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Amir Aghelnejad

Всього фільмів (на сайті): 2

Ролі: режисер (1), продюсер (1)


Знайдено 2 результати

A Safe Place (2016) режисер 0.0 imdb 0.0
Сюжет (англ.) A controversial 'safe injection site' for drug addicts becomes a hell on earth when a batch of tainted street heroin gives the clinic's patrons a new kind of craving. Now a dwindling crew ...

A Safe Place (2016)

A Safe Place

Читати опис (англ.) A controversial 'safe injection site' for drug addicts becomes a hell on earth when a batch of tainted street heroin gives the clinic's patrons a new kind of craving. Now a dwindling crew ...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 0.0 (0)
Моя оцінка:
Bad Building (2015) продюсер 0.0 imdb 3.0
Сюжет (англ.) The Desmond has stood empty for years. With a history of fires, murders and madness not even squatters will go there. But now Johnny Craig, host of 'America's Most Haunted', is going to host a prime-time special there.

Bad Building (2015)

Bad Building

Канада   1 год 15 хв
Читати опис (англ.) The Desmond has stood empty for years. With a history of fires, murders and madness not even squatters will go there. But now Johnny Craig, host of 'America's Most Haunted', is going to host a prime-time special there.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 3.0 (293)
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