Знайдено 22 результати

Unbowed (2011) 9 жовтня 2011 0.0 imdb 6.7
Сюжет (англ.) Kim Kyung-ho is fired by his university after he questioned the validity of a math question in its entrance exam. Kim files a lawsuit against the university, but it is dismissed. Out of frustration he confronts the judge with a crossbow. Kim is arrested. He says that he did not shoot the judge but the judge insists he did.

Unbowed (2011)


Південна Корея   1 год 40 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Kim Kyung-ho is fired by his university after he questioned the validity of a math question in its entrance exam. Kim files a lawsuit against the university, but it is dismissed. Out of frustration he confronts the judge with a crossbow. Kim is arrested. He says that he did not shoot the judge but the judge insists he did.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.7 (677)
Моя оцінка:
Broken (2014) 10 квітня 2014 0.0 imdb 6.7
Сюжет (англ.) Sang-Hyun, who lost his wife, lives with his daughter Soo-Jin. One day, Soo-Jin is raped and murdered. Frustrated by the lack of progress in his daughter's case, Sang-Hyun gets a mysterious hint by an unknown voice. He learns the identity of the two men who killed his daughter and the address of one of those two men. Sang-Hyun then goes to the home of that man and finds some evidence. Full of anger he kills the murderer. The father is now a fugitive and searched by the police while hunting down the other killer on himself.

Broken (2014)


Південна Корея   2 год 2 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Sang-Hyun, who lost his wife, lives with his daughter Soo-Jin. One day, Soo-Jin is raped and murdered. Frustrated by the lack of progress in his daughter's case, Sang-Hyun gets a mysterious hint by an unknown voice. He learns the identity of the two men who killed his daughter and the address of one of those two men. Sang-Hyun then goes to the home of that man and finds some evidence. Full of anger he kills the murderer. The father is now a fugitive and searched by the police while hunting down the other killer on himself.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.7 (1509)
Моя оцінка:
The Neighbors (2012) 22 серпня 2012 7.0 imdb 6.5
Сюжет (англ.) On a raining evening, middle-school student Yeo-Seon (Kim Sae-Ron), resident of a middle-class apartment complex, walks home alone from the bus stop, but she doesn't make it home. 10 days later, her decapitated body is found in a red suitcase. Gyung-Hee (Kim Yunjin) is Yeo-Seon's stepmother. She carries tremendous guilt, because she did not pick her up stepdaughter on the evening that she was abducted. A few days later, Gyung-Hee is so startled, she falls to the floor in the parking lot of her apartment complex. A girl stands in front of her. The young girl's name is Soo-Yeo (Kim Sae-Ron) and she carries an uncanny resemblance to her murdered stepdaughter. Soo-Yeo also lives in the same apartment complex. Another 10 days later, the murderer has yet to be caught and he has killed again. Meanwhile, several people in the apartment complex begin to suspect one of their own residents, Seung-Hyuk (Kim Sung-Kyun), is the serial killer, but they keep it to themselves for various reasons. The neighborhood pizza delivery boy (Do Ji-Han), the apartment complex security guard (Cheon Ho-Jin), the man who sold the red suitcase (Lim Ha-Ryong) and Gyung-Hee are all aware of circumstantial evidence that links Seung-Hyuk to the murders. Can and will they act upon their hunches before he strikes again?

The Neighbors (2012)

