Сюжет (англ.)
Vicki Maloney is randomly abducted from a suburban street by a disturbed couple. As she observes the dynamic between her captors she quickly realises she must drive a wedge between them if she is to survive.Hounds of Love (2016)
Hounds of Love
7 жовтня 2016 (Світ)
1 год 48 хв
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Vicki Maloney is randomly abducted from a suburban street by a disturbed couple. As she observes the dynamic between her captors she quickly realises she must drive a wedge between them if she is to survive.Сюжет (англ.)
A vulnerable young girl finds herself the kidnapping victim of a charismatic killer.Free to Go (2008)
Free to Go
1 січня 2008 (Світ)
11 хв
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A vulnerable young girl finds herself the kidnapping victim of a charismatic killer.Сюжет (англ.)
A mother takes her son and her best friend on a trip into remote wilderness to scatter his father's ashes; they must confront their fears when a lone hiker begins following them.Desolation (2017)
15 грудня 2017 (Світ)
1 год 18 хв
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A mother takes her son and her best friend on a trip into remote wilderness to scatter his father's ashes; they must confront their fears when a lone hiker begins following them.Сюжет (англ.)
When her single mom runs off to California, Lauduree, a passionate environmentalist, clings to her rural home and a carbon sequestration experiment. But her grandmother Greta, a caustic nurse on the verge of moving in with her long-distance boyfriend, has other plans. Thrust into each other's lives, the two women must learn to trust each other and leap into the unknown.Future Weather (2012)
Future Weather
29 квітня 2012 (Світ)
1 год 40 хв
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When her single mom runs off to California, Lauduree, a passionate environmentalist, clings to her rural home and a carbon sequestration experiment. But her grandmother Greta, a caustic nurse on the verge of moving in with her long-distance boyfriend, has other plans. Thrust into each other's lives, the two women must learn to trust each other and leap into the unknown.Сюжет (англ.)
It's Halloween 1997 - the last night of high school for Corey, Jango and their skater gang, The Gromits. Childhood is over and adult life beckons. But for Corey, his past has some unfinished business. When he encounters Jonah, a former childhood friend but now victimized by Jango's cruel streak, Corey takes pity on him and agrees to walk him home for old time's sake. What starts off as a normal walk through empty suburban streets descends into something darker and magical as they tell each other ghost stories, drawing upon their fears of the world around them. As they walk through their memories and ghosts of the past, Corey is surprised to discover how much he still has in common with his abandoned friend. But on the night of the grave's delight, even the most buried truths will find a way of coming to life.Boys in the Trees (2016)
Boys in the Trees
9 вересня 2016 (Світ)
1 год 52 хв
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It's Halloween 1997 - the last night of high school for Corey, Jango and their skater gang, The Gromits. Childhood is over and adult life beckons. But for Corey, his past has some unfinished business. When he encounters Jonah, a former childhood friend but now victimized by Jango's cruel streak, Corey takes pity on him and agrees to walk him home for old time's sake. What starts off as a normal walk through empty suburban streets descends into something darker and magical as they tell each other ghost stories, drawing upon their fears of the world around them. As they walk through their memories and ghosts of the past, Corey is surprised to discover how much he still has in common with his abandoned friend. But on the night of the grave's delight, even the most buried truths will find a way of coming to life.Сюжет
Драма про самотнього чоловіка, якому випадає можливість зблизитися з двома синами, коли колишня дружина, їдучи у відпустку, залишає їх під його наглядом. Але замість сімейної ідилії братів чекає жахлива ніч в покинутій хатині під ударами сніжної бурі. Підлітки багато відкриють про свого малознайомого батька і про те, що вони значать для нього насправді.Віддалена місцевість (2016)
Edge of Winter
31 липня 2016 (Світ)
Канада, США
1 год 29 хв
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Драма про самотнього чоловіка, якому випадає можливість зблизитися з двома синами, коли колишня дружина, їдучи у відпустку, залишає їх під його наглядом. Але замість сімейної ідилії братів чекає жахлива ніч в покинутій хатині під ударами сніжної бурі. Підлітки багато відкриють про свого малознайомого батька і про те, що вони значать для нього насправді.
Є українські субтитри
Сюжет (англ.)
Sacrifice is the story of consultant surgeon, Tora Hamilton, who moves with her husband, Duncan, to the remote Shetland Islands, 100 miles off the north-east coast of Scotland. Deep in the peat soil around her new home, Tora discovers the body of a young woman with rune marks carved into her skin and a gaping hole where her heart once beat. Ignoring warnings to leave well alone, Tora uncovers terrifying links to a legend that might never have been confined to the pages of the story-books.Жертвоприношення (2016)
29 квітня 2016 (Світ)
Ірландія, Німеччина, США
1 год 31 хв
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Sacrifice is the story of consultant surgeon, Tora Hamilton, who moves with her husband, Duncan, to the remote Shetland Islands, 100 miles off the north-east coast of Scotland. Deep in the peat soil around her new home, Tora discovers the body of a young woman with rune marks carved into her skin and a gaping hole where her heart once beat. Ignoring warnings to leave well alone, Tora uncovers terrifying links to a legend that might never have been confined to the pages of the story-books.Сюжет (англ.)
