Знайдено 101 результат

Пурпурова діва
Пурпурова діва (2000) 26 травня 2000 6.0 imdb 5.0
Сюжет Життя Ганни Батісти, супер-зірки, яку фани і преса звуть Пурпурна Діва, це пошук все нових відчуттів, це нескінченні наркотики і нестримний секс, це спроба перетворити своє тіло на уселенський центр задоволення, де вся насолода дістається тільки їй одній. Одного разу її життя змінюється: серед череди партнерів, що проноситься мимо, виникає один єдиний, якому хочеться сказати СТОП! І вона говорить… але він не зупиняється...
Пурпурова діва Трейлер

Пурпурова діва (2000)

Scarlet Diva

Італія   1 год 31 хв
Читати опис Життя Ганни Батісти, супер-зірки, яку фани і преса звуть Пурпурна Діва, це пошук все нових відчуттів, це нескінченні наркотики і нестримний секс, це спроба перетворити своє тіло на уселенський центр задоволення, де вся насолода дістається тільки їй одній. Одного разу її життя змінюється: серед череди партнерів, що проноситься мимо, виникає один єдиний, якому хочеться сказати СТОП! І вона говорить… але він не зупиняється...
КіноБаза: 6.0 (2)  IMDb: 5.0 (2769)
Моя оцінка:
The Mysteries of Pittsburgh (2008) 20 січня 2008 5.0 imdb 5.4
Сюжет (англ.) Pittsburgh, coming of age in the 1980s. At the beginning of June, Art Beckstein calls this the last summer of his life - after which he'll work as a stock broker. Art's father is the city's mob boss, steering Art's life, judging his choices. At a party, Art sees Jane, smart, blond, lovely. They meet; she has a boyfriend. The next day, Cleveland, the boyfriend, pulls Art from work and the summer of adventures begins. Cleveland lives close to the edge; he's explosive, with hints of problems with local thugs. The triangle of friendship gets complicated when Cleveland disappears for a couple weeks. Can Art sort out his feelings as well as help Cleveland? Where does his father fit in this?

The Mysteries of Pittsburgh (2008)

The Mysteries of Pittsburgh

США, Бахрейн   1 год 35 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Pittsburgh, coming of age in the 1980s. At the beginning of June, Art Beckstein calls this the last summer of his life - after which he'll work as a stock broker. Art's father is the city's mob boss, steering Art's life, judging his choices. At a party, Art sees Jane, smart, blond, lovely. They meet; she has a boyfriend. The next day, Cleveland, the boyfriend, pulls Art from work and the summer of adventures begins. Cleveland lives close to the edge; he's explosive, with hints of problems with local thugs. The triangle of friendship gets complicated when Cleveland disappears for a couple weeks. Can Art sort out his feelings as well as help Cleveland? Where does his father fit in this?
КіноБаза: 5.0 (1)  IMDb: 5.4 (3490)
Моя оцінка:
Easy (2003) 10 вересня 2003 0.0 imdb 5.8
Сюжет (англ.) Jamie Harris is a young woman that works giving original names to different products. She has a promiscuous life, with affairs with "Mr. Wrongs", differently of her sister that has a steady relationship with her boyfriend. Jamie misses her mother, who committed suicide when she was a child, and her father blames himself for the death of his wife. When Jamie dates her former professor John, for whom she had a crush, she believes she found her prince charming. Meanwhile she meets Mick, the host of a TV show, and they become friends. When John ends his relationship with Jamie, she decides to be celibate for three months, and she becomes closer to Mick. After some wrong decisions, Jamie finally commits with her true love.

Easy (2003)


США   1 год 39 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Jamie Harris is a young woman that works giving original names to different products. She has a promiscuous life, with affairs with "Mr. Wrongs", differently of her sister that has a steady relationship with her boyfriend. Jamie misses her mother, who committed suicide when she was a child, and her father blames himself for the death of his wife. When Jamie dates her former professor John, for whom she had a crush, she believes she found her prince charming. Meanwhile she meets Mick, the host of a TV show, and they become friends. When John ends his relationship with Jamie, she decides to be celibate for three months, and she becomes closer to Mick. After some wrong decisions, Jamie finally commits with her true love.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 5.8 (1779)
Моя оцінка:
The Ring Finger (2005) 8 червня 2005 5.2 imdb 6.1
Сюжет (англ.) When she is slightly hurt in the factory where she works, Iris quits her job and finds a new one as an assistant in a laboratory of a very peculiar kind. Without fully grasping what is at play around her, she gradually engages in a disturbing love affair with her enigmatic employer.