The Neighbors

Південна Корея   1 год 55 хв
Читати опис (англ.) On a raining evening, middle-school student Yeo-Seon (Kim Sae-Ron), resident of a middle-class apartment complex, walks home alone from the bus stop, but she doesn't make it home. 10 days later, her decapitated body is found in a red suitcase. Gyung-Hee (Kim Yunjin) is Yeo-Seon's stepmother. She carries tremendous guilt, because she did not pick her up stepdaughter on the evening that she was abducted. A few days later, Gyung-Hee is so startled, she falls to the floor in the parking lot of her apartment complex. A girl stands in front of her. The young girl's name is Soo-Yeo (Kim Sae-Ron) and she carries an uncanny resemblance to her murdered stepdaughter. Soo-Yeo also lives in the same apartment complex. Another 10 days later, the murderer has yet to be caught and he has killed again. Meanwhile, several people in the apartment complex begin to suspect one of their own residents, Seung-Hyuk (Kim Sung-Kyun), is the serial killer, but they keep it to themselves for various reasons. The neighborhood pizza delivery boy (Do Ji-Han), the apartment complex security guard (Cheon Ho-Jin), the man who sold the red suitcase (Lim Ha-Ryong) and Gyung-Hee are all aware of circumstantial evidence that links Seung-Hyuk to the murders. Can and will they act upon their hunches before he strikes again?
КіноБаза: 7.0 (1)  IMDb: 6.5 (1745)
Моя оцінка:
Ворог суспільства
Ворог суспільства (2002) 25 січня 2002 6.0 imdb 7.1
Сюжет Одного разу дощовою ніччю на патрульного офіцера Чул-Джунга був вчинений напад. Поранивши Чул-Джунга, нападаючий сховався, упустившися свій ніж. Через декілька тижнів знайдене убитими немолоде подружжя, і хоча ніяких доказів на місці злочину не було знайдено, Чул-Джунг припускає, що поранення були нанесені такою ж зброєю. Інтуїція підказує йому, що вбивця - менеджер банку. Але менеджер - впливова людина, і щоб пред'явити йому звинувачення, потрібно володіти дуже вагомими доказами.
Ворог суспільства Трейлер

Ворог суспільства (2002)

Public Enemy

Південна Корея   2 год 18 хв
Читати опис Одного разу дощовою ніччю на патрульного офіцера Чул-Джунга був вчинений напад. Поранивши Чул-Джунга, нападаючий сховався, упустившися свій ніж. Через декілька тижнів знайдене убитими немолоде подружжя, і хоча ніяких доказів на місці злочину не було знайдено, Чул-Джунг припускає, що поранення були нанесені такою ж зброєю. Інтуїція підказує йому, що вбивця - менеджер банку. Але менеджер - впливова людина, і щоб пред'явити йому звинувачення, потрібно володіти дуже вагомими доказами.
КіноБаза: 6.0 (1)  IMDb: 7.1 (2379)
Моя оцінка:
Karjalan kunnailla (2007—) 21 листопада 2007 0.0 imdb 6.9

Karjalan kunnailla (2007—)

Karjalan kunnailla

Серіал 3 сезони, 36 епізодів Поновлений серіал
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.9 (239)
Моя оцінка:
Paradise Murdered (2007) 12 квітня 2007 0.0 imdb 5.6
Сюжет (англ.) Off the southern coast of the Korean Peninsula, an island of 17 inhabitants exists. The so-called Paradise Island holds up to its name with its breath-taking mountains and sea coupled with ...

Paradise Murdered (2007)

Paradise Murdered

Південна Корея   1 год 52 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Off the southern coast of the Korean Peninsula, an island of 17 inhabitants exists. The so-called Paradise Island holds up to its name with its breath-taking mountains and sea coupled with ...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 5.6 (431)
Моя оцінка:
Moss (2010) 14 липня 2010 8.0 imdb 6.7
Сюжет (англ.) A mysterious person calls a young man and informs him that his estranged father has died in a country village. The curious son travels to the town to discover what happened. From there out the audience is led on a thrilling and hauntingly atmospheric journey into the history of the father and the truth about his relationship to the threatening and violent locals. The film is 2h40m, long even for Korean standards, but it is the magically haunting and at the same time threatening atmosphere in the film that sustains the audience interest. Let yourself be carried away...

Moss (2010)


Південна Корея   2 год 43 хв
Читати опис (англ.) A mysterious person calls a young man and informs him that his estranged father has died in a country village. The curious son travels to the town to discover what happened. From there out the audience is led on a thrilling and hauntingly atmospheric journey into the history of the father and the truth about his relationship to the threatening and violent locals. The film is 2h40m, long even for Korean standards, but it is the magically haunting and at the same time threatening atmosphere in the film that sustains the audience interest. Let yourself be carried away...
КіноБаза: 8.0 (2)  IMDb: 6.7 (2573)
Моя оцінка:
Академія Амбрелла
Академія Амбрелла (2019—) 15 лютого 2019  ✓ укр. аудіо 7.4 imdb 7.9
Сюжет Екранізація однойменної серії фантастичних коміксів колишнього-вокаліста рок-гурту My Chemical Romance Джерарда Вея про супергероїв.