Двоє підлітків, що живуть у передмісті Нью-Йорка, планують провести весь день, займаючись прибиранням трейлера батька. Коли хлопчики забираються у фургон, то бачать, що в ньому знайшли притулок три злочинці, що ховаються. Ці лиходії вкрали в бандита важливий кейс, і доля звела їх з Ешем та Коннором.Шалені кулі (2016)
Stray Bullets
10 лютого 2017 (Світ)
1 год 23 хв
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Двоє підлітків, що живуть у передмісті Нью-Йорка, планують провести весь день, займаючись прибиранням трейлера батька. Коли хлопчики забираються у фургон, то бачать, що в ньому знайшли притулок три злочинці, що ховаються. Ці лиходії вкрали в бандита важливий кейс, і доля звела їх з Ешем та Коннором.Сюжет (англ.)
In a stunning modern Spanish Villa lives Bill (Iggy Pop) an aging, half-blind rock star with his young, very beautiful and sexually promiscuous wife Isabelle (Kacey Barnfield). Into their Ibizan paradise comes Lucas (Ben Lamb), an ex-lover looking for revenge. Lucas wants his inheritance back; he believes she stole it from him, but Isabelle will give him nothing. Bill asks Lucas to stay and to make peace with Isabelle, but really he has another agenda - he has a plan... Meanwhile, Lucas is already torn up inside with the desire for revenge, and when he sees how Isabelle is having one of her flings with David their Spanish 'pool boy' he sees an opportunity to turn the tables and things spiral dangerously out of control.Blood Orange (2016)
Blood Orange
29 квітня 2016 (Світ)
Велика Британія, Іспанія
1 год 25 хв
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In a stunning modern Spanish Villa lives Bill (Iggy Pop) an aging, half-blind rock star with his young, very beautiful and sexually promiscuous wife Isabelle (Kacey Barnfield). Into their Ibizan paradise comes Lucas (Ben Lamb), an ex-lover looking for revenge. Lucas wants his inheritance back; he believes she stole it from him, but Isabelle will give him nothing. Bill asks Lucas to stay and to make peace with Isabelle, but really he has another agenda - he has a plan... Meanwhile, Lucas is already torn up inside with the desire for revenge, and when he sees how Isabelle is having one of her flings with David their Spanish 'pool boy' he sees an opportunity to turn the tables and things spiral dangerously out of control.Сюжет (англ.)
Lyle Swann is a successful off-road racer who mistakenly gets sent back in time 100 years. When a band of outlaws robs Swann of his motorcycle, he's forced to outfox the gangsters and give in to the seductions of a gorgeous local lady. With only his smarts and a map from an Exxon station, Lyle must try to make it out of the Old West alive and find a way back to modern times.Timerider: The Adventure of Lyle Swann (1982)
Timerider: The Adventure of Lyle Swann
27 серпня 1982 (Світ)
1 год 34 хв
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Lyle Swann is a successful off-road racer who mistakenly gets sent back in time 100 years. When a band of outlaws robs Swann of his motorcycle, he's forced to outfox the gangsters and give in to the seductions of a gorgeous local lady. With only his smarts and a map from an Exxon station, Lyle must try to make it out of the Old West alive and find a way back to modern times.Сюжет (англ.)
Sherlock Holmes comes to the aid of his friend Henry Baskerville, who is under a family curse and menaced by a demonic dog that prowls the bogs near his estate and murders people.The Hound of the Baskervilles (1983)
The Hound of the Baskervilles
3 листопада 1983 (Світ)
Велика Британія
1 год 40 хв
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Sherlock Holmes comes to the aid of his friend Henry Baskerville, who is under a family curse and menaced by a demonic dog that prowls the bogs near his estate and murders people.Сюжет (англ.)
When Rebecca and Michael decide to take a weekend getaway and drive into the isolated countryside, they arrive at their cottage unscathed, but Rebecca can't help but feel like someone is watching.Fractured (2016)
30 березня 2018 (Світ)
Велика Британія
1 год 26 хв
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When Rebecca and Michael decide to take a weekend getaway and drive into the isolated countryside, they arrive at their cottage unscathed, but Rebecca can't help but feel like someone is watching.Сюжет
Еван Берч, сімейний чоловік і шановний професор філософії у відомому коледжі,є головним підозрюваним, коли пропадає студентка.На межі божевілля (2018)
Spinning Man
6 квітня 2018 (Світ)
Ірландія, Швеція, США
1 год 40 хв
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Еван Берч, сімейний чоловік і шановний професор філософії у відомому коледжі,є головним підозрюваним, коли пропадає студентка.