The Ring Finger (2005)

The Ring Finger

Франція, Німеччина, Велика Британія   1 год 44 хв
Читати опис (англ.) When she is slightly hurt in the factory where she works, Iris quits her job and finds a new one as an assistant in a laboratory of a very peculiar kind. Without fully grasping what is at play around her, she gradually engages in a disturbing love affair with her enigmatic employer.
КіноБаза: 5.2 (4)  IMDb: 6.1 (1271)
Моя оцінка:
Дитячий будинок
Дитячий будинок (2003) 19 вересня 2003  ✓ укр. аудіо 0.0 imdb 6.4
Сюжет Плекаючи заповітну мрію, шість американок приїжджають в далеку латиноамериканську країну, щоб усиновити дітей з місцевого притулку. Чекаючи виконання всіх формальностей, вони живуть в екзотичному готелі, яким заправляє не менш дивовижна і непередбачувана сеньйора Муньос. Ці жінки так несхожі одна на одну, їх минуле захоплююче, а майбутнє непередбачуване, і тепер вони сподіваються знайти щастя і сенс життя. На жаль, майбутні матері не знають, що їм треба буде пройти безліч випробувань в цій чужій і незрозумілій для них країні. Що переможе - відчай або материнська любов?
Дитячий будинок Трейлер

Дитячий будинок (2003)

Casa de los Babys

США, Мексика   1 год 35 хв
Читати опис Плекаючи заповітну мрію, шість американок приїжджають в далеку латиноамериканську країну, щоб усиновити дітей з місцевого притулку. Чекаючи виконання всіх формальностей, вони живуть в екзотичному готелі, яким заправляє не менш дивовижна і непередбачувана сеньйора Муньос. Ці жінки так несхожі одна на одну, їх минуле захоплююче, а майбутнє непередбачуване, і тепер вони сподіваються знайти щастя і сенс життя. На жаль, майбутні матері не знають, що їм треба буде пройти безліч випробувань в цій чужій і незрозумілій для них країні. Що переможе - відчай або материнська любов?
Є українське аудіо
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.4 (2226)
Моя оцінка:
The Shaw Eleven Lang (2016) 9 лютого 2016 0.0 imdb 8.1
Сюжет (англ.) Can the best thief steal a woman's heart? Xiao Shi Yi Lang (Kevin Yan) is a happy-go-lucky thief who steals from the rich to give to the poor.

The Shaw Eleven Lang (2016)

The Shaw Eleven Lang

Серіал 1 сезон, 42 епізоди Завершений
Китай   45 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Can the best thief steal a woman's heart? Xiao Shi Yi Lang (Kevin Yan) is a happy-go-lucky thief who steals from the rich to give to the poor.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 8.1 (22)
Моя оцінка:
BBC Young Musician (1978—) 7 лютого 1978 0.0 imdb 0.0
Сюжет (англ.) A long running biennial competition to find the best young classical musician in the UK. Winners from five category finals (Keyboard, Strings, Woodwind, Brass, Percussion) go on to compete for the overall BBC Young Musician title.

BBC Young Musician (1978—)

BBC Young Musician

Серіал 23 сезони, 206 епізодів Реаліті-шоу Поновлений серіал
Велика Британія
Читати опис (англ.) A long running biennial competition to find the best young classical musician in the UK. Winners from five category finals (Keyboard, Strings, Woodwind, Brass, Percussion) go on to compete for the overall BBC Young Musician title.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 0.0 (0)
Моя оцінка:
My Brother's Wife (2005) 4 листопада 2005 0.0 imdb 6.0
Сюжет (англ.) After almost 10 years of marriage, attractive Zoe discovers that her marriage lacks passion and surprise, and is seduced by the possibility of finding those sensations already forgotten in her husband's brother. From this premise a series of events lead these three characters to a dangerous game of revenges, secrets and passions. Two brothers and one woman: the triangle is outlined in a disquieting way. It is a bomb that triggers family secrets, the contained rage of desire and the unmanageable power of love. An exciting story that subjugates the viewer from beginning to end.