У жовтні 1989 року, в один день трапляється диво — сорок три жінки, у різних куточках світу, без жодних ознак вагітності, народжують майже одночасно. Ці діти надзвичайно обдаровані і одразу стають об’єктами полювання як для спецслужб, так і негідників з усього світу.

Семеро щасливчиків, Клаус, Лютер, Дієґо, Еллісон, Бен, Ваня і неназваний п’ятий номер, усиновлені багатим діловим магнатом Реджінальдом Гарґрівзом, який створює «Академію «Парасоля», де він планує навчити молодих людей контролювати свої надзвичайні здібності та створити команду супергероїв.
Академія Амбрелла Трейлер

Академія Амбрелла (2019—)

The Umbrella Academy

Серіал 3 сезони, 30 епізодів Поновлений серіал
США, Канада   60 хв
Читати опис Екранізація однойменної серії фантастичних коміксів колишнього-вокаліста рок-гурту My Chemical Romance Джерарда Вея про супергероїв.

У жовтні 1989 року, в один день трапляється диво — сорок три жінки, у різних куточках світу, без жодних ознак вагітності, народжують майже одночасно. Ці діти надзвичайно обдаровані і одразу стають об’єктами полювання як для спецслужб, так і негідників з усього світу.

Семеро щасливчиків, Клаус, Лютер, Дієґо, Еллісон, Бен, Ваня і неназваний п’ятий номер, усиновлені багатим діловим магнатом Реджінальдом Гарґрівзом, який створює «Академію «Парасоля», де він планує навчити молодих людей контролювати свої надзвичайні здібності та створити команду супергероїв.
Є українське аудіо
КіноБаза: 7.4 (165)  IMDb: 7.9 (278398)
Моя оцінка:

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The Chronicles of Evil (2015) 14 травня 2015 8.0 imdb 6.8
Сюжет (англ.) Detective Squad Chief Choi is set for a promotion for his work and his reputation. After the party with his colleagues he falls victim to a wrong taxi-driver who tries to rob him, but gets killed accidently by Chief Choi. Choi fears about his promotion and decides to cover up the murder. He hides the body and the car and then goes home. But the next day the body he thought to be hidden is hanging from a crane and circles around the newspapers. Chief Choi is shocked and takes on the investigation in order to erase all traces that could lead to him. But at the same time, a mysterious phone call starts brings the already feared Choi to the edge.

The Chronicles of Evil (2015)

The Chronicles of Evil

Південна Корея   1 год 42 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Detective Squad Chief Choi is set for a promotion for his work and his reputation. After the party with his colleagues he falls victim to a wrong taxi-driver who tries to rob him, but gets killed accidently by Chief Choi. Choi fears about his promotion and decides to cover up the murder. He hides the body and the car and then goes home. But the next day the body he thought to be hidden is hanging from a crane and circles around the newspapers. Chief Choi is shocked and takes on the investigation in order to erase all traces that could lead to him. But at the same time, a mysterious phone call starts brings the already feared Choi to the edge.
КіноБаза: 8.0 (1)  IMDb: 6.8 (2332)
Моя оцінка:
Perfect Game (2011) 21 грудня 2011 0.0 imdb 6.9
Сюжет (англ.) The Lotte Giants' Choi Dong-won and the Haitai Tigers' Seon Dong-ryeol are rival pitchers in 1980s baseball. The film reenacts the legendary match of May 16, 1987, which baseball fans today...

Perfect Game (2011)

Perfect Game

Південна Корея   2 год 7 хв
Читати опис (англ.) The Lotte Giants' Choi Dong-won and the Haitai Tigers' Seon Dong-ryeol are rival pitchers in 1980s baseball. The film reenacts the legendary match of May 16, 1987, which baseball fans today...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.9 (232)
Моя оцінка:
Tumbleweed (2012) 28 листопада 2013 0.0 imdb 6.0
Сюжет (англ.) Chang-Soo makes a living by serving prison time for other people's crimes. One day, he found a beautiful woman and for the first time he fall in love.

Tumbleweed (2012)


Південна Корея   1 год 51 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Chang-Soo makes a living by serving prison time for other people's crimes. One day, he found a beautiful woman and for the first time he fall in love.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.0 (139)
Моя оцінка:
Tough as Iron (2013) 2 жовтня 2013 0.0 imdb 6.0
Сюжет (англ.) Kang Cheol is a legendary street fighter in Busan, who cleaned up his act to care for his sick mother. Things are going well for him, and he's happy in a budding relationship with Su-ji, ...