Є українське аудіо
Коли переворот в «банановій» республіці змушує диктатора тікати зі своєї острівної імперії, він шукає притулку і переховується у бунтівної дівчинки-підлітка у приміській Америці. Все що він уміє добре робити – це заколоти. Ось і навчає юну бунтарку, як почати революцію і повалити диктатуру «зіркових дівчат» в її школі.Мій друг - диктатор (2017)
Dear Dictator
22 березня 2018 (Україна)
1 год 30 хв
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Коли переворот в «банановій» республіці змушує диктатора тікати зі своєї острівної імперії, він шукає притулку і переховується у бунтівної дівчинки-підлітка у приміській Америці. Все що він уміє добре робити – це заколоти. Ось і навчає юну бунтарку, як почати революцію і повалити диктатуру «зіркових дівчат» в її школі.Сюжет
Шестеро людей, яких доля звела разом при пограбуванні банку, одних в ролі грабіжників, інших в ролі заручників. Що це - випадковість, чи вони лише маленькі пішаки в чиїйсь великій грі?Сюжет (англ.)
An American artist's obsession with a disturbing urban legend leads her to an investigation of the story's origins at the crumbling estate of a reclusive painter in Ireland.Don't Leave Home (2018)
Don't Leave Home
10 березня 2018 (Світ)
1 хв
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An American artist's obsession with a disturbing urban legend leads her to an investigation of the story's origins at the crumbling estate of a reclusive painter in Ireland.Сюжет (англ.)
After a lengthy absence, a small town outlaw returns to his hometown, violently obsessed with the notion that his Mother's death was not a suicide.Juggernaut (2017)
7 жовтня 2017 (Світ)
1 год 45 хв
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After a lengthy absence, a small town outlaw returns to his hometown, violently obsessed with the notion that his Mother's death was not a suicide.Сюжет
Ведучий радіошоу Чарлі Кроу дізнається в прямому ефірі від одного з радіослухачів про якісь Людях Тіней, які переслідують своїх жертв і стали причиною вже багатьох смертей. Чарлі береться розслідувати так звані «зустрічі» з таємничими створіннями і незабаром сам починає їх бачити...Двері (2013)
Shadow People
17 березня 2013 (Світ)
1 год 29 хв
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Ведучий радіошоу Чарлі Кроу дізнається в прямому ефірі від одного з радіослухачів про якісь Людях Тіней, які переслідують своїх жертв і стали причиною вже багатьох смертей. Чарлі береться розслідувати так звані «зустрічі» з таємничими створіннями і незабаром сам починає їх бачити...
Є українське аудіо
Сюжет (англ.)
A darkly comic, raw and controversial thriller that packs a hard punch at the inequalities and divisions that led to Brexit and Trump's victory. Danny (Jack Roth), an ordinary working class kid, is angry and frustrated at the rough deal he faces. When he confronts Conrad (Tim Bentinck) a member of today's privileged elite, he aims to teach him and his kind a lesson they will never forget. Holding Conrad and his family hostage in their plush mansion, Danny and his pals force Conrad into a deadly game of chance. Danny's master plan is to kick-start a revolution by streaming attacks against the super-rich one percent on the web. His ultimate goal? To terrify the elite into bringing about change. Danny's cohorts, however, have other ideas - and in a confusing cocktail of terror, deceit and twisting narrative, we are left wondering which side people are on - and everyone's values are questioned. With its visceral energy and unsettling stream of consciousness plot, 'Us and Them' is the antithesis of the safe, cosy British period drama. Writer/director Joe Martin taps into his blue collar roots to capture the zeitgeist of outsider politics that have gripped the western world. In Us and Them he lays bare the inequality and anger that wrong footed the media and led to the shock events of 2016.Us and Them (2017)
Us and Them
10 березня 2017 (Світ)
Велика Британія
1 год 23 хв
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A darkly comic, raw and controversial thriller that packs a hard punch at the inequalities and divisions that led to Brexit and Trump's victory. Danny (Jack Roth), an ordinary working class kid, is angry and frustrated at the rough deal he faces. When he confronts Conrad (Tim Bentinck) a member of today's privileged elite, he aims to teach him and his kind a lesson they will never forget. Holding Conrad and his family hostage in their plush mansion, Danny and his pals force Conrad into a deadly game of chance. Danny's master plan is to kick-start a revolution by streaming attacks against the super-rich one percent on the web. His ultimate goal? To terrify the elite into bringing about change. Danny's cohorts, however, have other ideas - and in a confusing cocktail of terror, deceit and twisting narrative, we are left wondering which side people are on - and everyone's values are questioned. With its visceral energy and unsettling stream of consciousness plot, 'Us and Them' is the antithesis of the safe, cosy British period drama. Writer/director Joe Martin taps into his blue collar roots to capture the zeitgeist of outsider politics that have gripped the western world. In Us and Them he lays bare the inequality and anger that wrong footed the media and led to the shock events of 2016.Сюжет (англ.)