My Brother's Wife (2005)

My Brother's Wife

Аргентина, Мексика, Перу, США   1 год 29 хв
Читати опис (англ.) After almost 10 years of marriage, attractive Zoe discovers that her marriage lacks passion and surprise, and is seduced by the possibility of finding those sensations already forgotten in her husband's brother. From this premise a series of events lead these three characters to a dangerous game of revenges, secrets and passions. Two brothers and one woman: the triangle is outlined in a disquieting way. It is a bomb that triggers family secrets, the contained rage of desire and the unmanageable power of love. An exciting story that subjugates the viewer from beginning to end.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.0 (3528)
Моя оцінка:
Злочин падре Амаро
Злочин падре Амаро (2002) 1 жовтня 2002  ✓ укр. аудіо 0.0 imdb 6.7
Сюжет Тільки-но висвячений 24-річний священик падре Амаро отримує місце помічника настоятеля церкви в маленькому мексиканському приході Лос Рейес. Щирий релігійний захват стикається з реаліями життя та його спокусами. В пастора-красеня закохується 16-літня прихожанка Амелія, перед принадливістю якої не може встоїти жоден чоловік. Між Амелією та Амаро спалахує пристрасний роман. Але навіть таке порушення обітниць дрібниця в порівнянні з тим, що приховують в своїх серцях інші священики єпархії...
Злочин падре Амаро Трейлер

Злочин падре Амаро (2002)

The Crime of Padre Amaro

Мексика, Іспанія, Аргентина, Франція   1 год 58 хв
Читати опис Тільки-но висвячений 24-річний священик падре Амаро отримує місце помічника настоятеля церкви в маленькому мексиканському приході Лос Рейес. Щирий релігійний захват стикається з реаліями життя та його спокусами. В пастора-красеня закохується 16-літня прихожанка Амелія, перед принадливістю якої не може встоїти жоден чоловік. Між Амелією та Амаро спалахує пристрасний роман. Але навіть таке порушення обітниць дрібниця в порівнянні з тим, що приховують в своїх серцях інші священики єпархії...
Є українське аудіо
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.7 (14464)
Моя оцінка:
Love Hurts (2002) 8 листопада 2002 0.0 imdb 6.6
Сюжет (англ.) Renata is a young high-class girl and Ulises is a poor guy. They both fall in love, but they must fight against everyone, specially Renata's rich parents, who want to stop their love by sending her to Canada. The story remarks the difference between social classes in Mexico City, and their characters risk everything just to save their love.

Love Hurts (2002)

Love Hurts

Мексика   1 год 44 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Renata is a young high-class girl and Ulises is a poor guy. They both fall in love, but they must fight against everyone, specially Renata's rich parents, who want to stop their love by sending her to Canada. The story remarks the difference between social classes in Mexico City, and their characters risk everything just to save their love.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.6 (3681)
Моя оцінка:
Школа зачарування
Школа зачарування (2007) 9 березня 2007 7.0 imdb 5.3
Сюжет Амбітні плани батька зайняти місце мера Мехіко під загрозою. Його улюблена 18-річна дочка Адела славиться далеко не спортивними досягненнями або добродійними акціями. Юна норовистість гордиться своїми численними тату, пірсингом і… арештом за негідну поведінку. Зв'язаний по руках і ногах витівками дочки, татусь вирішує знайти витончений вихід з положення, що створилося.
Школа зачарування Трейлер

Школа зачарування (2007)