Tough as Iron (2013)

Tough as Iron

Південна Корея   1 год 48 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Kang Cheol is a legendary street fighter in Busan, who cleaned up his act to care for his sick mother. Things are going well for him, and he's happy in a budding relationship with Su-ji, ...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.0 (347)
Моя оцінка:
You Are My Sunshine (2005) 23 вересня 2005 0.0 imdb 7.0
Сюжет (англ.) Seok-joong, a farmer in his mid thirties, is desperate to find a wife and settle down. After backing out of a scheme to set him up with a Filipino bride, he falls head over heels in love with local tabang delivery girl Eun-ha, and starts showering her with gifts. Although Eun-ha is initially unimpressed, she is eventually won over by his kindhearted nature, and the two get married. The couple's marital bliss is short lived, however, as Eun-ha tests positive for HIV, and is then tracked down by her abusive ex-husband, who takes her away and forces her back into prostitution.

You Are My Sunshine (2005)

You Are My Sunshine

Південна Корея   2 год 1 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Seok-joong, a farmer in his mid thirties, is desperate to find a wife and settle down. After backing out of a scheme to set him up with a Filipino bride, he falls head over heels in love with local tabang delivery girl Eun-ha, and starts showering her with gifts. Although Eun-ha is initially unimpressed, she is eventually won over by his kindhearted nature, and the two get married. The couple's marital bliss is short lived, however, as Eun-ha tests positive for HIV, and is then tracked down by her abusive ex-husband, who takes her away and forces her back into prostitution.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 7.0 (922)
Моя оцінка:
The Secret Scandal (2013) 17 квітня 2013 0.0 imdb 5.6
Сюжет (англ.) An actress dies. A reporter then investigates the case and a female prosecutor seeks justice. In order to reveal the truth behind the actress's death, the reporter and the female prosecutor begin to fight against a power group.

The Secret Scandal (2013)

The Secret Scandal

Південна Корея   1 год 35 хв
Читати опис (англ.) An actress dies. A reporter then investigates the case and a female prosecutor seeks justice. In order to reveal the truth behind the actress's death, the reporter and the female prosecutor begin to fight against a power group.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 5.6 (191)
Моя оцінка:
Rainbow Eyes (2007) 27 грудня 2007 6.0 imdb 6.3
Сюжет (англ.) Officers Kyung-yoon CHO and Eun-joo PARK are on the hunt a killer following duo of ghastly murders. The victims carry a common military past, and the secret of their past must be unraveled to find the killer.

Rainbow Eyes (2007)

Rainbow Eyes

Південна Корея   1 год 39 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Officers Kyung-yoon CHO and Eun-joo PARK are on the hunt a killer following duo of ghastly murders. The victims carry a common military past, and the secret of their past must be unraveled to find the killer.
КіноБаза: 6.0 (1)  IMDb: 6.3 (796)
Моя оцінка:
Running Wild (2006) 13 січня 2006 0.0 imdb 6.3
Сюжет (англ.) Jang is a homicide detective who likes to use violence with criminals, while Oh is a prosecutor who believes in the importance of evidence. After the murder of his younger half-brother Do-young and Jin-woo join forces to a gangster boss to justice. (Korean with English Subtitles)

Running Wild (2006)

Running Wild

Південна Корея   2 год 4 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Jang is a homicide detective who likes to use violence with criminals, while Oh is a prosecutor who believes in the importance of evidence. After the murder of his younger half-brother Do-young and Jin-woo join forces to a gangster boss to justice. (Korean with English Subtitles)
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.3 (870)
Моя оцінка:
Typhoon (2005) 14 грудня 2005 0.0 imdb 5.7
Сюжет (англ.) Myung-sin, who has become a pirate, lives with hatred in his heart and endures the hardships, seeks revenge on the two nations, North and South Korea, using nuclear waste that has the devastating power of plutonium. Se-jong, a South Korean naval officer departs with his team of elite forces to prevent Sin's master plan of Nuclear Typhoon. Born under the same skies of the same race, but of a completely different nation... Living a life so different, the two point their guns at each other's heart...