The prequel to the popular character, Laughing Gor (Michael Tse) in the highly rated TVB drama series Emergency Unit...Сюжет (англ.)
Meet innocent Jim, terrified of girls, and on a reluctant quest to prove his manhood the night before he turns 30. He and his cocky friend Alex think they've hit the jackpot when they meet the beautiful siblings Kitty and Lulu, who seem up for anything on a wild party-fuelled night. But little do they know that the femmes fatales want to make Jim lose much more than just his virginity - Getting ...Double Date (2017)
Double Date
30 червня 2017 (Світ)
Велика Британія
1 год 29 хв
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Meet innocent Jim, terrified of girls, and on a reluctant quest to prove his manhood the night before he turns 30. He and his cocky friend Alex think they've hit the jackpot when they meet the beautiful siblings Kitty and Lulu, who seem up for anything on a wild party-fuelled night. But little do they know that the femmes fatales want to make Jim lose much more than just his virginity - Getting ...Сюжет (англ.)
An unemployed documentary filmmaker's behavior becomes increasingly erratic in the months after his wife becomes pregnant.Сюжет (англ.)
Montag the Magnificent (Glover) is a master illusionist who performs at underground venues, selecting female volunteers from his rave-like audiences. To their hysteria, it appears he's ...The Wizard of Gore (2007)
The Wizard of Gore
22 червня 2007 (Світ)
1 год 34 хв
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Montag the Magnificent (Glover) is a master illusionist who performs at underground venues, selecting female volunteers from his rave-like audiences. To their hysteria, it appears he's ...Сюжет (англ.)
A homicide detective goes undercover as a patient to investigate a psychotherapist he believes is linked to a strange double murder. As his therapy sessions continue the line between fantasy and reality begins to blur.The Ghoul (2016)
The Ghoul
4 серпня 2017 (Світ)
Велика Британія
1 год 25 хв
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A homicide detective goes undercover as a patient to investigate a psychotherapist he believes is linked to a strange double murder. As his therapy sessions continue the line between fantasy and reality begins to blur.Сюжет (англ.)
The story of Leon, an antiques collector who inherits a house from his estranged mother only to discover that she had been living in a shrine devoted to a mysterious cult. Soon, Leon comes to suspect that his mother's oppressive spirit still lingers within her home and is using items in the house to contact him with an urgent message.The Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh (2012)
The Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh
9 листопада 2012 (Світ)
1 год 22 хв
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The story of Leon, an antiques collector who inherits a house from his estranged mother only to discover that she had been living in a shrine devoted to a mysterious cult. Soon, Leon comes to suspect that his mother's oppressive spirit still lingers within her home and is using items in the house to contact him with an urgent message.Сюжет (англ.)
Abandoning the yoga business she shares with her twin sister, Celeste sets out to forge her own identity, but her plans are derailed when her desperate twin stops at nothing to bring her home.Downward Twin (2018)
Downward Twin
12 квітня 2018 (Світ)
1 год 26 хв
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Abandoning the yoga business she shares with her twin sister, Celeste sets out to forge her own identity, but her plans are derailed when her desperate twin stops at nothing to bring her home.Сюжет (англ.)
A horror/thriller about a team of Child Protective Services workers who investigate a series of bizarre child abuse cases in the small town of Daylight, IN. As the mystery unfolds, they discover the cases may actually be linked by demonic possession.Daylight (2013)
24 серпня 2013 (Світ)
1 год 37 хв
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A horror/thriller about a team of Child Protective Services workers who investigate a series of bizarre child abuse cases in the small town of Daylight, IN. As the mystery unfolds, they discover the cases may actually be linked by demonic possession.Сюжет (англ.)
A troubled couple's lives descend into violence and madness after a demonic entity takes their daughter.Fall of Grace (2017)
Fall of Grace
3 жовтня 2017 (Світ)
1 год 21 хв
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A troubled couple's lives descend into violence and madness after a demonic entity takes their daughter.Фільтр
В'ячеслав Хостікоєв - Голос Тімоті Шаламе, Ніколаса Голта, Тобі Маґваєра / Український дубляж
21 березня 2025
Лариса Руснак - Голос Анджеліни Джолі, Кейт Бланшетт, Джулії Робертс / Український дубляж8 березня 2025
Олександр Ігнатуша - Голос Гаррісона Форда, Морґана Фрімена, Ієна Маккеллена / Український дубляж7 березня 2025
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