Charm School

Мексика   1 год 40 хв
Читати опис Амбітні плани батька зайняти місце мера Мехіко під загрозою. Його улюблена 18-річна дочка Адела славиться далеко не спортивними досягненнями або добродійними акціями. Юна норовистість гордиться своїми численними тату, пірсингом і… арештом за негідну поведінку. Зв'язаний по руках і ногах витівками дочки, татусь вирішує знайти витончений вихід з положення, що створилося.
КіноБаза: 7.0 (4)  IMDb: 5.3 (2262)
Моя оцінка:
Killing Cabos (2004) 16 липня 2004 0.0 imdb 7.4
Сюжет (англ.) In Mexico City, the powerful and violent magnate of steel Oscar Cabos catches his daughter Paulina having sex with her boyfriend and his employee Javier "Jaque" and he works Jaque over. On the next day, Jaque pays a visit to Cabos in his office and the angry man comes with a golf club to hit Jaque again. However, Cabos accidentally trips on a golf ball, falls on the floor and faints. Jaque calls his best friend Mudo to help him, but the janitor Nacho finds his boss fainted on the floor and he steals and dresses himself with Cabos' clothes and jewels. Meanwhile, Nacho's son Botcha and his friend Nico have planned to kidnap Cabos and they are waiting for him in the parking garage. When he walks in the parking garage, the two kidnappers hit him on the back of the head, believing that he is Cabos, they cover his head with a bag. They head with the abducted man to the house of Botcha's girlfriend Lula. Meanwhile, Jaque and Mudo calls their wrestler friend Ruben "Mascarita" and his midget partner Tony 'El Canibal' to help them to get rid of Cabos in his birthday party. But both plans do not work well along the night.

Killing Cabos (2004)

Killing Cabos

Мексика   1 год 34 хв
Читати опис (англ.) In Mexico City, the powerful and violent magnate of steel Oscar Cabos catches his daughter Paulina having sex with her boyfriend and his employee Javier "Jaque" and he works Jaque over. On the next day, Jaque pays a visit to Cabos in his office and the angry man comes with a golf club to hit Jaque again. However, Cabos accidentally trips on a golf ball, falls on the floor and faints. Jaque calls his best friend Mudo to help him, but the janitor Nacho finds his boss fainted on the floor and he steals and dresses himself with Cabos' clothes and jewels. Meanwhile, Nacho's son Botcha and his friend Nico have planned to kidnap Cabos and they are waiting for him in the parking garage. When he walks in the parking garage, the two kidnappers hit him on the back of the head, believing that he is Cabos, they cover his head with a bag. They head with the abducted man to the house of Botcha's girlfriend Lula. Meanwhile, Jaque and Mudo calls their wrestler friend Ruben "Mascarita" and his midget partner Tony 'El Canibal' to help them to get rid of Cabos in his birthday party. But both plans do not work well along the night.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 7.4 (5793)
Моя оцінка:
Sex, Shame & Tears (1999) 18 червня 1999 0.0 imdb 6.5
Сюжет (англ.) This comedic drama features two young couples, and another couple of old friends who reenter the two couples lives. The story takes place mostly in two apartments across the street from ...

Sex, Shame & Tears (1999)

Sex, Shame & Tears

Мексика   1 год 49 хв
Читати опис (англ.) This comedic drama features two young couples, and another couple of old friends who reenter the two couples lives. The story takes place mostly in two apartments across the street from ...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.5 (3123)
Моя оцінка:
Кохання в часи істерії
Кохання в часи істерії (1991) 9 вересня 1991 4.0 imdb 6.8
Сюжет (англ.) Yuppie and womanizer Tomas is caught in a trap when falsely diagnosed with A.I.D.S. by Silvia, a nurse who finds herself cheated by the young Casanova. Looking for a quick death (putting his head into a microwave oven) Tomas falls in love with Clarisa, a beautiful stewardess who is also suicidal because her boyfriend is having a love affair with a blonde stewardess from Continental Airlines.
Кохання в часи істерії Трейлер

Кохання в часи істерії (1991)

Only with Your Partner

Мексика   1 год 34 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Yuppie and womanizer Tomas is caught in a trap when falsely diagnosed with A.I.D.S. by Silvia, a nurse who finds herself cheated by the young Casanova. Looking for a quick death (putting his head into a microwave oven) Tomas falls in love with Clarisa, a beautiful stewardess who is also suicidal because her boyfriend is having a love affair with a blonde stewardess from Continental Airlines.
КіноБаза: 4.0 (2)  IMDb: 6.8 (4059)
Моя оцінка:
Ladies' Night (2003) 10 грудня 2003 0.0 imdb 5.5
Сюжет (англ.) Romantic Comedy about two girls who find love in the most unexpected places in modern-day Mexico City.