Typhoon (2005)


Південна Корея   2 год 4 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Myung-sin, who has become a pirate, lives with hatred in his heart and endures the hardships, seeks revenge on the two nations, North and South Korea, using nuclear waste that has the devastating power of plutonium. Se-jong, a South Korean naval officer departs with his team of elite forces to prevent Sin's master plan of Nuclear Typhoon. Born under the same skies of the same race, but of a completely different nation... Living a life so different, the two point their guns at each other's heart...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 5.7 (1394)
Моя оцінка:
The Show Must Go On (2007) 5 квітня 2007 6.0 imdb 6.7
Сюжет (англ.) Ingu is a full-time gangster aspiring to be a full-time husband and dad. Shunned by his daughter and wife, his only goal is to live a quiet life with his family out in the country. But problems brews at work, where a sinister underling schemes to take him out.

The Show Must Go On (2007)

The Show Must Go On

Південна Корея   1 год 49 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Ingu is a full-time gangster aspiring to be a full-time husband and dad. Shunned by his daughter and wife, his only goal is to live a quiet life with his family out in the country. But problems brews at work, where a sinister underling schemes to take him out.
КіноБаза: 6.0 (1)  IMDb: 6.7 (1674)
Моя оцінка:
The Classified File (2015) 18 червня 2015 0.0 imdb 6.5
Сюжет (англ.) A veteran detective receives a special request from the parents of a missing child to investigate her case. As the clever kidnapper eludes the police, the case becomes more and more of a ...

The Classified File (2015)

The Classified File

Південна Корея   1 год 48 хв
Читати опис (англ.) A veteran detective receives a special request from the parents of a missing child to investigate her case. As the clever kidnapper eludes the police, the case becomes more and more of a ...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.5 (1094)
Моя оцінка:
Зворотній відлік
Зворотній відлік (2011) 29 вересня 2011 0.0 imdb 6.3
Сюжет (англ.) Debt collector Tae Gun-ho, who lost his son five years ago, finds out he has liver cancer. The only way for him to survive is to get a liver transplant in the next 10 days from a woman named Cha Ha-yeon, who apparently has the matchi
Зворотній відлік

Зворотній відлік (2011)


Південна Корея   1 год 59 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Debt collector Tae Gun-ho, who lost his son five years ago, finds out he has liver cancer. The only way for him to survive is to get a liver transplant in the next 10 days from a woman named Cha Ha-yeon, who apparently has the matchi
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.3 (512)
Моя оцінка:
The Advocate: A Missing Body (2015) 8 жовтня 2015 0.0 imdb 6.5
Сюжет (англ.) Byeon, a hotshot lawyer, successfully defends a large company in a new drug side affect law suit. The company's chairman asks Byeon to represent his chauffeur who is charged with a murder of a female student. It's a case without a body. Only a large pool of blood was discovered at the crime scene. The chauffeur, is the only suspect who was apprehended at the crime scene, and there is also an eye witness. The public prosecutor for the case is Jin who was involved in relationship with Byeon. In order to ensure his win, Byeon goes out to prepare a false witness. However, on the last day of trial, an unexpected turn of events results in Byeon losing the case.

The Advocate: A Missing Body (2015)

The Advocate: A Missing Body

Південна Корея   1 год 57 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Byeon, a hotshot lawyer, successfully defends a large company in a new drug side affect law suit. The company's chairman asks Byeon to represent his chauffeur who is charged with a murder of a female student. It's a case without a body. Only a large pool of blood was discovered at the crime scene. The chauffeur, is the only suspect who was apprehended at the crime scene, and there is also an eye witness. The public prosecutor for the case is Jin who was involved in relationship with Byeon. In order to ensure his win, Byeon goes out to prepare a false witness. However, on the last day of trial, an unexpected turn of events results in Byeon losing the case.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.5 (780)
Моя оцінка:
Midnight FM (2010) 14 жовтня 2010 0.0 imdb 6.5
Сюжет (англ.) Popular TV anchorwoman and late night radio host Sun-Young (Soo-Ae) prepares to work her final radio program. After this program she will prepare to take her ill daughter to America the ...

Midnight FM (2010)

Midnight FM

Південна Корея   1 год 46 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Popular TV anchorwoman and late night radio host Sun-Young (Soo-Ae) prepares to work her final radio program. After this program she will prepare to take her ill daughter to America the ...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.5 (2923)
Моя оцінка:


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