whose sheltered existence is shattered when she is sent to work at a small hotel near Bugis Street in ...Сюжет (англ.)
Intergalactic penguin pilots, Flip and Zooey, are going where no bird has gone before, outer space! Embarking on peaceful expeditions in their friendly talking spaceship, Slushy, they tour ...Penguin League (2019)
Penguin League
5 квітня 2019 (Світ)
1 год 14 хв
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Intergalactic penguin pilots, Flip and Zooey, are going where no bird has gone before, outer space! Embarking on peaceful expeditions in their friendly talking spaceship, Slushy, they tour ...Сюжет (англ.)
Featuring music by Icelandic rockers Sigur Ros, acting by Aidan Gillen and the voice of folk legend Shirley Collins, the film is a magical odyssey through the British countryside, following...Ekki Mukk (2012)
Ekki Mukk
29 вересня 2012 (Світ)
Велика Британія
11 хв
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Featuring music by Icelandic rockers Sigur Ros, acting by Aidan Gillen and the voice of folk legend Shirley Collins, the film is a magical odyssey through the British countryside, following...Сюжет (англ.)
Five garden snails find themselves trapped in a kitchen of horrors and try to survive their final destination.Escargore (2015)
27 жовтня 2015 (Світ)
Нова Зеландія
5 хв
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Five garden snails find themselves trapped in a kitchen of horrors and try to survive their final destination.Фільтр
В'ячеслав Хостікоєв - Голос Тімоті Шаламе, Ніколаса Голта, Тобі Маґваєра / Український дубляж
21 березня 2025
Лариса Руснак - Голос Анджеліни Джолі, Кейт Бланшетт, Джулії Робертс / Український дубляж8 березня 2025
Олександр Ігнатуша - Голос Гаррісона Форда, Морґана Фрімена, Ієна Маккеллена / Український дубляж7 березня 2025
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