Ladies' Night (2003)

Ladies' Night

Мексика   1 год 29 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Romantic Comedy about two girls who find love in the most unexpected places in modern-day Mexico City.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 5.5 (662)
Моя оцінка:
Рудо і Курсі
Рудо і Курсі (2008) 19 грудня 2008  ✓ укр. аудіо 8.3 imdb 6.7
Сюжет Історія про двох братів-футболістах, Тото й Бето, що суперничають один з одним у світі професійного спорту.
Рудо і Курсі Трейлер

Рудо і Курсі (2008)

Rudo & Cursi

Мексика, США   1 год 46 хв
Читати опис Історія про двох братів-футболістах, Тото й Бето, що суперничають один з одним у світі професійного спорту.
Є українське аудіо
КіноБаза: 8.3 (3)  IMDb: 6.7 (9345)
Моя оцінка:
Зриваючи зірки
Зриваючи зірки (1996) 4 вересня 1996 0.0 imdb 6.5
Сюжет Мілдред прожила все життя, піклуючись про інших. Коли її донька залишає будинок, Мілдред виявляє, що вперше в житті їй ні про кого хвилюватися. Але незабаром вона знайомиться з молодою жінкою Монікою. По мірі розвитку знайомства, Мілдред усвідомлює, що життя - це не тільки турбота про інших...
Зриваючи зірки Трейлер

Зриваючи зірки (1996)

Unhook the Stars

Франція, США   1 год 43 хв
Читати опис Мілдред прожила все життя, піклуючись про інших. Коли її донька залишає будинок, Мілдред виявляє, що вперше в житті їй ні про кого хвилюватися. Але незабаром вона знайомиться з молодою жінкою Монікою. По мірі розвитку знайомства, Мілдред усвідомлює, що життя - це не тільки турбота про інших...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.5 (2360)
Моя оцінка:
The Holy Girl (2004) 6 травня 2004 0.0 imdb 6.7
Сюжет (англ.) ENT physicians gather at a provincial hotel in Salta. The hotel owner, Helena, is subdued, brittle, avoiding the calls of her ex-husband's pregnant wife. Family dysfunction seems everywhere. Helena's daughter, Amalia, about 14, discusses vocations in a Catholic girls group. Their teen imaginations conflate the erotic, the religious, and the lurid. Amalia notices Dr. Jano, and he notices her. She decides to make him her vocation, she follows him, he rubs against her in a public crowd, he's appalled at his actions. Meanwhile, Helena believes Jano is attracted to her even though he's married. Longing, guilt, scandal, and teen sensuality are set to collide.

The Holy Girl (2004)

The Holy Girl

Аргентина, Італія, Нідерланди, Іспанія   1 год 46 хв
Читати опис (англ.) ENT physicians gather at a provincial hotel in Salta. The hotel owner, Helena, is subdued, brittle, avoiding the calls of her ex-husband's pregnant wife. Family dysfunction seems everywhere. Helena's daughter, Amalia, about 14, discusses vocations in a Catholic girls group. Their teen imaginations conflate the erotic, the religious, and the lurid. Amalia notices Dr. Jano, and he notices her. She decides to make him her vocation, she follows him, he rubs against her in a public crowd, he's appalled at his actions. Meanwhile, Helena believes Jano is attracted to her even though he's married. Longing, guilt, scandal, and teen sensuality are set to collide.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.7 (4345)
Моя оцінка:
Ugly Me (2006) 6 жовтня 2006 0.0 imdb 6.0
Сюжет (англ.) A beautiful woman (Mori) decides to transform into an ugly duckling in an attempt to ward off men and avoid more romantic disappointments.

Ugly Me (2006)

Ugly Me

Чилі   1 год 58 хв
Читати опис (англ.) A beautiful woman (Mori) decides to transform into an ugly duckling in an attempt to ward off men and avoid more romantic disappointments.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.0 (569)
Моя оцінка:
Glue Sniffer (1999) 15 вересня 1999 0.0 imdb 6.3
Сюжет (англ.) Oliver, an 11-year-old boy thrown out of his home by his abusive stepfather, joins a gang of street children and is exposed to narcotics, violence and sexual predators, and the world of crime seems to be the only road available.

Glue Sniffer (1999)

Glue Sniffer

Венесуела, Іспанія   1 год 45 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Oliver, an 11-year-old boy thrown out of his home by his abusive stepfather, joins a gang of street children and is exposed to narcotics, violence and sexual predators, and the world of crime seems to be the only road available.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.3 (274)
Моя оцінка:
Hasta el viento tiene miedo (2007) 13 серпня 2007 0.0 imdb 4.4
Сюжет (англ.) Claudia is a troubled teen confined in a very particular support center ruled with roughness by renowned psychiatrist Bernarda Alquicira. Coexisting with girls who have experienced similar trances, Claudia confronts horrible visions of Andrea, a beautiful intern who committed suicide a year ago. Another strange patient -Josefina- and doctor Lucia Franyutti -the right arm of Bernarda- seem to know the key to the bizarre return of Andrea, but even they are disturbed by the supernatural events that take place when the wind starts to blow.

Hasta el viento tiene miedo (2007)

Hasta el viento tiene miedo

Мексика   1 год 30 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Claudia is a troubled teen confined in a very particular support center ruled with roughness by renowned psychiatrist Bernarda Alquicira. Coexisting with girls who have experienced similar trances, Claudia confronts horrible visions of Andrea, a beautiful intern who committed suicide a year ago. Another strange patient -Josefina- and doctor Lucia Franyutti -the right arm of Bernarda- seem to know the key to the bizarre return of Andrea, but even they are disturbed by the supernatural events that take place when the wind starts to blow.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 4.4 (734)
Моя оцінка:
Road to Fame (2008) 21 серпня 2008 0.0 imdb 6.1
Сюжет (англ.) Four ambitious and beautiful young women. From four very different corners of Mexico. Just like hundreds of others, they are caught up in the frenzy that sweeps the nation when Alejandro ...

Road to Fame (2008)

Road to Fame

Мексика   1 год 47 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Four ambitious and beautiful young women. From four very different corners of Mexico. Just like hundreds of others, they are caught up in the frenzy that sweeps the nation when Alejandro ...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.1 (782)
Моя оцінка:
Beyond the Sky (2006) 12 січня 2007 0.0 imdb 5.7
Сюжет (англ.) Malboro and Cucu, the starring characters, are two brothers who split after the older one, Malboro, went to prison five years. One day he is set free, willing to return to his life. Cucu is the younger brother, who has become a boxer with possible success, if only the beater he keeps somewhere inside, didn't arise in the worst moments. The relationship between the two brothers is somehow ambiguous, there's something unclear that caused Malboro's arrest. To complete the triangle is Uncle Jesus who has been like a father to them; a retired boxer who's always thinking about his past. Sara is Malboro's great love, a woman full of shame and resented after almost leaving her whole life behind to follow Malboro, but he failed in their attempt to run away because that same night, he got arrested by Rojas. Rojas is Sara's husband, a police officer who hates Malboro and will do anything to get him out of his way. The morning in which the story begins Malboro and Cucú visit their mother and make a promise to her. From this point, everything they'll do is is related to that promise. During this, they will run into several people, whose stories crash one into another, some of them lucky, others almost lethal. All the facts are leading to an end in where each character will recover their spot in the urban cosmos, once the sun rises once again.

Beyond the Sky (2006)

Beyond the Sky

Мексика   1 год 52 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Malboro and Cucu, the starring characters, are two brothers who split after the older one, Malboro, went to prison five years. One day he is set free, willing to return to his life. Cucu is the younger brother, who has become a boxer with possible success, if only the beater he keeps somewhere inside, didn't arise in the worst moments. The relationship between the two brothers is somehow ambiguous, there's something unclear that caused Malboro's arrest. To complete the triangle is Uncle Jesus who has been like a father to them; a retired boxer who's always thinking about his past. Sara is Malboro's great love, a woman full of shame and resented after almost leaving her whole life behind to follow Malboro, but he failed in their attempt to run away because that same night, he got arrested by Rojas. Rojas is Sara's husband, a police officer who hates Malboro and will do anything to get him out of his way. The morning in which the story begins Malboro and Cucú visit their mother and make a promise to her. From this point, everything they'll do is is related to that promise. During this, they will run into several people, whose stories crash one into another, some of them lucky, others almost lethal. All the facts are leading to an end in where each character will recover their spot in the urban cosmos, once the sun rises once again.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 5.7 (604)
Моя оцінка:
Busco novio para mi mujer (2016) 19 лютого 2016 0.0 imdb 5.7
Сюжет (англ.) Paco, so fed up with his nagging and nitpicking wife, comes up with an ingenious plan to end the unhappy union: Find her a boyfriend by hiring a professional seducer nicknamed "El Taiger" to whisk her off her feet and out of the marriage.

Busco novio para mi mujer (2016)

Busco novio para mi mujer

Мексика   1 год 32 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Paco, so fed up with his nagging and nitpicking wife, comes up with an ingenious plan to end the unhappy union: Find her a boyfriend by hiring a professional seducer nicknamed "El Taiger" to whisk her off her feet and out of the marriage.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 5.7 (521)
Моя оцінка:
Zoe.Misplaced (2014) 19 жовтня 2014 0.0 imdb 5.2
Сюжет (англ.) Zoe's regimented life is thrown into upheaval when she unexpectedly falls in love. In doing so, she is faced with making a series of choices whose outcomes not only impact on her ...

Zoe.Misplaced (2014)


Австралія   1 год 53 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Zoe's regimented life is thrown into upheaval when she unexpectedly falls in love. In doing so, she is faced with making a series of choices whose outcomes not only impact on her ...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 5.2 (121)
Моя оцінка:
Lipstikka (2011) 12 лютого 2011 0.0 imdb 6.1
Сюжет (англ.) Two women reunite in London, where they go over the details of a life-changing event which occurred when they were teenagers in Jerusalem.

Lipstikka (2011)


Ізраїль, Велика Британія   1 год 30 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Two women reunite in London, where they go over the details of a life-changing event which occurred when they were teenagers in Jerusalem.
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.1 (253)
Моя оцінка:
Late Bloomers (1996) 1 березня 1996 5.0 imdb 6.0
Сюжет (англ.) High School basketball coach, Dinah Groshardt, falls for the school secretary, Carly Lumpkin, and upsets the entire school in the process.

Late Bloomers (1996)

Late Bloomers

США   1 год 47 хв
Читати опис (англ.) High School basketball coach, Dinah Groshardt, falls for the school secretary, Carly Lumpkin, and upsets the entire school in the process.
КіноБаза: 5.0 (1)  IMDb: 6.0 (566)
Моя оцінка:
Finn's Girl (2007) 4 червня 2007 5.0 imdb 5.2
Сюжет (англ.) Dr. Finn Jeffries plays a new stepmother to her deceased lover's daughter Zelly. She also took over her lover's abortion clinic that is being protested by increasingly violent "pro-lifer's"...

Finn's Girl (2007)

Finn's Girl

Канада   1 год 28 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Dr. Finn Jeffries plays a new stepmother to her deceased lover's daughter Zelly. She also took over her lover's abortion clinic that is being protested by increasingly violent "pro-lifer's"...
КіноБаза: 5.0 (1)  IMDb: 5.2 (278)
Моя оцінка:
November Moon (1985) 28 листопада 1985 10.0 imdb 5.7
Сюжет (англ.) Two women fall in love in nazi-occupied France, and must fight to survive the war. A task made more difficult as one is a jew on the run from Germany.

November Moon (1985)

November Moon

Західна Німеччина, Франція   1 год 48 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Two women fall in love in nazi-occupied France, and must fight to survive the war. A task made more difficult as one is a jew on the run from Germany.
КіноБаза: 10.0 (1)  IMDb: 5.7 (218)
Моя оцінка:
Soongava (2012) 1 січня 2012 0.0 imdb 6.6
Сюжет (англ.) Independent and strong-willed Diya, now 22 years of age, is training to be a traditional Nepalese dancer. She forms a deep escalating friendship with another dance pupil, Kiran. Her ...

Soongava (2012)


Франція, Непал   1 год 25 хв
Читати опис (англ.) Independent and strong-willed Diya, now 22 years of age, is training to be a traditional Nepalese dancer. She forms a deep escalating friendship with another dance pupil, Kiran. Her ...
КіноБаза: 0.0 (0)  IMDb: 6.6 (128)
Моя оцінка:


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